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Everything posted by Kushtaka

  1. I for one do not rely on Grav Round (GR) for my only source of DPS, but as Gunnery, it's pretty much a staple of the build. In PvP, which is my main source of pleasure in this game thus far, any Commando that sits around and just spams GR is either not being focused or just doesnt know better. Grav Round and Tracer Missile were not game breaking, and I would not even care about these obviously terribly implemented nerfs if I did not see other nerfs to our our survivability, i.e., -Healing weakened...I'll allow the other thread to handle this one. -Concussion Charge cooldown increased by 5 seconds by way of nerf to Tenacious Defense (stupid idea, guess the devs at Bioware while facerolling their Marauders couldn't get their e-z mode kill on a Commando one day so they just had to nerf one of our few forms of (not CC) but ways to escape. -Charged Barrier now provides 1% damage reduction per stack, down from 2%...yes, because Commandos just live forever. So, you nerf the speed at which we can apply this buff, then you nerf the buff, really awesome. These are obvious nerfs to our survivability but our survivability is also affected when you lower our damage output. And this is not about "oh all you want to do is spam GR/TM" because that is not the issue. If that was the issue, then I'd wager Sorcerers would have to be tarred and feathered for all the ridiculously childish lightning spam. Oh but hey, they got the sound fixed on that, but no nerf...but i digress. Now, this cannot be about damage, because I see Sorcs/Sages and Sentinels/Marauders out damage Commandos all the time in WZ's. All the time. I'm talking about over 500k damage, that's alot of damage. Yet, Marauders were buffed? They have a ton of survivability and do great damage, now more buffs and we get the shaft. Now some of you "optimists" might say "hey gloomy Gus, you got a 10% buff to Demo Round!!!!" And I'd say "is it still on a 15 second cooldown????" And, yay, Curtain of Fire might proc more, but, um, don't I have to stand still to use Full Auto....? So now, rather than having us think were "more dynamic" cuz were screwed out of the GR we now know, they're feeding us yet another "turret" option. Oh, and I love this little nugget: Mortar Volley fixed, yay!!!! We're supposed to be happy about that and forget the nerfs to survivability and main attack damage. What many of us wanted was some form of CC, an interrupt, fixed animations, etc. And we get this...oh, and I'm sure I am being a bit emotional here, I have played a few other characters in the game and settled on Commando, got to rank 63 and now I feel as though I'm going to be forced into quitting this game or playing a Sentinel/Marauder. If I have have misinterpreted these patchnotes, please feel free to tell me, it is late and I'm tired. TLDR: this is BS.
  2. So, you weaken Commando healing, weaken Gunnery but you buff one of the most overpowered classes in the game (Marauder and I'm sure Sentinel) along with I'm sure other classes. You did nothing to improve our PvP survivability, you just made it worse. Standing ovation, thank you for not listening at all.
  3. People always say "this game isn't about 1v1" when trying to justify why their class needs no nerfing, or to rationalize to others why other classes do not need a buff. It was said in WoW and Warhammer and every other MMO, and now here...again...yay. Fact is, if you cannot survive most the time 1v1 against melee or anything else that can shut you down (pretty much most the classes can do it), then you're a blight to your team, a cancer so to speak. More resources are going to be sunk into keeping you alive, for what? Damage that can be imitated by any other class, thats what. I have seen some foolish notions here lately, mainly when on the topic of Grav Round/TM. Anyone who feels that these abilities need nerfing, please, produce some empirical evidence that these abilities are imbalancing the game. Commandos can exist in PvP with support or if left alone, that's about it. Melee classes have every advantage over a Commando, notice I did not say "ranged or casters", thats because Commandos have good damage but very little cc/defensive abilities. I can live so much longer on my Sage its not even funny and TBH, do alot more damage while fighting people off me. If anyone feels that Commando/Merc is that OP just because they saw some big numbers, well, I see Sentinels and Assassins putting up 400k damage at the end of WZ's regularly...I see Vanguards and Sage/Sorc pull over 500k...and Vanguards can beat nearly anything 1v1. Hmm...logic flawed. TLDR: Commando/Merc are run of the mill when it comes to damage, and sub par when it comes to utility. Roll Vanguard if you like the Trooper look but don't want to feel as if you wasted your time leveling a glass cannon with no cc.
  4. Wow, the Mightwomb got worked by standing in 1 place for too long in pvp cuz he doesnt get it, now he's on a crusade to nerf a class that he thinks he should have evert advantage over. Stop crying.
  5. Yes, because using a skill that is optimal and is the mainstay of a spec is "unskilled"...that was for all the lobotomy patients that feel Commandos and Mercs should not use Grav/Tracer because it's "unskilled"...ok, lets put all all skills, even melee skills on a 15 second cooldown and make all skills have a cast timer of about 2 seconds, yes, all melee skills as well, and for the poor, under-serviced melee, lets make your skill have have a 1 meter requirement, since only unskilled melee need 4 meters or w/e you have. See how foolish that sounded? Thats how dumb people sound that just think Commandos and Mercs have SO MUCH MORE AWESOME STUFF THAT THEY JUST USE GRAV/TRACER CUZ THEYRE BAD, I MEAN, HAMMER SHOT IS SO POWERFUL. The only way Grav/Tracer could even be remotely considered OP is if it was instant cast or could be cast while moving, etc. Until you feel the sting of being interrupted while casting your main attack again and again, you have no clue. Either way, Vanguards/Powertechs DPS being too high has already been addressed, I see those 2 being nerfed long before Mercs/Commandos and they are BH/Troopers afterall.
  6. Ya, I honestly see this game going the way Warhammer did, where they implement forced server moves when the game starts dying. The smaller populated servers really hamper WZ and open PvP, BW should have known this. Also. cross server BG's were implemented in WoW for a reason: they work.
  7. A 15 minute deserter debuff similar to WoW is sufficient IMO, banning someone from WZ's for 24 hrs will result in cancellations. Part of me wants no penalty for leaving, unless they add a penalty for the bad players that are usually responsible for making me leave in the first place. Why should people stay in a WZ and endure dealing with ******* that refuse to play the game the right way? Yeah, I should be punished for the morons that run around and chase people "for that important kill" rather than helping defend doors or nodes or pass the damn huttball.
  8. First you say you can take any Commando out with ease 1v1 with your Vanguard, then you make the bold, self important statement that Commando's are easier to play (obviously since you play a Vanguard, a class that only skilled players such as you dare play). Very interesting, we are truly blessed by your presence. Okay, for the record, no one class is "harder" to play than an other, that would imply more strenous activity on the part of the gamer...we hashed this out for years in WoW and honestly, all of these classes are easy to play. Get over yourself. I play a Vanguard, Mercenary and Commando regularly and the Vanguard has higher survivability than the other 2, everyone knows that. So by that rational, we could say the Vanguard is simpler to play, everyone knows the classes with higher survivability are the "easy" ones right?
  9. To be honest, if players were no longer able to see enemy reticles on the ground, this would be a non-issue for me. So it would would take an extra second to fire off, but if enemies couldn't see it coming it probably wouldnt even matter. I know SWTOR isnt "that other game" but I don't remember ever seeing enemy reticles under me when I got hit with AoE. Either way, Hail of Bolts fires off pretty fast, why not just make the animation the same for both abilities?
  10. I just want to be able to bind my Caps Lock button FFS.
  11. Ehh...SS/TM was "okay" but I prefer objective based PvP to just running back and forth...like 8 hour Alterac Valleys...oh wait...
  12. Sorry, I play both classes, and the BH>Trooper as far as an apples to apples comparison goes, especially when juxtaposing mirrored abilities and how they actually perform. The videos are out there, so it's not like people are just making this up, but DfA, while not "instant" is still fast enough to be alot more effective that Mortar Volley. I rarely waste most or an entire DfA, yet I end up hitting dead air many many times with Mortar Volley. I understand you're defending your class, but the imbalances just in these 2 classes are glaring.
  13. I have just recently began both my Commando and Mercenary, and I can easily say that the Mercenary seems better overall. My Commando is only level 31 and my Merc is 14, yet the differences seem undeniable. As a lvl 11-12 Merc, I was able to clear 200-250k damage in warzones with ease... As I switched back and forth between my Trooper and BH, I had to admit that one of the glaring factors was AoE ON DEMAND with my BH; enemy players just could not run out fast enough when I activated DFA like they can with Mortar Volley. Granted, I already knew how to play the BH due to having already played my Trooper, but having instant ranged AoE was able to literally turn the tide of a fight, not due to any differences in the way the damage is coded, but in the way a BH can apply it so quickly/effectively. Now I am obviously not an uber pro yet with either class, but I feel I have an "unjaded eye" so to speak as I do not have really alot more time vested in either class at this point, but this needs to be fixed. Trust me, I played Warhammer, and right now I see so many parallels between these 2 games in the way of parity among the so called mirror classes its not even funny. Bright Wizard vs Sorc anyone? (Burn baby burn?!) TLDR: Bioware needs to fix this ASAP, if only to show their customers (us) that they care about this game and they are listening. If not, all these little things will add up to big losses, especially with GW2, D3 and Panda time inbound.
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