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Everything posted by Ghaiana

  1. To me this seems not high priority, since there are enough possibilities out there to have voice chat ingame.
  2. They call that cash cow in economic terms. They'll just cash as much is possible and then replace it with a new product.
  3. I haven't seen any reason yet to compensate players. The servers were not down except for planned maintenance.
  4. If so many people try to troll here and "hate" this game, SWTOR must have done something right...
  5. I perfectly understand peole who have put years and years in their characters in WoW. I know quite a few of them and they never consider another MMO (not even the big releases). That is their playstyle, they grew very attached to their characters. I will always try new games, because eventually how awesome a game is, I just like something new. I have had accounts in WoW from release until today, but I played it on and off and the last years the accounts were only open for my children. Not because WoW is a bad game, but just because it couldn't surprise me anymore. At this point SWTOR is still new and refreshing, but I'm quite certain if you ask me in a few years, I will have moved on. It all has to do what you expect out of a game.
  6. Sorry, but I forced it into my driver, but it didn't give the result I wanted yet. Besides I'm really not playing on an old rig or pc illiterate as you state. If you read my post well, I rather have they fix those issues over time instead of rushing them now in the game at the sake of of performance. Besides you can't expect that in an online game everyone has a high end pc's, the game should run well at the mininum specs they advertized.
  7. There are some things that are indeed not what they should be, some shadows are ugly, some textures as well, there's no antialiasing, but overall I gladly accept that as long as the performance of the game is ok for now. I'm sure they will fix that in the months coming.
  8. Does anyone even remember that WoW had no quest tracker at release? Now that was sometimes really a pain. That is some addition to the game that really made the game more playable, as for dungeon finders, look here...people are still divided.
  9. That people can't appreciate what they get. It always has to be instant satisfaction or nothing. There are plenty shades of grey between all and nothing.
  10. For me any MMORPG starts at level 1, I never understood why people even bother playing a MMO if they don't want to level. If that was what people really wanted gamemakers should just take out the leveling part. But they don't, because they also know lots of people just enjoy leveling and exploring. Only a very small group of MMO players these days indeed raids on regular basis. I think those people are actually afraid that raiding will become less and less important for gamemakers. Raids cost a lot of effort to design and why bother when less than 10% of the players actually gets to see that "famous" endgame. And in my opinion raiding is just übergrinding. Most games including WoW make you do the same raid ten times or more to gather a few pieces of gear, which are worthless once an expansion with new levels is released. I heard that SWTOR wants to increase the amount of planets and add a lot of content that way. I really hope that will be the plan eventually and not some dungeons where people have to go in forever to show how able they are.
  11. OP, It's your reality, not mine Anyway about the size of the planets I wonder if you have even seen all of Taris for example. I could't run over that planet in 4 minutes.
  12. There was once an episode of south park about WoW..which was magnificent.
  13. Hmmm..I remember I needed a GM to get out of the starters zone of Rift, because the last quest was bugged and later on I needed GM's quite a few times more for bugged quests. Not a big deal, but I didn't need a GM here to help me out an impossible situation. So bugs and bugs..I only care when bugs are gamebreaking like huge memory leaks for example. I haven't encountered those in both games yet.
  14. We will see if and when GW2 is released how it is, it's not on the market, so no game company has to compete with it now.
  15. When I started playing MMO's, I loved the fact that I could meet people from anywhere. I still do, but that does not always mean I want to play with them. For me a guild with some chit chat is enough. I don't want obligations in MMO's, I want to be able to play alone when my friends or family are not around and if they are around, I'd like to be able to play with my family. It's partly because of the horrible experience I've had with pugs over the years, partly because if I have to go afk for children or other business. My husband understands, but I don't even expect that someone who does not know me for real should understand. Besides my husband and I are the best team, we have so much experience playing together, that need less than half a word to understand each other. For us a game like SWTOR is just fine. I am really liking the amount of 2+ heroics, which give us enough challenge. Sure bugs should be solved, but give it time. Even most single player games have plenty of bugs on release. Content will surely be added, I don't worry too much after one week. If it's about too little content at level 50 right now, if you really want to enjoy this game, you should take it easy, watch the cutscenes, get involved with your story. That is what Bioware games are about.
  16. I hope you at least made bug reports while rushing to 50, that'll make a big difference for the majority of the players who will only reach your level after the bugs are fixed. We'll be very thankful for your effort
  17. It's massive, massive does not say anything about people having to play together, it merely says something about how many people are online. So yes I agree with the people who say that Bioware finally have put the RPG in MMO (not alone though, I think LoTRO and some other MMO's also have quite a bit of lore and story). For me it is a pre that Bioware developed this game, because I loved the storytelling in most Bioware games and I'm not dissapointed here.
  18. I just wanted to thank Bioware that they added so much content for 2 person groups in this game. I always play with my husband, often the single players quests are a bit too easy in games, and the 4/5 person quests way to difficult. Here they offer plenty of challenge for 2 person groups, finally! Als I love the fact that 4 person content is ok to do after you outlevel it a few levels (and not 20 levels as in other MMO's).
  19. I honestly think some people gladly pay gametime to troll, it's maybe a kind of entertainment.
  20. In some MMO's like EvE multiboxing is very common practice, so it's nothing noobish. It's just another way to play. I'm here too involved in the story to multibox, but I don't dissaprove of multiboxing.
  21. People pretty much have forgotten or do not realize that WoW has improved a lot during their 6 or 7 years of existence. Not only content wise but also the graphics were improved, the hardware upgraded and also the customers have much better computers now, than they had then. I'm pretty sure you would be amazed with games nowadays if you could play WoW the day it was released with the graphics back then, on the machines back then. Saying that their has been no improvement in MMO's is just a form of nostalgia...you know..everything was better when I was young. I think SWTOR pretty much lives up to the standards we may expect in 2011, like WoW did in 2005.
  22. If WoW Vanillia was released this week, no one would play it.
  23. As I see it, I'm glad they didn't introduce damage meters, lfg tools etc at launch. If you read the forums, there is no agreement between the players even if they need it or even want it. So a discussion is in its place before implementing those features.
  24. You get endless entertainment for 60 dollars (+ 12 p/month), seems like a good deal to me. I pay 10 euro for a movie and after two hours it's over. Or rather my real question is, what did you expect for 60 dollars? Of course it's a waste if you don't like the game, but why would you even buy it? If you say, I didn't know what the content would be, there was any opportunity to join the open beta.
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