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Everything posted by Ghaiana

  1. I don't understand, you can switch instances when you group and why would you want to see all those people you are not grouped with. So they can steal your nodes or make you wait to kill that one mob? On my server I see enough people running around. Mostly there are in between 100/170 people in my instance. That's enough for me.
  2. The real problem on this forum is that I haven't seen a real problem yet. A lot of noise about the UI, LFG tools, queues, waiting times for early access, duals spec, nothing to do at 50 but nothing really game breaking. Which is good btw.
  3. With over 1 mil subscribers you can hardly call it not massive, even if you want all the people in 1 square meter.
  4. It's quite massive if I see the amount of servers. Massive says nothing about how many players are involved with each other, just something about the amount of players in a game.
  5. I played this afternoon and the servers were full. Now tell me this game is not a big succes. I'm loving it. And to all the haters: Go back or bring your friends here, they will love it also.
  6. People have souls, games haven't.
  7. I didn't miss it yet, but I never miss it. I just play with a group of friends, so I won't enter your lfd/lfg anyway.
  8. I'm glad that it fits in the MMORPG genre. If it feels old, there are plenty other games on the market that are different.
  9. Who cares? I left WoW a long time ago, gave the account to my children and moved on. But then again I can't imagine that I would only play swtor for the next 5 years or so. I'm way too curious to see new games, have new experiences.
  10. I'm fine with the UI, the lack of mods, macro's and add-ons.I never cared about them in any MMO. As long as the bugs are not game-breaking, the ui is not too complicated, I prefer more content than all sorts of features that I won't use anyway.
  11. This is the first MMO, where I don't constantly look how much I've to go till the next level. I follow the story, do the sidequests and leveling is just a side effect. Maybe it could be slower, but if I outlevel it too much I will skip some planets and do them on an alt. I've never seen a MMO where people don't complain about leveling too slow or too fast. Some just want to be 50 in 2 days, others want to enjoy one character for 3 years, and some want to make alt after alt. It's just a matter of taste. I think it's fairly balanced in this game.
  12. The people I like to group with in MMO's are sociable people, with whom you can have a laugh, who don't really care about who's best, who won't start to scream when someone makes a mistake, who are patient, those who have bright ideas about how to overcome a problem (which does not neccesarily have to be the most damage). I don't care if they use damage meters, as long as they don't use them to tell other people how bad they are.
  13. There are statistics about hardcore gamers, like in WoW 11% of the players makes 80% of the played time. This means that 89% only makes 20% of the played time.. Well if I was gaming company I surely would know which crowd I wanted to reach to make money. And OP: Casual != Bad.
  14. It's a decent pc.. for Word, Excel and that kinda of stuff. It's far from a pc to play decent games on.
  15. Now without IPad, typing goes a lot better on a pc, honestly. I'm glad it's not a total copy of WoW with the same features. Except for the quests you get out of machines, every quest has a cutscene. I have never seen that in any MMO and it makes the story so much better (ok, I loved DA and ME for the same reason). I love having a companion that you have to take care of, that helps in your quests and that helps crafting and doing other tasks as wel. I have never seen that to this extent in MMO. Although there is maybe not enough orange armor in the game yet, I think it's a big improvement over appearance tabs and stuff. If they add enough orange armor, it will be a big step forward. The space combat game is just a lot of fun and can be played as a casual game. Glitches, sure the game is one day old, it's a MMO. Queues, annoying but they will dissapear. The UI and the AH, I'm sure over time they will be improved. Bottomline for a starting MMO, they have nothing to be ashamed of.
  16. Honestly autofollow bugs? I have seen enough mmo's which had no autofollow. Not really a core feature of a mmo. You know what really sucks? Typing english on an iPad with when spelling correction is in a different language. But no one cares about that either.
  17. If you just come for THE combat system, you should go play a fps. Personally i like the combat, no auto attack makes it less boring and the animations are nice, at least on my consulair.
  18. I can't understand why people complain about minor issues like dual spec, add-ons and such which are often later implemented and do not change the game, just the gameplay for those who chose to use it. I rather have loads of content than features like add-ons. I'm sure they will be added at some point sooner or later. I hope they give priority to content though.
  19. My friends would reroll with me, but they are no virtual friends.
  20. Read the sticky, there are exactly 4 servers full, all pvp and plenty of servers on standard or light. If you don't want a queue reroll.
  21. My longest queues were in WoW, up to 3 hours. After that I became wiser and chose my servers more carefully.
  22. There is a grace period, but it's too short if you have to reboot or wait. if you can log back immediately there is no problem. Should be 5 mins or so.
  23. This is not entirely true, since most RP servers have not much queue during launch in most games, but end up to have the best en most enduring communities in the end. I agree though that people should have some patience, opening too many servers will end in a disaster as well. After the freeplay month it usually settles down. Be glad you play a MMO that seems popular
  24. Why do those people even play if they don't want to see the cutscenes?
  25. Yeah..WoW had far more really troubling bugs, indeed the loot issue, and falling through the floor (that was funny though), quests that you couldn't finish and more. But software is never bugfree, and I think the amount of bugs here is acceptable for release, at least I didn't encounter a real gamebreaking bug yet, I've had no lag issues and not noticed memory leaks (those things can als be gamebreaking in the end)
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