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Everything posted by Lord_of_Mu

  1. Seems a little far fetched. People would be less inclined to spend money on Strongholds, races and cartel market packs if the service quality (game performance) was greatly reduced due to an unstable patch.
  2. DK was closed down a week or so ago. I wasn't really inspired with the place despite the awesome rain effects. My Coruscant place is however quite nice.
  3. Hello everyone in the story and lore forums. I'm working on something a fan fiction / suggestion post for a possible companion to the game. I'm curious if there has ever been any clues or hints dropped about the age of Queen Lina. I won't say why I'm asking directly, only that it would be very important if some kind of age and time line reference were established. This might be more of a question for the story devs but I'm not really sure I how I could go about contacting them. Though any information would be greatly appreciated.
  4. I've been working on decorating my sky palace and I noticed that some of my floor small slots in the stairwell are hard to fill. It would be awesome if you could add small floor slot holographic trees and objects that throw off holographic images on walls or lighting effects. Can we also get some dancing neon light wall signs, male and female bodies. Some Star Wars themed holographic billboards / advertisements would also be useful. Ceiling mounted ball mirrors, a Cantina band and other casino / night club themed decorations in general would all be amazing. Oh, and party scene, fancy dressed and poorly dressed dancing npcs would also be a fun way to populate my dance floor.
  5. More music unique to SWTOR would be nice, rather than replaying music from the films and previous games. It's nice to nod to previous games and the films but after a while it starts to become over played. More unique tracks for planets, and a loop music option might be nice.
  6. Buying a guild capital ship with funds raised by a single character, all on the GTN. And purchasing said capital ship when guild capital ships launched. Beyond that, just helping friends master certain aspects of tanking that aren't commonly known.
  7. Add allowances for blaster rifles and sniper rifles to be used interchangeably. Also add an outfit designer for companions to the mix with the same options as players.
  8. Conversely you could make an argument for weapons / armor. The comparison still wouldn't be accurate because while mounts can be decorations, that isn't their primary function. Instead it would be better to simply treat decorations as their own unique entity with their own set of rules. Given that most decorations have a preset maximum number that you can obtain, it would be easier to set a base price on the type of decoration then multiply that base by the number of units you can carry. With a price reduction applied based on the number of units you already own. Personally I'd support decorations being added to the collection system, even if the price for unlocking said decorations was considerably higher than current items. For example. Personally my maximum willingness to consume or pay for an unlock might be 2000 cartel coins and Bioware's willingness to sell is 500 cartel coins. You can adjust the price between 500 and 2000 by lots of 250 or 500. Then you adjust the price for the number of units you currently hold. So while my maximum willingness to buy might be 2000, I still wouldn't actually exactly 2000. So lets say I want to unlock a centerpiece and the maximum number I can own is 10. So the price per unit to unlock is 200, but I already own one unit so the real, adjusted price is 1800 for the remaining 9 units. But this also means that Bioware's minimum point is actually less than. You get a pretty dull single space decoration with an unlock price of 500 cc, and the max number of units you can own is 50. The price per unit is 10 cartel coins. The real, adjusted price for the unlock is actually 490 CC.
  9. I was actually thinking about getting this armor for my scoundrel healer and yes, tokens are the only way to get that particular look now. Which is kind of a pain. I also wouldn't mind if they added the campaign field tech sniper rifle as a blaster rifle. I love the model and would use it on Treek and my Vanguard but yeah, it's damn near impossible to get as a customizable weapon. http://tor-fashion.com/campaign-field-techs-sniper-rifle/
  10. Good and bad, it's all a matter of perspective. However I too will be cheering if I found out that Saresh suffers from an unfortunate boating accident, in space.
  11. The one thing I really did like about Classic WoW was the old dungeon sets. Only had to do a little bit of grinding to get a set. That and Dire Maul. Loved those crazy elves.
  12. We used to have weekly Q&A sessions, where questions that had much to do about nothing were answered. We've had road maps that were delayed, changed or pushed aside because of changes along the development path. And yes, people really do freak out over major announcements. I wouldn't be surprised if Bioware considers a lot of the forum visitors to be bi-polar at times and are afraid to interact with us. Each game has its own community that is created based on the quality of the game and the loyalty and feelings of the players that consume that game. SWG had a smaller, loyal fan base that were more approachable in some ways. On these forums it is a different story, we have people that are loyal to the IP and product, we have people that are loyal to certain types of game play and we have people that are bored and have nothing better to do. It's hard to interact and please everyone at the same time. If you feel that the communication between the devs and the community needs to be improved. Provide feedback to the team, offer ideas, offer your time. But remember that times have changed and each community is a unique beast that isn't always easy to tame.
  13. 45 you say? Challenge accepted!
  14. Not many to be honest. Fiddleton Rusk - He's so bland. Lt Iresso - He's so broken. (His charge is anyway) Akaavi - Another bland character. The trooper's companions are useful for crafting. Skadge - Ugly as all get out! Broonmark - Tired of having to spin fancy stories for this psycho. I like my Inquisitor and operative companions. Honestly, I'd like to know how many companions we are limited to. Because I could just as easily want all of my old plus all of the new, as much as I'd want half of each.
  15. I suppose that really depends. The original trilogy was a space opera that played on a lot of themes that remained from WWII and related story telling. In a lot of ways the Empire was a futuristic German Army, and Japanese Empire. While the Rebellion came off as the Allied forces. In many ways the feel and elements of Star Wars resonated so well with us because many of us grew up watching old war films and hearing war stories from veterans. Strip away those elements and you still have a story of good vs evil, a heroic struggle against the odds and a journey of discovery. Some of these elements are present in the class stories in SWTOR but some parts are downplayed more than others. Though I'd say the Jedi Knight story plays close to these elements. We haven't actually played the new expansion yet. We've just seen a trailer in which both "good" and "evil" have been eradicated by a new player in the galactic field. Of course nothing is ever black and white, it's all shades of gray so both the Empire and Republic could be seen as good, or evil. My point is, many of the elements are still present in the story telling and it's best to not pass judgement until you've experienced the coming chapters of the story.
  16. Could very well be. Though I still love Kira. The one person I'm curious about is Theron Shan.
  17. That is something I'm a little annoyed with. I like that we've got a lot of new companions, but what if I want all of my old and all of the new? Maybe I want to catch them all.
  18. I hated Valkorion from the moment I saw what he was doing to the boys. I actually feel sorry for Arcann and Dexen. It would be a nice plot twist if Dexen some how survived, though I'm not going to hold my breath. A redemption story for Arcann would be fine by me.
  19. You do not speak for me, do not ever presume to think you do. I have had no issue creating unique names for a large number of characters. Baby name websites are amazing in that way. Be creative.
  20. I can speak for myself in saying the top two reasons I haven't been logging in much are midterms / assignments, and a general lack of creative, fresh content. I've leveled a few characters and that was it. My old guild left the game back before Hutt Cartel launched. My new guild aren't playing anymore either. I don't have the time or the care factor for operations anymore. I've never been into PvP and the casual PvE content isn't very exciting. SWTOR really needs: System performance upgrades. Holocron of memories (To replay class story missions, and discover something hidden with in your memories of events) Personal thoughts for new features and content. Be a General and Fight in the war. Rescue, recruit, hire or threaten followers to serve you as your standing forces. (Similar to Dragon Age Inquisition's Agent system) Integrated PvE, and PvP ground and space combat for maps and missions. (Solo and group pve strike missions like the N7 missions, but involving ground and space) Plus general battle grounds / space combat maps for pvp. Expanded use from strongholds, now used as strategic assets to support and sustain the player's forces. Customizable fighters craft and ground combat vehicles for combat assets to be used by forces and players. Player class ships, Cruisers and Dreadnaughts now available as strongholds for players to decorate and use as combat assets. Note, only one of each can be customized. All others are just combat assets. Several story arcs linking to the greater galactic war. Class story arc, army story arc, capital ship story arc, specialized crew story arcs, planetary conquest story arc (Not guild conquest). Proxy participation in monthly galactic war PvP. PvE players can contribute forces and resources to the weekly galactic war effort. Don't like pvp? That's fine, just send some ships and troops to people that do. Get a reward based on your contribution. Devs acting as the chaotic forces of the galaxy, The empire captured several sectors but sustained heavy damage due to a random Tait storm. /whoops. Just some random thoughts that I should put into a suggestion post. When I'm not working on assignments or studying.
  21. Unless they have changed something. I believe we can only have four strongholds active at a time. So there wouldn't be any change.
  22. Marvel heroes is indeed doing quite well. But the game itself has far fewer creative challenges. They are releasing a new hero every few months with new features and content to go with. If I remember correctly, WoW had a very low content output during the year prior to the launch of the most recent expansion. It seems like the new Garrison feature was a big hit but everything else is rather old. Personally I think the issues WoW and other MMOs like are facing is by and large due to WoW's own success. WoW has always taken new concepts and features from other games and added its own version. With fewer and fewer companies producing new games with fresh ideas, and the companies in the market looking to the market leader, Blizzard for inspiration, we've got a circle effect of MMOs trying to copy each other. Personally I think Bioware should look towards their own titles in the RPG genre. Dragon Age Inquisition's agent system could be applied to SWTOR, with several changes and improvements.
  23. You say that, and then the Sebastian romance came to mind. It was so awful! But I agree with the other posters. I'd gladly support an SGR option for both genders, but not behind a pay wall. Our Spy lover boy and not so crazy Sith lady fit the bill, but they just need to be made full companions. Just keep on adding after that point.
  24. Some big'ol Alterac valley style warzones. Crash the server or have fun trying.
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