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Everything posted by Baracca

  1. overall lighting for me - it's too bright in there also, 3D holo chess board! plus a trophy room - like achievements or codex stuff (discovery or FP boss heads, masks, weapons, artifacts etc....
  2. tip: when you get to a new planet, check the rewards commendation vendor first. if you dont like the upgrades, dont take the commendation tokens. get companion upgrades instead
  3. 5 min recording of a guy gargling and you can cut it up
  4. i use an $8 keyboard from like 10 years ago. it's beige, old, windows keys pulled off , and i can't find a new keyboard with that same feel. i love my old keyboard - gotta have my DeathAdder though
  5. weird, i'm 41 and done every FP so far and never saw anyone roll need on anything that wasnt for them. only one time a guy clicked on something by accident and apologized immediately
  6. I'm enjoying the imbalance after 7 years of being horde and having about 1.5:1 alliance/horde ratio I do wish however, they would add some incentive so more people roll republic so we can get a more even setup for the future longevity of the game.
  7. Baracca


    as a shieldtech i only used him once for fun. i turned off all the taunting and high threat moves but that doesn't leave much. i wish his non tank options were a little better. i guess i'll gear up Gault when Mako isnt needed
  8. QFT The closest you can get to her in real life is Claudia from Warehouse 13
  9. You can't win. Customer experience may vary. Why? It's a PC game. More or less powerful PCs, graphic cards etc... I'm sure this will fall into the gray area. That goes for all the features. Shadows, bloom, AA.
  10. Does anyone else want to go back to the Everquest style of grinding mobs in groups? NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO I shouldn't need a full group to kill a green because "magically" 4 of them are glued together (even though they are standing 20 feet apart) No thank you. Do I wish the exp gain was less across the board? Yes. I would have liked it to be, complete all quests per planet and still need to PVP and do space missions before "qualifying" for the next planet.
  11. Shoulder slam and flame burst aren't even on my bars. I can't see where on my keyboard i can squeeze it. I wish FS was 16 heat instead of 25
  12. hate nar and taris. love alderaan and hoth so far
  13. yes, they need to do (at least) what wow did. like how mining gave stamina, JC gave u access to those epic gems, belt slot, wrist enchant, shoulder enchant etc... that were a bit better than what you could get normally.
  14. Or you can do what i did and get a SSD drive and install it on that. I even created a separate windows boot for it.
  15. I guess they think of a police officer as a police officer, not a... you know. Okay then. Sorry I couldn't have been helpful, officer--ESS!
  16. yes. although it's a little better for me since the last patch. I sometimes see this issue with the map and inventory or character info sheet
  17. i wish you can turn of the head pieces. some are just bad and i cant take it seriously in cinemas
  18. if you want zero downtime you cant beat shield tech. tank them all and let mako heal you. it takes a little longer to kill but you can really take a beating.
  19. maybe the legacy will give us access to one of those droid torture devices that jabba had or how about blizz putting a restraining bolt or something on him lol
  20. you mean zone, skip cinema, load, run, zone, skip cinema, load, run, zone, skip cinema, load, run ?
  21. TAKE THAT - i forgot that one in combat she's kinda annoying but in the story cinema she's hot... i little on the wuss side but hot
  22. hehe I never use him but I do get "Are you OK?" over and over again. "Try to be more careful next time". "I'm not just a pretty sidekick buster!" "All I had to do was put my mind to it" companions are much better than in beta - i just want to mute the stupid ship robot
  23. I would chalk it up to a mistake and try it a few more times. If it wasn't resolved, I'd stop going. I WOULD JUST STOP GOING. I WOULDN'T TRY TO COMPLAIN ABOUT IT OR POST ON FORUMS TO GET MY FRIENDS TO STOP GOING.
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