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Everything posted by Aikon

  1. Since I PvP, I go with this: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500RRuduzrdbZfbR0MZM.1 I can still tank in PvE pretty effectively, yet also be fairly effective in PvP. Edit: Re-did the Defense tree to what I actually use.
  2. It's not that difficult to earn medals as a tank. If i play smart and am on a decent team, I can usually rack them up fairly easily. It doesn't hurt to be well-geared, either.
  3. Pre and Post 1.2, I use something similar to this and I've found it very good for PvP and PvE. Depending on what I'm doing, I just swap gear. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500G0GbudrbrZfhM0M.1 Of course, it all depends on the player and what they're comfy with. By the way, if anyone has looted any Jedi Myrmidon's pieces (chest and legs), where did you loot it from? (a little off topic, but I'm on the hunt for these pieces!).
  4. Hi yall, I'm currently on the hunt for some of the Jedi Myrmidon's armor set pieces. If you have looted any pieces of this set, I'm curious to know where you've looted it from. I do know it's a random drop, but knowing where you looted it from will give me a direction to go in. Thanks in advance.
  5. Is there a flashpoint that has a chance of dropping this armor?
  6. So, correct me if I'm wrong, but Republic Synthweavers won't be able to craft any new dark gray or black colored heavy armor robes still, right? The reason why I would like to know this is cause I've tried to get some dark colored robes I've found on the Empire side to my characters on the Republic side. Upon these items becoming in possession of my Republic character, the appearance of them changes. I really like the look of some Empire robes and wish I could have my Republic toons wear some of em!
  7. I've played both Sith Juggernaut and Jedi Guardian (they're the same class, imo) at level 50 PvP, both with a "tank" spec. Once I figured out how to play my class, I would say I was pretty happy with my results in PvP. It's not "impossible to PVP as a Guardian Tank." A big part of it is having the "right" spec that you're comfortable with. The other big part of it is the player behind the controls.
  8. I'm already 50 and just about to start questing on Corellia. But I was just wondering if the Corellia questline will yield any new modable chestpiece/robe. Thanks in advance, and a simple yes or no will suffice.
  9. It gets better, but it depends on the player and how they play. The way I play my Guardian is a little unothodox at times, which has led me to do pretty well in PvP.
  10. Experience is subjective. To each, their own.
  11. Sweet. Good to see this is being explored.
  12. Are there any plans to allow characters on the same account, but on different factions, to send items to each other or have a "shared account bank"? Could this be something implemented and earned through the Legacy system? If not, could we submit a ticket to say... Have credits or items transferred from one character to another, if they are different factions?
  13. It can be, but that's subjective, of course. That's why I would say for it to be Legacy achievement of some kind. You don't have to get it, but if you want it, it's there for you to earn.
  14. This has probably been suggested, and I did use the search function on these forums to find an answer, but wasn't able to locate one. Perhaps I didn't look hard enough. If this has been suggested, or if there is an answer, please point me to it. Since we are not able to send mail across factions to each other (as far as I know), it would be nice if we had a account bank of some kind where we could then share items between our own characters whom may be on the opposing faction. For example, I have a Sith Warrior and a Jedi Knight, and sometimes I loot items that are specific to the other's class. It would be nice if I could then place that item in a "account bank" and then pick it up with my other character. (That may be a bad example, because you could probably put the item on the Nar Shaddaa market and do a quick log to pick up the item). Perhaps it can be a Legacy sort of achievement. Allow us to earn it. Or maybe just allow us to send mail to the opposing faction on Nar Shaddaa. If that is already possible, I'm not sure how to do it. Thoughts? Ideas? Is this already in the plans to be implemented?
  15. The ability to change a Legacy name is there. However, we are unable to do it because only customer service can do it if it violates some policy... Which blows. I think one way this may be possible in the future is probably when character transfers are implemented. If your legacy name is taken on the server you are transfering to, only then would you be required to change your legacy name. However, many of us would like this ability to change our name on our own server. Now. I'm no coder, but I imagine it wouldn't be too difficult to implement. Unless I'm missing something.
  16. It really depends on your server population. On my server, I would say that the Republic outnumbers Empire, and it shows in PvP as I see many more Republic guilds PvP'ing versus Empire guilds. However... This has actually allowed me, and maybe others, to get used to how others on my team play in PvP quicker. When the Republic isn't running their "pre-mades", my team usually wins more often than not. I suppose another observation is that the population is reaching a point where they are leveling out "alts" or new "mains." Perhaps that is also contributing to the imbalance in faction population.
  17. I would have to agree with this. As an Empire player, I find this frusterating. On my server (Vrook Lamar), we actually have Republic players who play awesomely and definitely know how to coordinate well. We have good (usually good) Empire players, but some quit not even a few minutes in to the warzone when they see that the Republic is running with "pre-made" groups. But what is truly frusterating is the lack of communication and coordination on my team's side. That with a combination of people whom don't know how to effectively play their class in PvP equals a loss (90% of the time). PvE does not equal PvP and I think a lot of our players (Empire side) are thinking it's not that different. I'm usually one that'll try to form a strategy with a pick-up group, and I probably come across as a ________ (insert expletive word here). Still, some people just want to do their own thing, which leads to being scattered and Republic being easily able to pick us off one at a time. To stay on topic here though... Yes, there are some players who quit (or give up, or accept defeat) in PvP on my server.
  18. As a Sith Warrior, I walked around with a blue bladed lightsaber (yeah, I'm a light side Sith, so what?). That was until I got a saber from the PvP vendor last night (which the blade is purple). However, I really, really, really would like to have cyan color bladed lightsabers, which the Republic PvP sabers have. And I'm sure they would like to have purple, which Empire PvP sabers have. Unless there's something I'm missing?
  19. I'm in the same boat. They have the ability to change it, but won't. Even if the last name isn't taken already. They'll only change it if the name is offensive. I'm sure it's somewhere on the dev team's "Things to Do" list, but it's probably somewhere near the bottom at the present time. At least I hope so.
  20. This is probably posted somewhere in this topic, but keep in mind that likely the majority of people whom have been invited today are still at work/carrying on with their daily lives until they can play later on the in the day. So today, the number of people that others are reporting on servers is likely to go up as the day goes on.
  21. I have to go in to work. However... I live on the left coast. So I woke up a little early, saw that my E-Mail had come, logged in, made some characters on a couple of servers (PvE and RP on West Coast), and I am now leaving for work. Worked out pretty well for me. Were I still living on the right coast, this may have been a problem.
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