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Everything posted by run_hello

  1. There isn't a bullying problem in America. As this post clearly demonstrates, there's just too many damn pansies.
  2. Quesh Difficulty Needs TO BE Examined Why is this so hard for people? I swear humanity is getting dumberer.
  3. Which is exactly why BW would remove it. There is no place for fun and humor in their vision of the Star Wars universe. There's enough humor in the new armor models.
  4. This will all be extremely handy when I have my companion out for five seconds as I stand around Fleet.
  5. Turn your WZ comms in for Mercenary comms so you don't waste them.
  6. Dude, it's 12.5k credits. Unless you just started playing on Saturday, it's a pittance.
  7. Pulling does not exist in this game. Currently doing 16 man HM and have yet to use that particular ability. Tank runs in, the healers do their thing, and Smugglers pew-pew.
  8. And the band played on even as the Tortanic sank beneath the waves.
  9. Eternity Vault end boss still bugged after 4 months. OP, you're not missing anything.
  10. I don't think any other game has had so many folks clamoring for server changes in the first couple months. Which is strange because the Bioware Defense Force wants us to believe that the game is healthy and people aren't leaving in droves.
  11. Wow, compelling content. Real cutting edge stuff here folks.
  12. I haven't left the fleet in I don't know how long. Used to at least leave to go fight in Ilum but now that's fubar. One step up and three back with this damn game.
  13. Romance them both. At the finale they get into a confrontation and you have to choose one.
  14. Mark this guy down for being in favor of fewer game features. Way to make your backwards opinion known!
  15. Saber of Exar Kun still plugging along. We might even have 50 whole people on during prime time. Game is just flourishing I tell you.
  16. This game is so dead, I couldn't fill a single player raid. OOOHHH! Yeah, anyway, AO had this feature. Single player missions. You'd get one from a terminal and there'd be different objectives and layouts. You'd get cash and a piece of loot at the end. It'd be a better feature than the horribly tedious and repetitive Belsavis and Ilum dailies.
  17. /stuck doesn't work there anymore so it's a bigger pain in the *** now.
  18. Please clickers, don't ever stop. You're a special breed. A "special" breed that's easy to spot and kill.
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