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Everything posted by run_hello

  1. If you don't spend money on useless stuff and do as many quests as you can, you'll have more than enough money to buy your mount at 25.
  2. You missed Taris by 10 levels anyway so all that content will be grey to you. I'm only 25 so not sure where to send you.
  3. I hardly see anyone of my own faction, let alone an enemy.
  4. I thought my server was a ghost town during the EGA and hoped I'd see more ppl once the game launched. Doesn't sound like it.
  5. But there hasn't been anything deceptive. For the past 10+ years MMOs have been this way. You put in your credit card info. You play 30 days free. They then charge your card going forward. If you don't want to pay, you have to cancel before your first 30 days are up. It's not rocket science but it sure gives the mouth breathers something to complain about.
  6. You get uglier the darker you go. Your skin will wrinkle and crack and you eyes change color. I have a Republic buddy who's makes dark side choices every chance he gets. Looks like a meth addict already.
  7. Wow, enjoy your ban. Unbelievable.
  8. November 9th here. Third wave just went out with one more to go today. Maybe we'll get a bonus wave like yesterday.
  9. Their tears have shorted out their keyboards by now. We should be good.
  10. Now say it in a Cartman voice and it's funny all over again.
  11. You can't be implying that TOR races are as diverse as WoW races. C'mon man.
  12. I'm copying it to a notepad. But my fingers are getting tired.
  13. Was this the first slap in the face reference of the day? Nice!
  14. EGA started today, 7 days before the 20th. There isn't a /facepalm large enough for the amount of stupidity on these forums today.
  15. Why the frack would you think you'd keep your beta test character? There aren't enough /facepalms in the world sometimes.
  16. Pre-ordered yesterday. Regular edition. Got in first wave.
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