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Everything posted by UGLYMRJ

  1. So I should stop banging my receptionist? Or does that still fall under "work life"?
  2. For those who obviously don't know... Synergy is actually doing quite well right now and have beaten MVP multiple times. They've picked up the leftovers from DP and their A team is a force in rated right now.
  3. Dude... didn't you hear? They beat Into the Darkness... Pro Status.
  4. Bubble stuns will be much less frequent soon... and as a marauder that loves getting full resolve like a fat kid in a candy store... NO... giving marauders an immunity to stuns is too much. I hate the bubble stuns as much as you and I would be happy to keep them if it applied the correct amount of resolve simply for the fact that a marauder with full resolve is beast mode. I constantly pray to get stunned just because full resolve means many things die.
  5. Insults FTW! Sometimes degrading one can create a better experience for many. My name is UGLYMRJ, and I support this message.
  6. Hard to use anything "statistically consistent" when there is such a huge skill gap involved. Are you sure it's hacks or is there a possibilty that you're just not very good at this game? No offense intended, but I have yet to see a skilled player make a complaint about getting out DPS'd or healed because of hacks.
  7. If Master Chief was indeed a Commando...
  8. Tattooine, CTF... with a giant sarlacc in the middle as a trap, have it in the middle as a choke point and an area that all flag carriers have to pass through. Or at least limit the options around this area. Have the sarlacc with the potential to grab players with the tentacles and drag them in.
  9. Into the Darkness is one of the lesser rated guilds on our server who are still working on being a competitor. This thread is just another guild in the same boat pumping their e-peen after the two guilds have been talking trash back and forth.
  10. As a sorc I can say that snipers are usually an easy kill... since most DPS sorcs are madness, it gives them more mobility than a sniper has and makes LOS'ing easy.
  11. Something I've never understood...
  12. You don't.... you queue up and pray that the people on your team have a basic understanding of the game.
  13. We look forward to seeing you guys in the queue... I'll make sure to stream you guys "regulating our egos".
  14. I lol'd... Sad but true... I am sure that any one of my companions could out perform at least 30% of players q'ing for WZ's.


    Remove the question aspect of this thread and rename it... "A beginners guide to predation"
  16. Long story short... In a 1v1 vengeance SHOULD beat a PT with more defensive abilities and utility to control the fight, but a pyro PT is far more viable in PvP for it's burst and high damage out put.
  17. I couldn't agree more... which is why I'm even more frustrated with the massive changes coming soon when they could have been tweaking ALL of the classes little by little with each patch. This is not the way to find balance. You don't build a house of cards by throwing the deck at the wall.
  18. I'm not going to bother getting into a debate over it because of one simple fact... Both are getting nerfed very soon, so the complaint is useless. You are complaining because you want change... change is coming... therefore this post is pointless. I was simply pointing out that you are not well geared. Those smashers hitting for 6-7K are well geared. Hits for 4-5 in plain, not optimized WH gear if I remember correctly. Min/max your gear and enjoy the 4-5K deathfields... is it a perfect world, no. But it can be better... I often out DPS smashers on my sorc and do it while putting up 100K plus heals. Do I think sorcs need more burst? Absolutely... But really... sorcs aren't that bad.
  19. You're not well geared... a sorc can hit 4-5K crits easily. Work on your min/max Other than that I agree... sorcs need more burst than that. But they can have better burst than what you're doing currently.
  20. I think it's funny that it's buff was for PvE mainly but they're nerfing it into the ground so it will be useless for both from what I read. I've never understood why they don't make small tweaks here and there. Just little adjustments with each patch until it fits within other specs instead of doing complete over hauls on multiple specs at once. Making that many changes at once never ends well... it just creates a new FOTM. Maybe it's intentional so everyone has their moment in the spotlight. IDK...
  21. I was paying people to duel my HK-51 once to test how well he did with some expertise.... Some people are so bad that they lost to him and he only had approx 600 expertise at the time. And reverse ganking can be fun... I had 3 level 48 and 49's jump me once... I killed them over and over but they kept coming back. Because I didn't always have time to heal they actually killed me eventually. Safe to say we all had some fun with that one. I did.
  22. Thanks for the TL;DR version... I was curious what it said... but not curious enough to read it.
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