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Everything posted by UGLYMRJ



    LOL almost said the same thing.
  2. Thank dude! And she has a body like Jessica Rabbit and zero drama... I'm a lucky man.

    Quick queston

    Class and spec? Almost every spec has a different set of rules. For example you don't build a healer the same way you build DPS. Even two DPS classes should be geared very differently for optimal performance.
  4. LOL... I'm the opposite. I do pretty well but you'd never know it looking at me. Jeans and a T shirt, tattoos and big chevy truck and I prefer being the only guy without a suit in a fancy hotel. I hang with a lot of musicians and other dudes with not so mainstream forms of employment, so my bachelor party for example was hilarious. 7 rough looking dudes, checking into the MGM signature into an 8 man suite with more booze than clothes. I love the curiousity that comes with it. Not only that... but we normally bring a good time to what is normally a stuffy place. LOL just saw this... you'd be impressed at what the UGLY guy pulled... there's pics of me and my chick on our site. I have no shame.


    I couldn't agree more.
  6. LOL! I prefer to get kicked out of Double Trees... at least I get a cookie out of it.
  7. Thank you sir! Actually, haven't even had a chance to check it out yet but we have something planned there tonight. It will be on my stream. But you know me... whether it's perfect or not I'm just glad to see something new and fresh.
  8. This guy again... hey... weirdo... leaving on the 22nd and I'll inbox you the name of the resort so you can send hate mail there. Guy in his 40's, going out of his way to insult people on a Star Wars video game forum. Your must lead a very successful and satisfying life. Even funnier when you insult my bank account...
  9. Thanks Murk! Up and streaming again too! Hit me up if you're on tonight. Gonna have some fun on Ilum It'll make for a good stream. Thank you as well! And exactly... I think for more it was mostly that it was casual... there wasn't this super vague, professional sounding response that really said nothing. Having a mod contribute to the community as PART of the community goes a long way.
  10. I was impressed about how casual it was... like this guy is part of the community. Much better than AB's responses of... I think more of this would help the morale of the community... as silly as it is, small gestures like this go a long way IMO.
  11. So I've been gone for about a week... got married Friday. And scrolling through the forums I saw something I've never seen before... never heard of. By some miracle there was this... A dev response to a PvP VIDEO that was posted!!! Interesting, no offense intended to our previous PvP forum mod but goodbye and good riddance. Give Alex a raise. We need this feedback... one simple comment that helps the PvP community feel less like a red headed step child. This is a nice change from the lack of attention we normally receive and something as simple as this... a response that had nothing to do with changes or anything of the sort. Nothing official... just a "hi, I'm here and that was awesome". This is what we need... not every response needs to be an "official" one. Just let us know you're paying attention. Would love to see more responses like this in the future and more casual feedback. BE ONE OF THE COMMUNITY. Not just some mod who stands back and throws out a well worded and vague response to some complaint once a month. Well done Alex, hope to see more of this in the future.
  12. Kungaming is and always has been the same... Talks a lot. Does little.
  13. It won't stay this friendly... I promise.
  14. I was trying to just sit back and watch th show but.... The irony... do you see it? And more power to Into the Darkness... It appears as if they're trying to become more competitive however they need to pull their head outta their a**. I don't know if it's been mentioned but they think that most of us hack and they don't understand simple things as interceding to stealthers.... To them it looks like hacks... they have some work to do.
  15. Bioware says it would ruin community as an excuse because it sounds better than "We can't do it" And is this another thread saying "Make this game easier and less competitive"? I agree that this game needs cross server queue's... but a 4 man group in rated would get roflstompled by any decent guild out there. So it would quickly become useless. If you want an unorganized game with a 4 man queue... you have one already. Sorry there isn't an easier way to farm ranked coms.
  16. Yeah... cycao hinted at that as well... didn't consider it when I threw it together.
  17. LOL sarcasm? I've never said either... quite the opposite. But that has nothing to do with class balance... that has to do with the skill gap. These are just ideas... that I'd be fine with or without.
  18. The funny thing is I'm probably one of the more open minded people on these forums and also one of the few to admit that I'm wrong... Which makes these kinda attacks even funnier... but troll on friend. It's def good for a chuckle.
  19. I don't really see it as a survivability problem even though it could help... like I said though... I see it as a way to put up some nice healing numbers on top of some already nice DPS numbers to compensate for the burst that madness lacks.
  20. This is a good short version of everything said here... while understanding your class and putting up some numbers factors into it... I know many people who can put up insane numbers but are considered bad players by most.
  21. I think it would honestly make it viable for both... more of a support class than it already is. It's capable of big numbers but lacks burst... but what if that burst was made up but high numbers all around. The way I see it playing out... (Not saying it's a good or bad idea... just an idea) Wrath is proc'd but you just used your crushing darkness and it's on CD. Throw a friendly a heal and get another wrath proc'd by the time crushing darkness is off CD. Yeah... sorcs would be capable of some sick DPS, which they already are but something like that could bump those off heal numbers from 100-250K (depending on the fight) to 300k+... add that on top of potential top DPS and I'd like to think that would outweigh the burst they lack and make a madness spec'd sorc viable for rated DPS.
  22. Not gonna lie... was kinda hoping it was Tombstone is always effective though. How can one not be inspired by that mustache? I'm glad I'm not the only one that sees it... I sometimes wonder if I'm the one losing my mind.
  23. Condensed... but I think more frequent use of those procs could make a DPS sorc viable in rated maybe... Right now only viable as heals of course and normally for the stun bubble as well. None of the top teams that I know of are running a madness heavy sorc on their A team. Not only would something like this possibly give it enough damage to compensate for the lack of burst.... but it could also up the viability of the spec by increasing the usefulness of the support heals. Like I said though... just a random idea. I don't really think these things out... they pop in my head... I type them up and see what people think. I love my sorc and I own face with it... however it's not taking my marauders spot on our rated team any time soon. BTW.... I much prefer the new overload to the old one... well... other than the animation.
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