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Everything posted by wolfmith

  1. Would it be possible to create something as a Legacy Crew Skills System so we could send our alts companions in missions without the need to login the char ? Atm I have 3 chars with companions and with the loading times taking 1/2 minutes when I get back to my first char I don't even have time to queue and do a WZ before I need to do the same all over again. Figures when I get more chars with companions I could be loading/send companions in missions rotating through all the characters and when I returned to my first it would be ready to send companions back again. If we could do it without changing char would be nice, since your looooooooooooooooooooooong loading times are the responsible for all the delay.
  2. won't happen and I'm glad it doesn't. Anyway now WZs pop more balanced since all but Alderaan can be Empire vs Empire. And even that will be changed. Queues take long enough with people queuing for every WZ, think how'd it be if some of them would only queue for certain WZs. This topic has already been discussed.
  3. wolfmith

    PvP weekly

    Because every weekly quest rewards are better than daily quests. It's how it works in MMOs -.- and this one included until patch 1.2. lol why to have the quest then ? -.-'' I'm not saying it's hard, usually I do it on reset day. I rather have 30 wins and better rewards. It's like: "Yay, I got my 8th daily for this week!"
  4. As to 1.3, I'd only like to know if we're going to finally have Rated WZs
  5. wolfmith

    PvP Arena?

    erm.... say what ?? English forum mate
  6. Also good, but why create another topic with the same thing ? just post it here and delete the other since there's already a topic to discuss it
  7. I gave up on the profession after 1.2 and changed to Bio. Every other crew skill was improved, Cyber was still useless. 3 min shared CD is just stupid and you can't sell grenades since mats prices are insane considering no one's going to give 15k for something to use in a WZ you can get 3-6k. Devs simply don't give a **** about Cyber and so I changed to Bio. Suggest you do the same
  8. and healers ? and tanks ? you're looking for it as a DPS view I assume... though if you changed it to 4/5 4 man teams VS each other with a larger map and some objectives would be a good improvement to the game since you could work as the game is meant to be played (team) and still don't have any other pugs to screw your team's job... Change the topic and the message a little and we could get something interesting out of this oh, and btw, that has nothing to do with Huttball, Huttball's the only WZs where your DPS/heal/tanks count's for nothing if you can't play with skill, strategy and brains
  9. wolfmith

    Pugs ruin pvp

    They have the solution: ranked WZs. Why should I just satisfy myself with casual if I like it hardcore and the game can provide that ? You're saying just because I love Star Wars and I like the game I can't have decent, well played and balanced PvP ? Why am I struggling to get full augmented WH gear and sometimes get 2 or 3 pugs with 12k life and some of them with green PvE items and ranked below lvl 30? Ranked PvP cross server is the solution, you can get decent PvP and if there is someone's fault then it's all your premade's fault. I rather be able to blame my premade and see where the gaps and faults are then queuing with pugs and don't be able to improve as a team because most times you don't know if you're just doing something wrong or if are the pugs you were queued with to blame.
  10. no, you should be able to buy comms and PvP stuff. You shouldn't be able to queue just to sell your stuff or repairs. I don't care if they leave early or not. I hate PvErs screwing with PvP system just because they're idiots. How's the PvP group finder supposed to be balanced if there are idiots using it just because they're too lazy to mount and go to nearest vendor ?? I want vendors in WZs, but I rather not have them than having PvE kids screwing the system Edited to make more sense as an answer
  11. wolfmith

    Pugs ruin pvp

    ever heard of sarcasm ? I agree with the topic. Though I'm in a PvP guild, people often get demotivated for pugs ruining all the premade's work. They can't write in chat, it's annoying to play like this. PvPers are getting a bit tired of waiting for Ranked WZs and I'm getting sick of watching so many good PvPers quit the game because of it.
  12. wolfmith

    PvP weekly

    Why is the reward for a weekly quest the same as a daily one ?
  13. LOOOL you do realize that Huttball was meant to be played like that, don't you? so people learn the full range of their abilities, not only DPS/Tanking/Healing as is mostly seen in other WZs. Learn to play with a decent balanced premade man
  14. I like the idea about gambling with PvP matches go go
  15. As a sorc, I never use my weapon. I'd like if they got an option to leave the lightsaber in belt
  16. it's probably just a thing on your server. Here they still die all the same
  17. nice idea. you could still make some medals and reach the 8 needed. the idea gets my support
  18. well, in my case, as long as they keep prices this high, I won't buy any of those options. it's totally insane how much things cost. I like the idea of a skill tree
  19. LOOL probably the most ridiculous idea I've ever seen xD and he even calls it an "exploit" xD
  20. no you can't. I'd like if they'd change that. But I don't think they will. Makes people play more WZs to get more gear... you can buy recruits gear when you reach lvl 50 and that's as far as they'll go to reduce the gap between new and old 50s
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