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Everything posted by wolfmith

  1. Yeah, we were probably taking too long to reach the chests, yesterday we looted the other 2. Thanks
  2. we never had them open since 1.2.... in normal mode everyone works fine, in HM none =x could be a viable explanation... tks
  3. Since the new patch, my guild hasn't been able to loot any of the intermediate chests in HM. Are we doing anything wrong or this happens to everyone ?
  4. well, if your sorc was a merc, you could have a off-hand with: 120 end (+43) 121 Willpower (+19) 141 Power (+39) 649 Force Power (=) 57 surge rating (=) hum..... think that's insignificant ? near the advantage you get from getting all datacrons.
  5. abilities are supposed to be balanced. Since stats formulas are the same to everyone, then everyone should be able to have access to equal stats. edit: well, seems that marauders, operatives, mercenaries are too underpowered and so the devs think they need this boost on purpose. At least is was the answer I got from them. Oh well, don't know why so many people are whining about them
  6. you're point being ? Could anyone less brain damaged answer my question please ?
  7. You guys really need to think about item costs relatively to their uses. At the moment, with the GTN prices and using only the 2 most expensive material, creating a grenade costs 14k credits. Who in their perfect state of mind will use a 14k item in a WZ they can only win 6k credits at most ?! nobody sells the useless items in GTN, at least in my server. I was selling them before but the mats were less expensive. Still I was selling them at 7,5k/un which is still insane comparing to money won in WZs. Imagine someone uses 4 grenades in a WZ. They'll have spent 56k credits... and could get 6k in return... Am I the only one thinking this is totally stupid ? The same goes with bio stims and medpacks... they're hell expensive, comparing to the price it costs to make a buff item that lasts for 2 hours of gameplay. You reduced the CD on grenades... yay.... still nobody will buy them. Please rethink item mats considering uses/gameplay time.
  8. just out of curiosity, why is our off-hand worst than all classes with dual wield weapons ? being that even worse now with augmented off-hands.
  9. PvP and PvE Specs are different in most classes. People should be able to swap between them without needing to waste tons of credits on the NPC.
  10. lol yeah, in PvE healing is easy enough. Just don't get the Consumption Debuff and you're good to go. Try going to WZs and use the 4 casting abilities we have -.- PvP needs movement, not sitting ducks.
  11. I'm just going to use this topic not to create other one. I'm a vivid fan of PvP, I play usually over 15 WZs everyday. I was spec DPS before 1.2 but respec to healer because the Empire lacks of healers in PvP. Anyway, it took me 1/2 days to adapt myself to healing rotation and understand it's mechanics for PvE. It's hard to focus on everything, but it's doable. I don't run out of Force, I can keep my raid alive, everything is working as intended. But then I went to my favorite playground. And it was disappointing. I barely can cast a heal to keep myself alive if 1 person focus me. With the DPS new burst output that shield goes down in 1 hit and the paper made healer goes down in the next 3 hits. As a DPS I remember it to be hard to kill healers, though sorcs were the easiest to go down. But for PvP, sorc healer has a lot of casts. The best protection we have, now crumbles like nothing was ever there and or we stay sit, taking dmg and trying to heal ourselfs (trying, because thoose Warriors have more silences then should be allowed) or we need to move and are only able to cast 1 healing inst we have (yay). The class needs a significant buff for PvP. From a PvE perspective, it's manageable. But in WZs we hardly can do anything if we're focused by 1 single (lol) person. Decrease (more) the long debuff on shields (you could reduce it to 12 secs or so on us, not the rest of the team, I don't know so much about spell making mechanincs) or add/change some spell to be instant cast. What I know is the we lack on Survivability. BTW, I'm full Battlemaster with 1100 Expertise, so don't come saying I lack of gear -.- and I'm Conqueror ranked, so I have little experience in WZs.
  12. wolfmith

    PvP Team Balance

    Hi, yesterday I had a "funny" situation in WZs. We were 4 premade queuing and got into Voidstar alone defending it (lol). We passed half the game 4v6/7/8, I dunno. Only when they were in the last doors did other ppl start to join. I don't mind playing with fewer ppl, but don't allow a huge team unbalance like this. Now there's no endmatch timer for unbalanced teams so, try to address this problem before the match starts. If teams are unbalanced from start, don't allow the game to start, simple and effective.
  13. hi, we already have the option to target center screen, but it's a bit useless, since you can target either an enemy or a friend. shoudn't be hard to implement a keybind to target center screen enemy or friend and it would be usefull to use in pvp.
  14. thank God everyone knows how to read and saw the in that little sentence... It's a hard choice, to pick one... Please improve your random team creation. Teams without a healer sometimes play against teams with 2 or 3 healers. Also attribute people to teams, depending on their experience (would stop noob whiners that didn't pvp until they reached 50 to be crushed by experienced fully equiped Battlemasters). I have a lot of complaints about pvp, but just because I love so much to do it So, to pick just one, I'll be to improve team balance
  15. LOL what I realize is that you sir, are a PVE player ^^ And ppl, please don't go off-topic, we're not discussing the leader automatic selection, just if we should have the option to discard ourselfs from getting the WZ lead.
  16. is this for real ?? what's the idea? to force people to do the boring dailys ???? I even thought 5000 cc was too little, compared to what you could win doing pve, even nerf it more ??? you know good pvp'ers need to wast a lot of money to optimize their equip, trees, etc ! pve only needs to pay repairs ! -.-
  17. Despiting the fact that leader determination is more random than logical (PLZ DON'T GO OFF-TOPIC, we have already enough topics discussing this), I hate the fact that most times the leader doesn't even want to lead anything! Can't you add some choice for people to check if they want to be leaders in WZs ?? Most of the time they don't even speak with the team!! when I'm playing with guildies, some of them get the ops leading and they just say they don't want to bother with that stuff. A raid leader is an important figure in Voidstar and Alderaan, even in Huttball sometimes. So, please give an opportunity for those who "can't be bothered" with that, to just not be selected to that function.
  18. signed.... it's not only in combat, it's with everything. you're searching for item in Market and BAM there goes the !"#%"#"#$ pop-up closing everything else!
  19. Ok, I went for the Open PVP area on Tatooine, just to give it a try, see what it was like. First, was completely empty... Latter, some Empire fella 3 lvls higher than me showed up. I fought him and loose as I was expecting, when reviving, I was sent miles away from the place!!! C'mon, what's the idea ??? to the place be empty, deserted, soulless ?? People are complaining about World PVP, and now I can see why. The first place I try, I just got out after my first death with no desire to return, why waste a few minutes for 20 secs pvp ? whats the fun in that ? create spawn places like WZs, and people might start enjoying the place, even if they die.
  20. yeah, same here with cybertech items
  21. if you don't queue right when the timer starts, you can never leave base in first wave if you're defending, it's so stupid I can't see why developers couldn't fix it sooner.
  22. wolfmith

    Annoying pets

    Could you please ban the IRRITATING PETS that stupid people summon in Warzones?! I have the option to see enemy's companions name unchecked, still, I see the droids idiot name and life near the damm kid that summoned it. Just bind pet names to the option about the companions or, even better, make it impossible for idiots to summon them in PvP Warzones.
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