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Everything posted by wolfmith

  1. I have those marks myself, if few people focus you, it's similar to PVE or you have good premade supporting. I'm hybrid now, is a lot better in terms of force management. Still, you have too long casts for any decent PvP premade. they'll snare, silence, interrupt, knock back you and you'll only be able to cast Ressurgence, "some" Innervate, Purge and that's it !
  2. actually I use costumer service tickets a lot and they reply to me showing they read what I said. Give them full details about who, what, when, where and they'll look into it. I haven't seen some of the players I have reported or others I've seen to stop using those hacks so something must have changed
  3. Add to UI: Target of Target of Target (important for healers) Target of Focus See Focus as operations frame (I use it sometimes to overcome you bug in WZs when people doesn't appear on the Raid Frame and it's annoying to be forced to see it as a target) Add to preferences: Target Focus (why Focus if I need to click on the frame to quick select ?) Aquire Focus target (Same) Target center screen enemy/friend (as it is now, think it's a bit useless since you'll never want to select a friend AND an enemy at the same time) Also: and i'd like to add an option to what buffs/debuffs we want to see. As it is now, it's simply impossible to get decent information since someone can stack 4 rows of debuffs !
  4. a price reduction on respec would be enough.... something as they have weekly but on a daily basis
  5. report, report, report measures are being taken against those people as long as you report them.
  6. too much roleplay.... there's not even a decent and organized world PvP and you want an Emperor ?? What for ? yelling "UNLIMITED POWAAA" ? That would mater if there was actual side faction roleplay, and that hardly exists
  7. LOOL thanks, had a lot of fun reading the post and the replies ! keep it up ! bring some more like this !!!
  8. oh, I misread you then, my bad sorry about it the class was a bit OP before the patch, but since we're supposed to be the main dmg dealers of the game due to our squishiness, then I may agree with you, they nerfed the trees too much. still you can get a decent amount of dmg. only problem is, you die more often than before. Try queuing with a decent healer or tank and you got your problem nearly solved the game is meant to be played in group, not solo pugging into WZs. the only way you get advantage in this game is by queuing with a decent premade, and even that sometimes is screwed by the 4 other randoms...
  9. my only question is: how can you stand 2min fights without draining your force? changing life for force in the middle of a fight where any decent player will target you doesn't seem like a good option. Kiting, yeah, but with so many casts ?
  10. man, most people complaining about sorc healing are PvP players PvE healing after 1.2 is still facerolling. Anyway, good work, nice post.
  11. lol I was refering to a repetable borring sequece (sex can be a repeatable sequence too) ! same goes to all of you, if you don't mind the system, good for you. Still doesn't bother you to have the old one nor does it make you happier to have this new. So it's a even/worse change, not a change you can balance pros and cons since there are only cons and indifference on one side of the balance
  12. Mate, I'm cool if you like to click on things I still don't think you do as much PvP as I do. Even so, the current system bugs me yeah, I don't use my mouse for clicking on things, targeting is damm hard without select next target keybinds and I use a lot of keybinds to play. If I wanted to play a game that required me to be fast with my mouse I'd choose a FPS, not a MMO-RPG.
  13. my question is, if it counts for nothing on the sorc playstyle, why is it there? your suggestion makes some sense, but either they should change it for something useful or remove it
  14. May I suggest this threat on suggestions box ? Remove the Scenes at the Start of Voidstar/Novare
  15. I agree with some start cut-scene after loading option, without the need to press space bar. For people who do other things while waiting for (loooong) loading times it's useful
  16. how many comms you do daily ? Because I get'em near cap every day and need to do this for near 2000 comms once or twice every day. If you like to waste time with clicks, I don't. I like to play WZs, queue, go browsing the foruns, come back when I listen to queue pop. I don't like to do a repeatable sequence that takes me now a few minutes instead of 10-20 seconds. My question here is: the system was good. worked fine. why change it for something worse ??
  17. never tried it, but the option to skip movies on preferences doesn't help ? I'm not going to log in now just to try, but give it a try
  18. after 1.2 I still got over 300k every full game. So, if you don't get over 100k then something's wrong with your skills or your spec mate. I'm healing atm (like chalenges ^^) but if you want I can spec DPS and get you a few screens of my scores. The thing about sorc DPS is 1 - Positioning / 2 - Target selection / 3 - escape options.
  19. the warning is useful sometimes. I don't buy only WH comms. Call it insurance against a mistaken click for some reason. I like the warning system as it was before. I don't like it as it is now.
  20. why try to revive the dead ? Ilum is history mate, at least while they don't fix the performance issues with several people together
  21. at least they said on some patchnotes they did.
  22. you're bored ? try to be the best at PvP ^^ oh, you're the PvE kinda guy.... guess what, PvE is allways the same. If you want something challenging, be the best at your class on your server in WZs. With all the things they worked and created, and all the things they are doing, I don't understand how you complain. They got the first game where people actually pay attention to questing history and objectives and still they work on many other things as legacy system, space combat, whatever. If you don't like it, go play WoW or whatever you feel best. stop whining about stupid things.
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