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Everything posted by wolfmith

  1. Honestly, do you guys play the game you change ?! Why was this stupid modification ??? to prevent kids from enraging when after getting a warning message are stupid enough to press enter when they don't want the item instead of pressing "no" or esc ?? how are we supposed to fast changing WZ comms for WH comms ? Before I just needed to right click / enter in fast succession. Now takes ages to change over 1000 comms for the others !! create different buying options as 100 WH comms or 300 WH comms, or give us the option to change it on preferences so we can buy the item when pressing enter ! And yes, I know I can shift-drag and slice it to 99 comms. Still takes lots of time to do and I was happy with the press enter to purchase system.
  2. /support I don't use the space available in the 4 toolbars, for me 3 is enough. But, since we can now change the UI at will, why not implement a 5th ? Can't harm anyone since people can turn it on or off at will
  3. try OverWolf. It's a awesome overlay program with many interesting features.
  4. I can hardly listen to my Force Surge (Sorc Healer) proc in the middle of the struggle ! Listening to procs is vital in PvP since it's a mechanic you need to use and looking to buffs area every single second to see if you have a proc or not takes away your Situational Awareness. We can change every volume, but the FX volume is all the same, and that specific proc is hardly audible when there's an intense fight going on.
  5. Hi! Since you're taking ages to be able to provide a decent dual spec system (from your feedback, not even at 1.3) and PvP / PvE builds should be different, Why don't you give everyone a free re-spec every day, plus the next re-spec low cost. If a player wanted to re-spec a third time, then escalate the costs accordingly. That way, people would be able to go re-spec for PvP, and latter re-spec again for Ops on the same day. I don't understand why we have to stick to either play PvP OR PvE with a build created for that purpose.
  6. I don't think as a DPS the class needs any boost but if it comes, will be welcome
  7. agree completely. The game isn't balanced if you don't have another player that should complete your faults. But team matching doesn't help though
  8. yeah, I know what it does. gives me 30 bonus. it's usefulness is debatable, but the bonus in accuracy isn't ! I really wanted to know what the devs were thinking when they made that talent......
  9. Totally agree. The ability needs a remake. As it is, is completely OP
  10. Resolve would work fine if those annoying monkeys didn't root you and simply ignore the resolve system you get 2 CC's, full resolve. Next, a monkey jumps on you, rooted. you try to run, another one joins, rooted again. And next your resolve bar is empty again and the CC feast can start all over
  11. Ok, 6% in bonus healing is fine, but what the hell is the bonus in accuracy for ?! Think we're going to start using our lightsaber just because we're healers? -.-''
  12. I don't know about your suggestions, what I do know is that for PvP, healer sorc needs some improvement. Other than premade with a really good tank (those rare who can really protect, use taunts, whatever else they got) or another healer is fail unless their team is really bad. If they don't look for the healer, it's ok. If they have some brains, we can't do anything. Too many (long) casts, too long shield debuff, whatever. Something needs to change.
  13. The only Class you can't do much against is the Marauder, though I think as a DPS I'd probably kill him 1v1. All other classes you can use tactics to survive and kill them. You probably just don't know how to position yourself. Sorcs aren't supposed to be in the middle of the fights. They are the class with higher dmg output if you play it correctly. So, we are squishy to balance things. You can survive even so, just need to learn when to use Force Speed, slow, stuns, silence, bubble and position. edit:Oh, forgot to mention, you're supposed to have at least full BM gear. Other than that, yeah, you're squishy even against a healer or a tank
  14. Agree and I'll post here what I came here to complain about. As a PvP healer, I can't do much about Marauders. I can stand against other Melee classes and LOS the ranged. As to Marauders, I slow them, they slow me as well (yay) I try to cast a heal, they open with a jump that cancels my cast, I kite a little and try other cast, I get another silence on some other ability I knock them back/stun, they jump back again on me (with root), I try to help DPS to kill them, they pop their endless shields !!! Our shield goes down we can't cast it for the next 17 seconds -.- plz role a healing sorc, and try to avoid being killed by a Marauder unless you have 2 DPS on him or another healer and the sorc healer healing the sorc -.- somethings very wrong here.
  15. Had you looked in your options, you'd find out that that option is, in fact, available since 1.2. More precisely on enable movable secondary windows in interface editor
  16. LOL Don't nerf it, just give proper rewards you need to be nearly full Rakata to do it and you receive Columi ? Ah Ah xD give BH commendations instead, a lot more useful
  17. They have corrected that, now the WZ ends when an imbalance like that occurs. But I understand your frustration... Hardly Republics can match Empire players though I've seen an improvement over the past weeks Must be even worse when they start giving up...
  18. yay to space combat other than that stupid tunnel/mouse targeting mini-game ! There's so much they can do.... create lot's of roles for people, Solo Pilot on Fighter, Crew teamwork on larger Ships (one member piloting, others on turrets, other attending to ship's systems). PvP in Space would be so much fun and would lure people back to the game since it's something other games can't offer.
  19. Hi! Can we plz have: Target of target of target Target of Focus Target Focus Aquire Focus target Target center screen enemy/friend See Focus as operations frame (I use it sometimes to overcome you bug in WZs when people doesn't appear on the Raid Frame and it's annoying to be forced to see it as a target)
  20. I'm saying that, since they changed crew skills, the price on the mats increased and with the mat quantities to create grenades, the price goes up to the sky. I use my reusable, but if I want to sell the other ones, the price is insane for something that's supposed to be used 2/3 times in a WZ. And that's only usable in PvP, it's completely idiot to use it on pve.
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