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Posts posted by truedark

  1. Because people like me were playing it until the NGE came out, which is when it really began to die.


    It was dying long before then. It was bleeding subs like crazy and LA made them try to save it. The developers are at fault for failing to sit at the meeting and finding out what made Star Wars so great. Lucas Arts may have pushed them but it was ultimately SOE who failed.

  2. Really? Did you ever play it?



    SWG had many, many faults, but not feeling Star Warsy was never one of them for me.


    I did actually. It never felt like Star Wars. It never caught the feel of the movies for me. It didn't get anything right about Star Wars. It may have been adequate for RP'ers to do what they wanted but that isn't Star Wars. Its not about a giant do what the **** you want, its about that feeling of going into a giant space battle between the Republic and the Empire and taking down what seems insurmountable, its about overcoming the odds, its not about exploring space. Its about being part of an adventure to unbelievable places, not sitting around in a cavern grinding my dance skill.

  3. It was running for eight and a half years, that's quite a long run for a failure.


    So can a person in a coma with life support. We don't know the specifics behind why SWG kept running, for all we know SOE could have wanted to axe it but they couldn't because LA had a contract with them or hell, maybe their bandwidth costs weren't that much.

  4. 1. Droids do that all the time, so do a lot of the alien humanoid species, including ones you can actually have as a Player Character.


    2. They weren't too iconic to be a playable race in SWG (and there were a LOT more playable races in SWG too, 10 in fact) and there was absolutely no problem with them as such there, you could make that argument with Yoda, but not really with Wookies, admittedly though none of the current classes really scream Wookie, except bounty hunter maybe, but they wouldn't work so well as the mirror Trooper.






    The real reason is probably:


    3. BW for whatever reason couldn't manage non-human PC, just different coloured human "aliens".


    SWG sucked. It never felt like SW and that is why it failed. Nothing about it captured the SW feel.

  5. Put an immediate halt to all future content. No excuses. STOP!


    Fix the game as it is in it's current state, terrible. Upgrade, recompile, reverse engineer what ever you nerds have to and make this game worthy of 2012.


    • DirectX 11
    • Mult-Threading for high end PCs
    • Class balance across the board (DAILY HOTFIXES IF THAT'S WHAT IT TAKES - WORK FOR IT!)
    • Daily bug fixes across the board (Bioware should hunker down and go into HOTFIX MODE ONLY!)
    • Crew Skill inconsistencies
    • Loot issues
    • Level 50 gear issues
    • PVP balance ISSUES


    Then, after the game is launch ready and up to date with 2012, they add more HardMode(easy mode) instances


    Oh and remove sharding, so this will become an MMO. Just thought I would throw that in there too.


    Advertising an MMO that is actually a single player game is a lie. Like Peace.


    Yes, because it takes all the programmers to make one fix, so every single one of them must stop and working on what they are doing and BW must make all 30 programmers fight over who gets to fix the single bug while the rest sit around doing jack **** wondering who the hell thought that breaking up their teams and taking them away from the sections of codes they worked on was a bright idea. Also DX11 is overrated, in the right hands it becomes a useful tool, in a game like SWTOR it won't do much.

  6. I'm not sure if your saying that looks good.


    And here from the Rise of the Rakghouls trailer.




    You do realize at that distance I can make the textures for the robes for those jedi 65536x65536 and you would not be able to tell the difference? The only thing that higher resolution textures will do is reduce the amount of blur on textured objects as you get closer.

  7. They should make a FP thats based around a group of 4 but 2 republic and 2 empire. Say they're forced to ally to take something down but throughout the FP both sides can try to push their agenda in order to screw over the other side or something and in the end depending on their choice one side may come out on top or they might come out even.
  8. AJDHAJSKLDJAJDHKA. High resolution textures aren't going to make much difference. The only difference they will make is decreasing the distance before it begins to look like ****. They will not magically make everything look better. You can't fit 50 pixels of detail into 10 pixels on screen and you can't force 100 into 10 pixels on screen. High resolution textures will also look like **** at at the distance people are taking these comparison screenshots.
  9. Except this is Star Wars, space combat plays an important part in the movies. They are already working on improving it, so even they know it isn't acceptable in it's current form.


    You can't say someone should omit content just because it takes time to create otherwise we would only ever get the most basic of games. Maybe they can add proper space combat in the first expansion SWG managed this the year after launch.


    SWG style space is definitely a no. SWG never caught what Star Wars was about in space, hell it never caught what SW was about at all.

  10. Stop ridiculing the issue or us complaining dude! Outrageous!


    Just because we like to see what was in the BETA does not make us whiners without reason!

    See my post above as for my thinking behind why we do not have the game we should.


    But you Mr. find me a single female player that did NOT comment on how crappy her garment looks! And I have a few in my guild let me tell you. And enough of the guys are over this as well. Think before writing nonsense. There is like how many pages now about this issue? 10,000??? So mate, this means it is serious. Period. >.< LOL


    You do realize at the distance half the *********** pictures are taken even high resolution textures are going to look like ****? The only thing that this will do is halve the distance before they begin to look like ****.

  11. One word... Professionalism.


    People like you are the reason developers don't talk to the community. Anytime the devs try to have fun with the community or do something awesome you people go "HES NOT A PROFESSIONAL HERP DERP FIRE HIM".

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