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Posts posted by truedark

  1. I would.... I've recorded from WoW when I have the fps set to 30, I rotate around for 1 min... checking the fps in a video program, stepping one fps at a tame.. no fps loss.. all unique and new fps and each fps updates the screen.. I do the same in 60 and no fps loss......


    playing both and 60fps is waaay smoother... you people are silly or I'm a super human,.


    You cannot tell the damn difference. The only way you would be able to is if you played them side by side or knew the difference in the first place. If I could show you two random videos one at 30 and one at 60 of the same scene you wouldn't be able to tell the difference, especially if something like motion blur was implemented.



    I also want to point out that I would expect higher end machines to perform sort of worse than lower. Not to this point but I would have expected that Bioware would have put all their resources into making the game run as smooth as possible on lower end machines while hoping the more power of higher end ones could compensate.

  2. The human eye can tell the difference between 60 FPS and 30 FPS. The human eye does not see in frames. So even if you had 3000 FPS and flashed a blue frame people might actually notice it. However if the game ran perfectly at 30 FPS without any frame drops or frame rises you would not be able to tell the difference between 30 and 60.
  3. I'm on Anchorhead and see the same thing.


    At any given time there are two instances in Imperial Fleet. One orange (heavily populated) and one with 130+ people in it. I swap over to Republic and only one instance with maybe 100+ people in it. And the difference between the two AH's is astronomical. Imperial economy is leaps and bounds ahead of the Republic economy.


    I've never seen imperial fleet instanced even with 200 players.

  4. Part of the problem is how huge zones are. Even if you have 150 people in a zone before instancing they are going to be spread out through out this huge *** area. On places like Ilum there are around only 10-20 people on at a time which usually means seeing another person is rare. Its not sharding its the size of zones that makes the world seem empty.
  5. Can you please. Does it have something to do with voice acting, voices, their language or something like that? If so nevermind.


    Language, species's typical attitude would require new dialogue for each class they can be used on, also its hard to feel as if you're actually say a Trandoshan or something.


    For example lets say we have a Wookie. Wookies are proud creatures, they also have an extremely different attitude from say you're human trooper. They will hardly ever react to the quest givers the same way the normal trooper would so you would need all new dialogue between 1-50 for each possible class the wookie could be.

  6. They had two choices. Develop a game engine with their extraordinary budget, or blow it all on coca cola and ******s and just buy some crappy engine.


    They chose the second option.


    Blizzard developed their own game engine.


    If both of these games were magically released together back in 2004, swtor would still suck and wow would still be the most amazing game ever released.


    deal with it.


    Except the WoW engine was built off the Warcraft 3 engine.

  7. 30 fps is playable, but after you've experienced WoW at 60+ FPS, it doesn't measure up. 60 fps is much more smooth, and enjoyable.


    30 fps is fine, but in a competition with 60 fps, people will go with 60 fps (WoW.)



    Besides, someone who has invested enough money into a system capable of running every game on the market at 60+ fps would be pretty angry if a given game ran poorly.


    Well thats just because they're being idiots. If you get even 20 FPS thats not horrible. The real goal of optimization to the rendering portion of a engine is not high FPS, its stable FPS. If my game is going to run at 20 FPS I'm going to make sure it stays at 20 FPS. Not jump up to 40 or down to 10 but stick to a single area. A FPS that stays around the same will always seem smoother than say 120 FPS that dips down to 60 every 3 seconds or randomly.

  8. Because EA takes great studios, chews them up, drains the profit, then spits them out like a little kid who goes through a pack of gum in an hour because they want all that juicy sweet flavor.


    You even mentioned a great example of that, the command and conquer series was not made my EA, it was was created by westwood studios. Then they acquired it, and destroyed the command and conquer series by pushing bad design decisions onto the studio in the name of speed and profit.


    They did the same to bioware and DA2.


    People say bioware is bioware but they arent the same bioware who made the games you fondly remember.


    This is EA's MO they take good studios with best selling titles and gut them for profits.


    I think BioWare decided to try and do something new with DA2 and they screwed up. I don't think EA had anything to do with it.

  9. They aren't hated because they are huge.


    The hate grew from a couple of things.


    1) They went through a period of buying up studios of successful, popular games/series, milking them dry with crappy, half-assed efforts and then shutting the studios down.


    2) Internally, their working conditions were horrid.


    3) Their continued drive to turn anything and everything into a yearly release cycle. If the game didn't fit into this goal, they weren't interested


    In the past 5 years or so they appear to have done alot of work in regards to their reputation. They are no longer the monolith they once were, they are more willing to put money into projects that aren't 100% guaranteed to be smash hits and since EA Spouse, working conditions are said to have improved dramatically.


    Basically, look at how Activision are currently run and that was EA 10 years ago. It is no coincidence that Activision currently garner the most hate from gamers, while EA, while still hated, is working on winning back those that they lost.


    Agreed. I used to hate EA a while ago but they have done a lot more to fix their image. Activision on the other hand is *********** itself bad.

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