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Posts posted by truedark

  1. Yes... because I enjoy playing nearly all day only to see my experience bar go up 1/10th of the damn way. I enjoy spending 5 months just trying to get to the level cap then realize theres yet another *********** 20 month grind just so I can be on par with everyone.


    The current rate is good.

  2. Can you imagine how upset they must be seeing so much negative backlash over a game they probably slaved over for a combined millions of hours in labor, art, coding, etc? All of that just to get thrown out of the door by force from EA that is known to destroy games because of rushed releases. Really saddens me.


    EA basically took their baby 3/4 done and said to hell with it. I can't imagine how upset that likely made the people at Bioware that worked hard to make SWTOR. :(


    No BW took their baby and released it. EA was completely ready to wait until the end of Spring to release SWTOR.

  3. Most of the epic ones are crafted, there is 1 I know of that comes from a space mission quest reward.


    The epic crafted ones are,


    Armek Ship Armor

    Quellegh Industrial Energy Shield

    Hoersch-Kessel Shield Regenerator

    Sienar Systems Bean Charger

    Kuat Drive Yards Missile Magazine


    and I believe the quest one is the Rendili Hyperworks Bean Generator


    What profession crafts them?

  4. Yeah... on my server punishing Empire for leaving would pretty much punish anyone with a brain. On Sith Meditation Sphere there are 2 huge guilds on the Republic side that do nothing but PVP in premade groups. If you play against Republic you are nearly guaranteed to go up against them. You might as well leave in the beginning before you get completely *****.
  5. You are wrong unless the game are using a 64 bit executable, which to my knowledge it isn't. The 32 bit nature of the executable limits the available addressable space to 4 GB. That is a hard limit that not even a memory leak would be able to circumvent. At least we can conclude that the game has the /LAA parameter flag applied, as it clearly is using above 2 GB of addressable space, a matter which any Skyrim PC owner would surely know about.


    So I ask you, are you sure you know what you are talking about?


    That said, if the 32 bit executable that the game seems to be using has a memory leak, players would see memory usages hitting the 4 GB hard limit. Looking at the posts of other users, this seems to be the case.


    Only a memory leak residing within a native 64 bit executable would be able to go beyond the 4 GB hard limit of 32 bit executables, and as such only a 64 bit executable would have people with 16 GB of RAM gasping for air. Since the game isn't using a 64 bit executable, practically everyone with an average system consumption and available RAM >6 GB won't ever notice the leak is present.


    Actually it doesn't have the LAA flag on. it uses two executables and trades data between them to get around it.

  6. Oh my word...


    Which MMO did you play to continue on that really painful journey? I at least enjoyed WoW. O_O


    I'm guessing SWG/EQ1/UO, right?


    MMO I played longest was EVE online. Even then I've never had a consistent sub since my first MMO. I've been an on and off MMO gamer until December 20th. I believe SWTOR is what shall hold me for a long time to come.

  7. You obviously missed the point and have never played other Bioware games.


    No pretty sure I hit the point dead on. I can't count on 3 hands the amount of MMOs that I've ditched because I thought they were boring. WoW, LOTRO, EVE, Anarchy Online, Tabula Rasa, Rift, Everquest 2, Lineage 2, Warhammer, Champions Online, Star Trek Online, Aion, Flyff, Ragnarok Online, Star Wars Galaxies, and Mortal Online. Theres even more out there that I've ditched. SWTOR is the only one that I've actually liked. I have 6 characters. 1 level 50, a level 40, a level 30, a level 20, a level 16, and a level 10. I think I have enough experience to say that you can't compare an MMO to a single player game.

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