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Posts posted by truedark

  1. People should understand that just because they know something doesn't mean everyone else does. I for one was unaware of the staggered access until yesterday morning, and I ordered in October. I don't mind waiting my turn, but it's tiresome watching people declare 'You knew this and you knew that!' all the time.


    So basically you bought something without doing your research?

  2. .....



    Just because you don't like a feature does not make it useless. Why would they not spend manpower on a feature that is in every PC game? Again like I said for those of us with big monitors 27"+ and with hardware that can handle it we require AA to make our game look good.


    If you were in our position you would feel the same way. I could probably say a couple things you think are important are a waste of time as well, but that does not make me right. It's a common feature that needs to be taken care of and it will be.


    Let me guess you have a ****** PC and GPU?

    Win7 64


    Evga 580DS

    Vertex 3

    8g 2133


    Those are my specs and its the same for many other users out there. We play on PC's for a reason.


    Actually I plan on being a game programmer. Specifically I hope to work in the area of graphics. I know what AA is, I know how to implement it, and I still say its a waste of time. As you get to higher and higher resolutions it becomes needed less and less. I do admit my PC does need an upgrade and I am upgrading it to the new i7 and a ATI Radeon 6870. My point is though ATI and Nvidia both allow you to force AA on through their control center. Why should Bioware or any game company bother implementing it when a gamer can turn it on from there?

  3. WRONG

    We play on PC's for a reason.

    Those of us with high end rigs and big monitors need AA on in our games or it is a jaggy mess. Sorry that it does not bother you, but it bothers many others users and it is far from useless. I can't stand not being able to have AA on. AA is a big reason why many gamers stay up to date with new GPU's...its AA.


    Complaining about people complaining about common place PC graphic options is pretty stupid.


    Its stupid to waste development resources on something that can be forced using the GPU's control center. Why should Bioware or any company waste valuable man hours implementing it when the company who makes your GPU likely allows you to force it?

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