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Everything posted by Darth-Malice

  1. The developers were cornered by the CEO of EA who told them either stop repalleting things or get a new job. They scrapped it.
  2. Why would you even ask the player base? Do you not read the dozens a threads a day asking for various stuff?
  3. The state of the game is free too play. With high priority on making more money through gambling packs and the cartel market. What developers who haven't been laid off have no creative control and admitted at the last cantina event they use the Agile Development system. Meaning they have no long term goals, only week by week things they nitpick at. They won't give you or the player base a timeline of anything because of two reasons. One they are short staffed and if they miss a deadline the community will uproar and call the developers liars (Which many have already done) and two other games could see the timeline and base there content and releases around it. Radio Silence is all we can expect and half arsed replies from the community team commenting about things they have no control or knowledge about but they will "Pass it on".
  4. i've noticed that also. You and someone else can get dead stop, 100m away from each other and 9 out of 10 shots miss.
  5. I've never crashed before, but on the day GSF came out I started crashing once an hour and getting error 4001 on the first day. It hasn't happened since the second day after the patch. Now anytime I log in for the first time my load screen and UI is broken and I am forced to shut down and log in twice. It's not my video card, not my drivers, not my processor. It's a bad update period.
  6. They arnt OP. Your just not as skilled as the players in those ships.
  7. Dear Bioware, Can we please get Wriggler Mounts placed into game? The normal sized model is already the right size for players too sit on so it probably wouldn't be too much work converting it into a mount. It wouldn't be lore or immersion breaking since Wrigglers are fairly common mini-pets and variations of them are seen on Oricon. Pretty please?
  8. Turrets need to be removed. Too many snipers hide inside of them and gain immunity from being attacked and pick off people with no effort or skill. This needs to be fixed ASAP. Make turrets solid so you can blow up if you crash into them.
  9. Awesome. Now please make it like 20 CC instead of something stupidly overpriced too try to milk the community.
  10. So my progression raid group should only have one Marauder now since bloodthrist can't be used by two people anymore? Whats the point of making the debuff last five minutes if that's how long the cool down on bloodthrist is? You should at least make it 2.5 minutes so a second Marauder can have more utility and value too a group.
  11. How do you break something that was working just fine for the last two months?
  12. Copperfield your best days are behind you. It's time to retire and play a different game. Perhaps Hello Kitty Online is more your speed and skill level.
  13. It's free because there is no way it can be considered an "Expansion". An Expansions include updates for PVE/Crafting/PVP. Not just one thing. Why don't you just call it what it is? An update.
  14. Im curious. Do you Dreadmasters All Huddle Around the Holonet and post together Or is this just one of you talking for the others? If thats the case why didn't you just post as your name instead of "Dread Masters" Do you fear the community? If so thats an odd thing for masters of fear too worry about.
  15. You've reached a new level of incompetence. You and the entire team should all be fired.
  16. It's the cheapest thing to do. If you want to have fun anytime a developer makes a comment remind them that they promised everything would be fully voice acted. Too bad the development team that made that quote was laid off.
  17. Don't be sad. It will happen too this game in another year or two.
  18. It's called the Agile Development System. One of the developers got drunk and the Cantina event and slipped it's what they use. It means no long term goals. Only short term projects. Meaning nothing is thought out very well and they make choices based on what benefits them most. Not what's best for the game.
  19. Translation. We wanted to see if anyone would buy them and get a good idea on if people would let us milk them for more money. Nobody took the bait so I'll hide behind let me remind you we can change things at anytime. You need to work on you Customer Service skills a little better Eric. It's getting pretty transparent.
  20. About time. For all the people wondering why they are doing this go on the test server during prime time hours on a weekend. Have fun with the 15 people on fleet. Nobody is testing because nobody cares. Maybe if Bioware stopped using the Agile Development process people would.
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