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Everything posted by Darth-Malice

  1. Because people who are MMO Veterans looking for something new and next generation are disappointed at how cut and dry and bare bones it is. The Game takes no risks or takes any initiative at all to expand the MMO experience. It shows it's true colors with almost all the development team committed to the Cartel Market and milking players for more money. The Developers know when new MMO's come out even if they are bad they are losing a % of there population and just sell you shiney useless items till it happens. It's insulting and some players really do hope this game crashes when a real next generation MMO comes out.
  2. Why world pvp in a area with minimal objectives, no real outcomes, no stake at anything? Planetside 2 had better open world pvp then this and all you could do in that game was base defense/attack. And that was a subpar PVP game. What does that tell you?
  3. You forgot to tell them to stop putting in text terminals and demand to know what happened to the promise everything in the game was voice acted! That's a complete and outright lie.
  4. Please no. If this happens there will be nothing but pink half nude females on the fleet trying to ERP with everyone and cause drama. Do not want.
  5. So I bit the bullet and decided to reply. Why do you think anyone honestly needs to know this information or would care?
  6. The real question is for how much on the market? They wont add this feature for free.
  7. pvp at night and get put on a team with Pubs if you like them so much. There problem solved.
  8. Seems like a waste of resources. You could have actually put real content into the game in the hours that were wasted on this. You already received plenty of rewards for the game already looking good so it was really unnecessary.
  9. Unlikely. It was the easiest and cheapest way to put in a time sink. Instead of a series of quests that take you around the planet or planets just click things and hope random chance favors you. No rhyme or rhythm and takes minimal development.
  10. Your complaining about other people complaining so you answered your own question
  11. Yeah it's pretty fail how Imperial and Republic missons criss cross the same area's. So not only is everyone Ninja Looting there own faction they are doing it to the other faction. This area was rushed and lazy. And what ever happened to "All quests in our game are voice acted?" Just another mission terminal with text as per usual. This is lazy biofail.
  12. Tired? Once I realized the mechanic was go from nest A to B back and forth I stopped. Why they couldn't actually make a quest line with mechanics or some form of story like a real MMORPG would is beyond me. All this game is is time sinks based on a percentage instead of advancement though a real quest.
  13. Because not everyone is good enough to go all the way?
  14. This is the internet. Hates given to everyone even without a reason. It's a sad fact of life.
  15. Wow.. the same droid that's on almost every planet. And a guy wearing Agent Gear. Too much to hope you'd make unique looking things and characters in your flashpoint. Oh well
  16. If your always watching then why when people ask legitimate questions community relations people don't even say "Will look into it?" Especially in threads with things like video evidence of a problem? Could it be if you acknowledge a problem or concern you look bad? Why don't you address this issue and explain why "Content" in the form of a EWOK has to be paid for subscribers?
  17. Hey Bio-fail. I want content that I don't have to pay for. I already pay your monthly subscription. Why do I have too pay it again plus more?
  18. Nice to know even with video evidence the developers or even community relations people don't even say "Were looking into it thanks." Shows their priority.
  19. Yes it is a waste of time. A very engineered one. It's called a time-sink. The developers cant make real content so they will create repetitive pointless unrewarding tasks with the illusion of some chance of a reward you might like but most likely wont.
  20. It's not going to happen. Why? because these developers have to give the illusion of content. In this case there is none. SO time create a time sink for players they make you do the same repetitive boring quest dailys on multiple people and set the reward number so a individual character can only get a single thing. Get used too it. These developers are lazy and all their development power is going on the cartel market.
  21. Why is the reward just a recolor of the other speeder? Seriously can you guys not make something new? If your going to have players play old rehashed content then you better give a better incentive then just a recolor because it's lazy.
  22. Thanks for nothing Eric. Out of curiosity how does it feel to be the guy who has to lie too the community all the time? Does it ever eat at you or are you cool with it because your being paid?
  23. Too give them kudos. All they did was re-pallet items and release basic features like a barber shop on the cartel market.
  24. Heres an idea. a ingame parser like several games that have come out before your game.. just a thought.
  25. why is this mostly recycled garbage from other packs with 1 or 2 new items?
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