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Everything posted by Darth-Malice

  1. Copperfield nobody cares. Your opinions are best given out on the sidewalk to random people.
  2. I cannot wait for all the hate to hit the forums once this new system goes into effect.
  3. Hundreds of replies later and still no official response. They are to afraid to comment on this issue knowing whatever they say will be used against them. Nasty pickle Bioware is in. Maybe they should actually play test things in the future.
  4. They had to make it easy to market it too kids and the lowest common denominator of player after the original dev team was fired.
  5. How long till the actual neat items for strongholds and homes are on the cartel market? Or unique homes entirely have to be paid for?
  6. It's about Time. Move on to a game more your mindset Copperfield. I hope you enjoy maplestory.
  7. Whats behind the plague is a poor writing team, and developers who don't have the manpower or creativity too think up anything new. So they just use existing mobs, existing rewards too re-pallet, and call it an event.
  8. My Feedback is this event was garbage. Reusing a cut Area of Makeb for the tunnels is boring. Making all of the rewards repallets or reskins is lazy. Having all of the achievements that give titles or rewards but stupidly hard to get and revolve around chance and time-sinks rather then skill and group game-play shows Bioware took the easy way out again. I expect better but know it will never get delivered.
  9. This is coming too late Bioware. Role Neutral flashpoints, mobs that turn your level when you hit them. If this had been out two years ago you would have never had to go free to play. Sadly now the game is mediocre at best and nothing you do will keep players from going to Elder Scrolls in a few months.
  10. Too bad they only added about $100 worth of content. So where did the rest of the money go?
  11. Not surprising, you guys never have any useful information. why is that?
  12. Doesn't look impressive. I hope you guys can put some real content out by April. Otherwise you're going to take a massive population dip when a better game comes out.
  13. They can't afford to upgrade there systems. Sorry too break it to you.
  14. prepare for a massive numbers drop in Four months when Elder Scrolls Online happens. Expect the Developers too never give timelines, New Voiced quests or misson. Text terminals only. Half arsed quests. Nothing new or groundbreaking. What remains of the team was ordered by EA to just focus on making gambling packs to get as much money as they can before the new year of MMO's destroys this game.
  15. Yes it would. I'm tired of gunships one shooting me, and if you manage too get close too them they run and hide by the capital ship so you can't attack them but they can still fire at you. I'm tired of approaching Satellites that have Gunships having completey stopped inside a turret and is using it as cover. Almost every exploit or cheap tactic I have come across is from someone in a gunship.
  16. Well if you read the little EULA you click every-time You log in it says things are "Subject Too Change" This is a developers get out of jail free card when they directly lie too the player base.
  17. So you want too swap the games current poor flight simulator for another poor games flight simulator? Planetside was a broken disaster.
  18. Thank you EA. For laying off 2/3 of the Development team and Reneging promises and claims you made you had for the game. Thank you for putting your remaining development effort into the cartel market and not fixing issues and bugs that have plagued and still remain in game since launch. Thank you for never having timelines or general dates to expect things and keep saying "Soon". From the bottom of my heart thank you for this learning experience.
  19. They sure are. I love how anytime the developers on Camera and in public have been asked about it they avoid the question or try and redirect it.
  20. Darth Malice Dendarii Mercenary Fleet Begeren Colony S-13 Scout Fighter Kill count 22 Linky
  21. Once again you fail to deliver what you advertised and disappoint the community. Good work Eric.
  22. Yes but it's made by American's, Run By American's and the EULA you hit accept when you first made an account was written by American's. If you don't like how an American based company runs it's made in America game I suggest you try a Korean MMO. Maybe Maplestory is more too your liking.
  23. Looks pretty cheap like it was made with left over resources from N64's Rogue Squadron. I'll curb my enthusiasm till something of real production value is shown.
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