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Everything posted by onstorm

  1. Guess I should add that it really isn't relegated to healing. Even throwing my static barrier up on myself causes the same thing.
  2. I just respec'ed and started playing as a healer. IN FP's I am having huge issues in that the second I cast one heal, every single NPC comes after me and stays on me. I am not certain what I could be doing to raise and keep the aggro, but I am useless as the second I cast one heal I am attacked and chased until they kill me. I have even tried to set there doing nothing and even while the rest of the team is whaling away on the NPC they stay on me. Any help or insight anyone could provide to help me with this would be greatly appreciated.
  3. I haven't had time to play for the six weeks or so.....since the deployment of 1.2 really. This weekend I had a little bit of time and signed on and I am completely shocked at how low server populations have gotten. As someone who loves PVP this is a huge issue. My first server used to have a pretty decent population and it was one of the first to die. My first character still sits there gathering dust waiting for a merger or transfer. I created a couple more characters on servers which slowly died and now I can't even find a server with a decent population on which to play. Jedi Covenant which seems to have one of the highest PVE server populations in itself is pretty boring as PVP matches all seem to be against the same 20 or 30 people. When every PVP match seems like a carbon copy of the one before it, it gets repetitively boring. I have loved this game since first playing it in beta, but the population issues are making it difficult for me to truly enjoy it? Also I am tired of wasting time creating characters only to watch a server pop die to the point that one of my most enjoyable aspects of the game, PVP, is either monotonously boring with constant repeats of the same people (teams) over and over again, or just nonexistent as server populations are no longer able to support full teams. Even on Jedi Covenant 80% of the time I seem to get matches where one side is outnumbered as there seemingly weren't a enough people queued to make two full teams. I think the dev has made a huge mistake in not giving this issue more attention. I am someone who likes the game, but am tired and bored of the low server population issue. I envisioned myself playing this game for at least a year, but now think its just time to let the sub expire at least for the time being as the pop issues in particular are just making this game boring for me.
  4. Ummm...this is horse crap. Sorcs cannot 2 shot people. Anytime I play my Sorc in a WZ I am always top the charts in both medals and damage and never have I ever been able to 2 shot anyone (assuming they weren't already close to death). I probably don't have the highest surge/expertise rating, but it is decent given I am completely donning lvl 50 PVP gear, and maybe 3 times in a single WZ do I crit for 2500+ damage (never seen higher than 3100 in a single shot). Someone would have to have less than 5500 total HP for me to even come close to 2 shotting them....and that would require back to back high crit hits. The assertion made here is absurd.
  5. onstorm

    Civil War

    I thought it was just my bad luck as of late that I have been getting the Civil War WZ back to back CONSTANTLY, but I am starting to see others on my sever remark the same is happening to them. Has Bioware done something I am not aware of causing the WZ to come up at least 90% of the time and are others on other servers (I am on Jedi Covenant) experiencing the same thing. FYI Bioware, I HATE this WZ and have even stopped playing PVP as much as I used to because of continually getting thrown into this WZ. It is really killing my enjoyment of the game as I love PVP.
  6. I gave someone 48k to purchase their first speeder training and speeder. Not sure what they were doing with their credits to hit lvl 27 and still not have a speeder. Regardless, I just felt bad seeing him running around still at that lvl.
  7. Takes a while to kill them, but my main goal when taking on a healer....and as soon as I spot one in a WZ I stay on them constantly...is just to stop them from healing the rest of their team. Even if you don't kill them, or kill them often, it will go a long way to helping your team. Now when the other side has two healers....that's frustrating!
  8. Oh you are so amazing, I mean truly only a few, you obviously being one of them, can master the art of pushing buttons. I mean it is just so difficult to do. (sarcasm) People act like this is such a difficult class to play when all it comes down to is pushing some buttons. Now granted, it may take a few more buttons than some of the other classes to even be viable, but seriously it isn't just a few elite people who can figure out how mash a few buttons in a certain order to maximize damage output. And any Sorc you demolish strictly 1 on 1 I would bet is mostly just trying to spam force lightening to try and kill you. I too can easily destroy a Sorc who does this and it kind of makes me laugh, because having played one....and I am going to assume I do so pretty well considering I ALWAYS top the charts for damage and medals with him....I know what the class is capable of.
  9. This is crap they do NOT dominate in PVP. Perhaps at lvl 50 completely geared MAYBE then. I have played countless war zones and I can put on one hand how many times I have seen a marauder (or sent) do top damage or even get in the top two for medal counts. Usually most of them are at/near near the bottom in almost every match. Anyone who thinks this class does damage that can equal out to most of the other class' utility is just deluding themselves. And before you tell me to learn to play I currently have marauders on four different servers and the times I've seen the marauder do top damage, it was me. I haven't been in a single WZ match yet where another warrior, whether tank or DPS, has dealt more damage or had more kills. I have yet to play an IA, but between the SI and BH this class is easily the worst (for PVP)...borderline pathetic by comparison IMO. My lvl 50 Sorc eats marauders and sentinels like they're nothing....except for 1 guy who always has a dedicated healer with him. Forgot about him when posting the above, he always has high damage, kills and medals and i did exclude him in my above remarks. But note he has to have a dedicated healer to achieve what he does.
  10. Some people like to argue. I think you are one of them as you seem to have twisted everything I intending to say just try and belittle my points. The reason, since you seem too dense to have caught it the first time, my succes rate w/ a healer 1v1 is low is because they are able to keep themselves alive long enough for it NOT to remain a 1v1 fight and yes I am well aware that multiples versus me is a situation I am more than likely going to loose and that this is just part of the game. In the hundreds of times I've taken on a healer 1v1 I could probably put on 1 hand how many times that fight remained 1v1. Any decent team is going to protect their healer. I was not whining. I was trying to point out to OP that merc or not a healer can be rough for anyone to take out, and it wasn't just his class that healers could be a pain for. Please work on your reading comprehension a bit before just trying to bash others' points or try and realize you have an issue which makes you see things that aren't there just so you can argue with someone. Edit: Also I never said or implied in any way that being a healer was simple or easy, I was trying to point out to OP that healers have more than one heal spell. 1 interrupt would NOT keep the healer from healing. Was that really so difficult to catch and understand? Obviously it was for some people who seem to need every little thing spelled out for them.
  11. I've never played as a merc so I can't speak for them, but my Sorc is a healer regardless of spec. However unlike a spec'ed healer my DPS spec'ed Sorc is not able to out heal most people's damage. Even if I try I quickly run out of force as I have none of the abilities needed to be an efficient healer. You can't compare someone who has heal capability to someone who is spec'ed as a healer as if it is completely the same thing.
  12. ^ pretty much this Never played as a healer but know they have at least 2 other heal spells. You interrupt one they just use one of their others and w/ your interrupt on cd there isn't much you can do. Even if you can get them close to death they typically last long enough for someone to realize someone is taking out their healer and then you're dead as the fight then quickly becomes a 2v1 if not a 4v1. Either way you are going to end up dead. My success rate 1v1 with a healer is pretty low, much lower even than the one button smash grav round trooper class who can easily take a quarter to half my life in one shot. I focus on the healer not so much to kill them, but to keep them from healing anyone else on their team. You'd be amazed how doing just this much can quickly help turn a WZ in your teams favor. Once I spot a healer on the other team I do everything i can to stayed glued to them for the entire match.
  13. I love this game but feel your pain on this class. I can take and use my Sorc on on the front line much better and easier than my marauder. It is sad that my supposed squishy class character, given all it's cc, fairs much better than a warrior. The warriors in this game are awful compared to the other classes....especially for PVP. And to those "wait til the higher lvls/50 people" stop using such an idiotic irrational argument. I want to play and enjoy PVP at lvl 10 all the way through and can just fine with every class I've played except the warrior. That is just a frustrating experience, being whaled on and unable to do anything but stand there and take the beating. Anyone who thinks that's enjoyable or fun is a bit of a masochist.
  14. Thanks for the help and info. Just one quick question, as a healer am I supposed to attack at all or just heal? Not speaking in times when I would need to defend myself obviously. If I do attack what is best to use as to ensure running out of force doesn't become an issue?
  15. In the best interest of my guild, and due the fact that there are virtually zero healers on the imperial side on the server I am on which makes PVP extremely frustrating, I have decided to turn my DPS Sorc into a healer. Here's my problem, I'm already @ lvl 50 and really have no idea how to play as a healer. Can someone point me in the direction of a decent guide or something that will at least give a decent basic idea of how to play as a healer. Also any healer build suggestions and rotations would be greatly appreciated. I would just roll a Sorc healer from scratch to learn, but I am already rolling a new Marauder (omg they rock for DPS btw) and I NEED my DPS fix and can't handle being a healer for 2 characters. I don't want to be one at all truthfully as I love being right smack dab in the middle of the action (yeah after playing a Marauder I do realize what a poor choice Sorc was for me to really play at all) so I would be happier if I could just get some tips that could help me pick up being a decent healer without having to go all the way back to square one. It should be stated that I am really a complete noob to MMO's in general so I have zero experience or knowledge on anything healer related.
  16. onstorm


    I think Bioware needs to ditch these completely or come up with a better way of rewarding them. I used to get tons of them. Top or near the top in every war zone, but that is when I was a complete noob and thought I was just supposed to run around and kill the other team "farm medals" paying virtually zero attention to the actual objectives of the WZ. For instance, I could stay back not caring to help the ball carrier in Huttball and heal myself up. This is what I used to do and ALWAYS got the 2.5k heal and the 75k heal medals for instance. Thing is, along with some other similiar tactics, always beefed up my medal count usually placing me at or near the top of the leader board which typically got me more MVP votes while the healer on the team doing some 300K worth of healing (actually contributing to the team) might have gotten 3 or 4 placing them unnoticed near the bottom. I could go on here, but my overall point is many (not all) of the medals do NOT promote team play or have much to do with completing the objectives which I think is kind of stupid when that is what WZ's should be about.
  17. I have a question regarding this that I am hoping someone can answer for me. While not this exact build I am using one similar, BUT I cannot get the 2.5k single hit medal let alone the 5k. Not sure what I am doing wrong. I usually have the most damage dealt in a WZ but never get the high single hit medals. I use chain lightening with wrath, recklessness and even trying using stims and the most damage I've ever seen is right around (just above) 2,000 (on a single target not totall for all enemies hit). What am I missing that is keeping me from getting the higher single damage hits?
  18. Your assumption about my play style is wrong. But thanks for the input as I'm always looking to learn and pick things up...as I said I am a noob. I simply don't understand how this build is that great. What is the purpose of putting so many points into healing IF I have to do the same thing with ZERO points in healing which is run and heal myself up when needed. So this build trims a few seconds off the time required to heal, but I fail to see what is so advantageous about that. Why not put those point in somewhere else if that's the case? Yes I thought with those points there I could be a little less mobile as I'd be able to quickly heal myself when/if needed, but found very quickly that wasn't so. It seemed rational to me at first, that putting so many points toward healing would allow for a different play style than when having no points there. What purpose do they serve, if you must play the same way pretty much as having no points there? Not to mention this is the only build I've tried that quickly depletes my force to the point that I run out. Waiting for that to build back up wastes any time I saved with the quicker heal times. I am not trying to be critical (I willingly admitted that OP surely knows more than me), but using this build and rotations he suggested (I am still using this build just to ensure I haven't missed or messed something up and to ensure I really understand how to use it properly before ditching it) I am far less successful in many aspects than I was with my more straight madness build. So even after two days of using this build I am still failing to see its better than other builds I've tried. Perhaps it just comes down to the fact that the madness build better suits how I want to play. Regardless, I am not having any better damage or heals really than I get using other builds.
  19. Yes skill is what I think a lot of it comes down to and timing of cool downs on any given player in any given situation (fight).
  20. I agree I don't think any classes should be nerfed. Only class change I think perhaps needs to happen isa little buffing up is the warrior classes....but again I haven't played one in almost a month so that may have been done.
  21. If I had to pick an OP class I would say it is easily the troopers and BH. I've never played one, but just watching them in PvP they easily stand out. Even though they can kill me faster than I can blink, I don't think even they should be nerfed. If your going to make all classes be equal in all scenarios, just make one class and be done with it. I think even though I am easily killed against any decent player rolling another class, the balance works quite well. I haven't played one in about a month so some patches and what not may have changed things, but if anything I would say rather than nerfing other classes the warrior classes needing a little buffing up.
  22. Yes I play a Sorc and YES I know you can kill someone by doing nothing more than spamming Force Lightening. BUT that person would have to be dumb enough to stand there and take it. It is easy for them to close the gap OR even say their force jump is on CD they just move out of my range. It happens but it is rare that someone is dumb enough to stand there doing nothing while I spam force lightening. Let's do some math. Force Lightening unless something has change does what at most between 1,000 to 1,200 damage over 4 seconds. Next time you are in PVP check everyone's stats most people have about 12,000 hp (+/- some). Assuming best case scenario (doing max damage every time and me being so quick that there is not even 1 millisecond delay between my last force lightening ending and my next beginning) it would take me at a minimum 40 seconds to kill someone by doing nothing more than spamming force lightening. Please explain to me how that is OP in any way, when a trooper for instance can wipe out over half of my life with one shot as I have never seen a trooper not get the 7.5k single damage hit in a PvP match. I don't know what it is called but even with my shield up they hit me with that shot that surrounds with that whirlwind looking thing and I am instantly at or below half my life...in mere seconds, but a sorcerer who was doing nothing but spamming Force Lightening Having to take at least 20 seconds, AND that is best case scenario, to do the same damage is OP? Again anyone dumb enough to stand there doing nothing And allowing a Sorc to spam them with Force Lightening until they die, deserves to die. Even with no cool down Force Lightening the Sorc is hardly OP. That is the only point I was trying to make in my original post, since this thread's OP was trying to make the case, as I understood it anyway, that Sorcs needed to be nerfed.
  23. Do you realize if all I try and is spam one button (assuming you mean force lightening) it takes the Sorc FOREVER to kill someone? If in that time the idiot who is being spammed hasn't moved in on me or away from me...well they deserve to die. Okay, I'll give you that it can make my end of game damage stats look high, but I have had matches where I put out the most damage and had very few kills. Even the dumber people, after slowly ticking away between a quarter to half of someone's health they typically have the sense to move away from me. Spamming force lightening most definitely cannot do enough damage to take out someone who has even moderate healing abilities. Not sure I understand your point, you think the class needs nerfed because it is possible for someone who doesn't know how to use their class could one button spam and get decent damage stats? That's tunnel vision without looking at the whole picture of the class especially in regards to its relatively low survivability issues and lack of real burst damage many of the other classes have.
  24. I mean no offense to OP as I am a complete noob to MMOs, but this build is working REALLY poorly for me. Going mostly madness, I could take out anyone 1 on 1 and depending on the cool down state of my shield and medpacks I could at least 1/4 of the time deal with a 2 on 1...even with a 2 on 1 I could always at least take out 1 before dying. With this build a gaurdian or warrior jumps to/on me and I barely get their life to half before I'm toast and this is with using medpacks and my shield. I tried the rotations as outlined and seriously I have never died so quickly or dealt such little damage in a warzone. Sure I can stun and run, but they just stun me and follow. At that point since it is all I have I start using my heals and that along with my shield cannot keep up with the damage they are deal. This would probably be a great build IF no one had the ability to quickly get on top of you/sneak up on you, and you could easily stay the 30m back, but only an idiot stands there and takes your ranged damage. I don't even find that I can heal myself anymore than when not putting anything in healing....maybe quicker, but again it does NOT keep up with the damage even 1 person can put on me let alone 2. With my mostly madness build I almost always did around 200k damage with this build I 150k once out of 6 war zones. Why does everyone think chain lightening is so awesome? 98% of the time people aren't grouped close enough together to hit more than 2 people....at least in any war zone I've been in. At least for me, even using recklessness it does 800 to 900 damage to each one. I guess burst wise that is good for this class, but the things you have to sacrifice that can help you survive a little longer to get it and the no cool down force lightening leave you pretty defenseless. And that I have found at least 90% (though I'd honestly put it higher) of the time people aren't even close enough together to hit 2 of them with chain lightening. I just don't get it at all. And while the heal points might work to keep you alive a little longer who cares if all you can do is spam heal after heal to last what maybe 15 seconds longer? Any healing I do, the health just gets knocked off as quickly as I can add it so I never get to a point where I can start attacking again. I'm going to die, all I'm doing is prolonging it. How is that advantageous? I'm failing to see or experience the brilliance in this build. BUT again I willingly admit to being an inexperienced (noob) MMO player.
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