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10 Good
  1. I have a suggestion to help fix Huttball. Award valor/medals for carrying the ball over the line... its very annoying how people just "Farm the middle" in huttball instead of trying to score the ball. I think if the team got points equal to one medal per score the game would be much more enjoyable... although with all the problems with Huttball, its hardly appropriate to say its enjoyable at all. as for all the problems there are with Huttball, refer to: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=352572
  2. WOW! another flamer... cant say i am suprised... Instead of just bashing the people providing no logical argument, why dont you list facts as to why I am bad, instead of "LOL U R BAD U SUCK AN THNK U R GOOD. IDIOT LOL."
  3. no, resolve does not affect all CC. it says in the post IIRC you linked, that it donest affect slows/snares.
  4. Agreed, this is why i said the game is broken. it needs balanced, one way or another.
  5. Yes indeed, this is true. Myself and a friend can single handedly win a Huttball match. This is the problem, the game is not balanced as it should be. If both teams knew what they were doing (which is rare in my experience), no one would ever score if the game stays as is. It would be an endless cycle of 2 people stunning the ball handler on fire vents, or stunning people getting in position to receive a pass.
  6. Translation: I assume too much, think I am DA BEST OMG 1337, and cant read. I play a sith WARRIOR, and a SORCERER. I can handle the ball just fine, and pass when it is the optimal choice. Even though as I said, CC is *OVERPOWERED* you cannot pass the ball while stunned but go ahead and flame more, I will disregard any further posts from you.
  7. In my experience, they have. Even if they didnt provide TOTAL immunity, they at least had DRs. I didn't say i had the ball... it still happens when you cross over the pits to get into position to receive a pass.
  8. Yes, I LOVE this game. It's the best MMO I've played, but there are SEVERAL problems. The pvp is wonderful except for a few minor things... huttball is the worst of them though, the CC problem also comes up in the turret based WZ, and the voidstar occasionally.
  9. Anyone else find it extremely irritating how BROKEN huttball is? Its pretty ridiculous to get stunned on a fire vent, use your cooldown to get out of it, and .1 second later get ANOTHER stun thrown on you... it leaves me to ask Bioware this question, why the hell doesnt the cooldown have a 2-3 second immunity from further stuns/cc like every OTHER MMO. ALSO fix the passing system where you target someone to pass to them... its so stupid how someone will be on the outer edge of the passing circle, and intercept the ball when your teammate is in the center of it. ALSO THE *********** AIR VENTS, CAN YOU AIM THEM. ****.
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