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Everything posted by Delphis

  1. I am shocked that BW released a game that requires a full skill reset within 4 months. I had much higher expectations for Bioware and the fact that this game was in development and beta testing for so long. This game has legs to stand on and I don't see it failing completely but I do believe that the 6 month subscription level will be a huge disappointment to EA.
  2. OP: You make a point. However, it is completely irrelevant. You are simply ignoring human nature. I also think that you are ignoring quite a few development and design related issues with the game. Yes, people can be a-holes but only so far as a game allows. If you would rather not deal with less desirable behavior from other people, there are plenty of great single player games out there.
  3. Please go back and read the first sentance, the one that begins with, "In my opinion..." You will continue to be /boggled until your reading comprehension improves.
  4. In my opinion, all of the things you've listed are quite repetitive and quickly become very boring. Except, if you are interested in exploring other story lines then there is a lot of new content. However, if you really enjoy your main character and want to play it, there is not much to do other than grind. OP: Most level 50's feel the same as you. Personally, I like to pvp but I refuse to go to Ilum due to the horrible performance. So, I do a lot of warzones. Warzones can be fun if you are in a good guild and can get a premade.
  5. Agree. I've felt the same way against some dpser's. I'm a pure heals sage with a mix of BM and Champ gear. I do not feel like our survivability is as good as it should be. I do not think that one crit should take nearly half of a player's health. On the flip side, if the enemy leaves me alone and I'm guarded, I can pretty much assure that everyone near me stays alive. I was hoping that sage healers (and sorcs) had better defense. I'm fine with having almost no offense.
  6. SWTOR introduced a bit of originality in the warzone maps. SWTOR blatantly copied skill/ability nams and effects from WoW. "Presence of Mind" anyone? Going into this game, I was happy with the thought that SWTOR would be like WoW, but better. Now, however, at 50 and BM I have realized that SWTOR is like WoW but significantly worse at end game and pvp. SWTOR's evolution in the genre is voice acting and broad, character life-span story lines. That's it. I challenge anyone to define another element in SWTOR that is actually better than some other MMO. After the March patch I suspect that the only players who will be having fun in warzones will be the larger guilds with premades and esports teams.
  7. No, it's just a gear grind. All of the pro-pvp people in WoW grind til they get their 2200 or whatever and then they pretty much stop playing. They've got their gear, they've stroked their peen and then they go play other games. By the way, that's exactly what has happened in SWtor as welll. I"m in a massive guild on your server and the majority of BM geared players have nothing left to do in pvp so we make up our own events. If SWTOR pvp is going to be all about esports then that's not going to cut it for the vast majority of people who are much more casual about it and simply want to have a fairly balanced and fun (i.e. it's a game) pvp experience.
  8. That's just wrong on so many levels. But I'll spell it out for you because you don't seem to understand. PvP should be about skill. NOT about who has spent the most time grinding. PvP in SWTOR should be renamed GvG (gear vs. gear).
  9. Delphis

    Is SWTOR dying?

    You were not paying attention, obviously, Bioware emphasized pvp a great deal last summer during the show season. Not only that, as mentioned, they put up weekly videos of live game footage focused on class vs class pvp. You may not be interested in pvp, but since this is a pvp forum, the rest of us are. I feel like BW misrepresented pvp last summer. At level 50 it certainly does not turn out to match the previews. Back on topic: Once all of the pve content is consumed, gamers will gravitate to pvp which is much more dynamic and entertaining in the long run. Sadly, once you've gone through a few of the story lines (doesn't take that long) all you are left with is a very empty pvp experience. Thi is why SWTOR will never live up to the expectations with regards to subscriptions. If it has 250k in July then I'll be surprised. And that's an epic failure by any standard.
  10. No. PvP in this game is very poorly implemented. SWTOR is a single player story with a few sideshow MMO elements. Bioware has until March 20th to make PvP fun and entertaining. Most people do not believe they can do it within the given framework. Most people who enjoy pvp have already left out of boredom and frustration. Enjoy the PvE story until you hit 50. Roll another character and repeat until you too become bored out of your mind.
  11. Delphis

    Is SWTOR dying?

    I doubt it will go f2p. They'll have enough monthly subs worldwide to keep it going. But as previously mentioned, this game has A LOT less players than expected.
  12. Ilum is never "fun". Unless your idea of fun is a < 10fps slide show. BW should be embarassed to have released such a horrible performing zone (I suspect they are).
  13. Delphis

    Is SWTOR dying?

    This game will be going for a long time. But it will be with A LOT fewer subscriptions than expected. Success or failure for a MMO is determined 6 months after launch when the initial enthusiasm has faded and the game is left with a core population of fans. I'll be surprised if this game manages to sustain 250k, which by every metric would qualify as a failure for Bioware & EA. For what it's worth, I am very disappointed.
  14. I completely agree with making the top tier pvp gear easier for everyone to get. PvP should be about skill, not gear. Right now, pvp is about whomever has the best gear. And that's just wrong. Gear should make a slight difference but not as huge as it does in this game. Therefore, I support BW making Battlemaster gear significantly easier to obtain. Get everyone on an even playing field and pvp will be a more enjoyable experience for everyone.
  15. My first impression of SWTOR pvp was from the summer show videos of Huttball: - Looked like fun - Players didn't die in three hits - Strategy seemed to matter - CC was not a known issue - All classes looked fairly balanced My impression of SWTOR pvp at 50 and Battlemaster: - Stun, damage, stun, damage, knockback, damage, death - Waaaaay too much CC. It's absolutely ridiculous. - Three shots are common. Or at the very least, one class can get so much of an advantage while the other class is stunlocked that the remainder of the battle is already determined. - I say it takes no skill. This game is about GvG (Gear vs. Gear) - The same old warzones over and over and over - Ilum is a complete joke. BW should be ashamed that they released such a poorly performing zone. I'll be unsubbed if the March patch doesn't make a massive improvement in pvp.
  16. I'm interested in how you got this to work. Any chance of a blog post or explanation?
  17. Delphis

    Ilum is unplayable

    I call BS. Actually, can you send me what you're drinking please?
  18. Delphis

    Ilum is unplayable

    Ilum is simply unacceptable How they (BW) released the game with such horrible FPS issues is beyond me. I feel like we've gone back to pre-1999. In this day and age there is no reason why there should be this much lag anywhere in a game that cost $200m to make. I refuse to go to Ilum anymore. It's simply not worth my gaming time. Bioware should be ashamed of itself for releasing such a horrible zone.
  19. Delphis

    1.2 Do or Die?

    Is patch 1.2 a do or die patch for you? Most of the people that I play with are holding out for 1.2 in the hopes that BW gets it right. All of my friends are bored with their level 50's and are working through various secondary characters now. This is not sustainable. We're holding out for the, "MIRACLE PATCH™". You can easily find the reason for player apathy with a few minutes of surfing any of the official BW boards and reading the headlines. It's not my intent to state the obvious here. To me, a lot is riding on 1.2. I've been looking forward to this game for years and I've had a reaonable amount of fun so far. However, there are so many flaws and poor game design decisions that I am at the point of letting my sub die.
  20. If you didn't know, they are completely redoing objectives and medals in 1.2, coming to a server near you in March, 2012. That said, I agree that there are a lot of nasty bugs in this game, especially in pvp. For example, not getting credit for warzone wins made a lot of people quit the game entirely. We'll see how the "miracle patch 1.2" fixes (or breaks) things. For just about everyone that I play with, 1.2 is a do or die patch.
  21. I think the root of this problem is that pvp armor makes too big of a difference in pvp. A player should not be required to have full Battlemaster gear just to be competitive. PvP in this game should be renamed GvG (gear vs. gear). If gear mattered less then people would cry less about how difficult and unfair it is to get.
  22. RNG (Random Number Generator) is a very bad idea. I do not understand how some game designer (probably Gabe) at BW thought that RNG for end-game gear would be acceptable. Additionally: Most pvp armor is fugly Expertise makes too big of a difference in pvp CC is waaay out of control Resolve is poorly implemented and completely undocumented Classes are not balanced in pvp (of course) The game is beautiful and the stories are nice. However, I expected a lot more from this game's core mechanics.
  23. Delphis

    Is SWTOR dying?

    Agree with your sentiments. I just want to point out something about BW patches. I played the beta and we were fairly unified in voicing many concerns. There was talk about a "miracle patch", but it never came. I do not expect 1.2 to live up to the expectation. And I guarantee that it will introduce more new bugs. BW has proven over and over that they are unable to release a major patch without collateral impact.
  24. Delphis

    Is SWTOR dying?

    Not dying. SWTOR will live a long life simply due to its lore. It is a casual friendly game which attracts a huge demographic. However, the mechanics of this game are in very sad shape, especially the pvp and anything having to do with the end game. As BW releases more content and fixes more bugs it'll continue to get better and better, naturally. Personally, I expect more from a MMO This is not the WoW killer that we were all looking for. I belong to a very large and active guild and 90% of our members are so bored with their 50's that they are playing alts. That is not sustainable.
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