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Everything posted by Nisa

  1. yeah a few paragraphs is a bit much for some folk tldr he didnt get daily/weekly credit for winning warzones and he's mad
  2. so wait for them to do this here ......................
  3. so../who from one night is ur 'data'?
  4. if tracer had a less noticeable animation no one would notice / care
  5. Nisa


    why should someone pressing 3 buttons beat someone pressing 20+ no macros
  6. should be opposite of what ur saying why award less points to people who win harder
  7. /facepalm yeah ok delete my posts i wasn't 'trolling' or insulting him mara is a powerful class. to say that it sucks i have to assume he's playing wrong
  8. i, too, am really good at wow. hi friend! anyways im playing a sorc and sometimes someone else kills me and that cant happen ever so pls nerf everyone thx bioware
  9. fo reals just make warzones 4v4 if there aren't enough 50s, problem fixt
  10. Nisa

    WAR + WoW CC = SWTOR

    the colors really helped me read it all
  11. start popping those expertise consumables son
  12. working as intended i hope
  13. it should break next tick i dont know 100% what resilience does, i havent played a stealther yet, but i assume it makes it so dots wont tick
  14. as a sorc i hope they do dd, dd/dot, insta dd, insta dot, cc x4 and heals and interupt..and all 90% of the people do is spam lightning for top dps
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