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Everything posted by Erudain

  1. uuhhmm yeah... so what can I customize with orange gear? For what i've seen/heard from friends, the expertise stat and the set bonus are built in the base armor....not the mods in it. So what do I get when I place those mods in orange gear? yeah sounds like a pve gear to me. At least if you are not going to remake the armors, move the expertise stat to the mods (I don't know what you can do with the set bonus)
  2. Lots of game make a simple solution to this by allowing players to skin their current armor. As full of failures as it was, Aion nailed this one just rigth...you didnt like the lv50e pvp gear....but you needed the stats?....no problem, take any armor you like, go to a shop and skin the armor you "need" as the armor you "like"
  3. Is biometric alloy tradeable? or is binded on loot? At least for pvpers we can always buy a couple from the market
  4. That's one of the ugliest things I ever saw in all my long years as gamer....
  5. I work in the Tourism industry and I know lots of hotels have employees dedicated only to create fake email adresses, log in tripadvisor and praise their hotel and bash the others in town. I guess I should call Blizz, NCsoft, and others and request getting payed for starting "swtor sucks" or "this game is dying" threads.
  6. "Dear Bioware Obi Wan class is OP pls nerf it. Qui-Gonn class is ok thougth." - Darth Maul
  7. Dont you dare name those kinah-sink in my presence...
  8. Pvp is also a good way to gear up....the lv20 armor/pants you get are way better than anything else you get at those lv (perhaps the purple crafted are better) and both are moddable so you can use them way way into the 30s
  9. yup what he said....in my exp with the focus tree, guardian is a lot better than a sent (plus you can respect tank if your group/guild needs you for something)
  10. Lol I used almost the same build but with focused leap over defensive roll. Standard pve rotation starting: Leap (4) + overload (1) + zealous (7) + cauterize (5) + merciles (0) and build back from there or use MS + Stasis until leap, overload and sealous are back up. Pvp is a bit more tricksy, because you will prolly use leap + overload + leg slash and then you are focus starved, plus you need to toss pacification and kicks all the time. Also about focus...I would roll guardian to run on the focus tree rather than a sent...
  11. Lots of skill should be fussed to save spots. Pommel Strike: hits the target with the ligthsaber hilt for XXXX dmg. Only usable against stunned/incapacitated targets. Opportune Strike: hits the targetfor XXXX dmg. Only usable against slowed/rooted targets. Really? why not combine those into one single skill becoming usable against stunned/slowed/rooted targets?
  12. Not as difficult as having to master focus, centering, stances, 10cds on your screen, being at 4m of your target, and wearing paper armor if rebuke, ward and saved are all on cd.
  13. didn't ewoks arrows pierce stormtroopers heavy armor?
  14. Sage animations are longer than Sorc...and that is fact. But is no where close as being gamebreaking or giving the sorc an unfair advantage, unless the figth takes 10mins where those .5secs result in 2 more attacks
  15. If you are tired of Huttball, make a rep alt. Huttball is by far the less WZ I see with my Sent, is prolly a 2:2:1 ratio (Huttbal being the 1)
  16. Yup kudos to Biochem for it's reusable med packs, reusable group packs, reusable stims and you can make implants way before quests start giving them as rewards. (too bad my luck reversing those plainly sucks). Also most of them are not bound, so you can save old reusable items for alts. If you don't want Biochem go cybertech, the reusable grenades are awesome for our lack of a trusty cc
  17. Well...as a side note, being an old gamer...I really think the pvp community has also gone downhill from past games (I don't want to point a finger and say X game is the cause). I remember old games when, after figthing and killing someone else, everyone would toss a "gg" (good game) "gf" (good figth) or whatever in the /say channel, or even sometimes let the guy res, rebuff and repeat the match just for fun. Now, all I see everytime is ppl killing someone, and saying "u suck" "noob" "fail" or whatever other derogatory comment anyone can make. Sure those 2 lv30 guys questing together in Tatooine to avoid gankage are such a "noobs" for getting killed by 3 lv50s... Nobody is saying "don't kill them" or whatever... but you don't have to be a d-bag over it. "There are few of us who still believe in sportmanship, respect, chivalry in all its forms" an old whisky add lol
  18. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bIbRrRMcGzZGhb.1 Couple questions on that build. First...true...clarification on how accuracy works in pvp would be great to not spend those 3 points in steadfast (I don't have them in my sent and I almost never get parried). Second, u really think taking Jedi Crusader to unlock the next tier is better than taking defensive forms? And finally no force fade? always thougth the 100% dmg avoid to be quite nice as a escape option or to reposition yourself and avoid getting force waved or any other aoe push
  19. My 2cents....I avoid Mind Sear, the 33% chance to reset Cauterize, are not worth in my play expertice. Is not a 1/3 ratio...is every slash u do has the 33% chance. I saw that I usually got a reset every 5 or 6 slashes and that's a lot. currently playing to get this build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bIrRrRMbGzZhMbZM.1
  20. still amazes me the fact there are no lv brackets for the warzones. I just did a Voidstar against 2 lv50s 1lv46 1lv43 1lv38 and the rest were lowies... on the other side was our group...I was top lv (28). I don't need to say we were destroyed...they got to the cpu in 2mins and we barely blowed the 2nd door. Funny thing, during the match on our side....3 guys left....3 joined....2 more left...1 joined
  21. Erudain


    what still amazes me is the fact there are no lv brackets for the warzones. I just did a Voidstar against 2 lv50s 1lv46 1lv43 1lv38 and the rest were lowies... on the other side was our group...I was top lv (28). I don't need to say we were destroyed...they got to the cpu in 2mins and we barely blowed the 2nd door.
  22. Lv26 have 200/200 already in Bioanalysis // Diplomacy, already have my speeder and im now with 20k credits more or less. What I do: - Pvp WZ gives decent amounts of money for 15-20mins of playing. Plus the lv20 pvp armor is awesome. - Dailys space missions also gives decent money for 5mins of playing. - Reusable consumables with Biochem sells like hot bread. Make 2 reusable stims and reusable med packs and sell them at the GM. You can also make implants way better than the ones you get as quest rewards.
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