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Everything posted by DarthVengeant

  1. So, it looks like Marauders and Sentinels are even more useless now...thanx Bioware. I literally see very few Mara/Sents running anything anymore due to all these nerfs. I used to love the class, but it got ruined. And, how about a Monolith Mount for 200 of the Ziost tokens so I can actually do something with all of them
  2. Many people level by doing PVP, they would be very upset that they are being discriminated against if only PVE got what you wanted. And, the PVP people are very loud, that is why our classes get nerfed constantly... Wrong. PART of the game is for fun, the rest is to PROGRESS and level, having fun doing it. Otherwise there wouldn't be levels would there? Explain how you would keep fighting enemies 6+ levels ahead of you when you stopped leveling up? Not going to happen. You would have to turn the XP back on in order to be able to play, otherwise you would just keep dying because of enemies being many levels ahead of you continually. It would just get worse as you progressed eventually not able to do anything. By the time you turned XP back on you would't be able to do anything. Furthermore, if you wanted to stop XP you "could" get to the end of the game and be level 15 and not be able to do anything. How would you do ops, FP, dailies at lvl 15 when they would all be lvl 50-60 content? And, how would you get any XP when you can't do any of the said content to get any?
  3. I am utterly SICK of hearing or reading people say this boss has anything to do with "LTP" crap. Your childish ego really puts people off. My main raid group only JUST finally downed UL in 8 man SM 2 weeks ago and had been doing it for months. Why? Because 2 of the raid members don't play often and are more casual. However, they know their class and what to do, that group has zero problems on all the other bosses in ToS and Rav: it is only UL that is the problem. I personally have beaten UL many times, but outside of that raid group. I know how to play my many classes, otherwise I wouldn't be able to. Most of us were doing DF/DP HM back when that was the thing to do so it has NOTHING to do with "LTP' horse crap. It is just UL that is the problem, period. I could set here for 30 min typing examples of things that go wrong in that fight, such as the rocks all falling clear across the room next to the adds when you in are burn phase, screwing up the entire burn phase. But, people like you can't see beyond your ego and childishness to understand that over half the people who play this game aren't lucky enough to be in an "elite" raid group who can one shot UL every week, so I won't waste my time. You aren't special, just rude and childish. HM is where the "challenge" should be. Not SM where it is supposed to be GF friendly, but isn't because of UL. PERIOD.
  4. Only this time don't make the stuff it drops bound to character, at least have it Legacy Bound. It made it all utterly useless and had to destroy it all. Ugly dyes and Social XP boosts are of zero use to me and that is all I got out of the 21 toons I opened it on.
  5. Your comment is really tired. That's not frankly true always. We don't get a choice of our team quality make up in the GF, and ToS is in GF every 6 days. And there should be NO logical reason why a team needs to be of higher quality just for ONE boss. So, this DOES need to be nerfed to match up with all the other bosses in ToS and Rav, which are all frankly easy compared to UL in 8 man. See, UL keeps the ToS GF nearly dead on that day. It is about consistency, and there is NO logical reason why UL should be this "hard" but the end boss REVAN is a joke. On the day of ToS being in GF all you see on fleet is "LFM for ToS 8m GF at UL". Again and again and again, all because this boss is too "hard" for a SM boss and kills 90% of all pug groups. Period. So yes, it DOES need to be "nerfed" to match up with the entire rest of the raid. HM is where the challenge should be, not just one boss in SM. It is also tiring to read peoples obvious elitist ego complex about this boss, people who are lucky enough to have a consistent quality raid group and have zero understanding as to what we are even talking about and just come on here to gloat.
  6. Not going to happen. The lvl 55-59 players who have augmented full old 55 PVP gear will completely ruin that bracket more than they already do. Besides, the entire point of playing the game is progress.
  7. Ya the fee to transfer is ridiculous. Instead of a fee, there should just be a monthly 2 character transfer cap or something like that. I really fail to understand why there needs to be a fee, especially one so expensive. I have 21 toons and would like to get off the server I am on, partly because I never had a choice to be put on that server as it was forced on me, but there is no way in heck I would pay for that.
  8. Angedechu, PM me on here when you want to sell more stuff. I'd be glad to take it off your hands so you dont have to deal with stuff. I wasn't saying you were lying, I just found it hard to believe someone would sell that stuff for so cheap.
  9. The storyline is meant to be done alone. If you group up then you slow eachother down frankly. There are many things that deter grouping for the Storyline. 1) Story Conversations - You can't hit Esc to redo in order to get Maximum Affection from companions in conversations when grouped. You also can't hit Esc to see the different outcomes if you want. 2) Traveling - You have to wait for the other person, or visa versa. Or, they want to go get Datacrons on the World they are on, and you don't. Plus, you can't drive off and unlock all the area's for XP if you want when grouped. 3) Class Differences. The other person may be a different class, so takes them in different areas and at different times. Sometimes different worlds or ships even. 4) Companion conversations. They may need to you talk to them, and if you are grouped you can't just go do that and make them wait. 5) DS or LS alignment. When grouped you have to roll on it, can't do what you want because the other person may roll against it and ruin it. 6) Matt Gathering. You can't take your time and gather matts to get your crew skills up when grouped, without making them wait. I have never and would never group for Storyline content because of the reasons above, and others. I want to get done what I am doing, on my own time and in my own way, and not wait around for others or get conversation and storyline outcomes wrong.
  10. I would do it. I don't care how boring it is, for 20 bucks an hour I would watch paint dry.
  11. I don;t need an update. I will be doing it to get a few Legacy Sabers since they are the ONLY legacy sabers I can stomach. I am sick of being stuck with 10 Gree sabers I hate looking at, the Rakghoul ones are worse and just flat out ugly. Bioware really needs to expand the Legacy weapon choices.
  12. Ya, I am now getting PM's from them. As well, they are adding a -123 random number to the end of every comment spam, which I assume is to make it look different and not a spam since each number is different at the end. I think it is time for a Legacy Wide ignore list, something that people have wanted since day 1. Best of luck getting rid of them. I would never buy credits in a video game.
  13. And, that's all I needed to see. THANK YOU!!!!!!!! Non-ugly Legacy Sabers, here I come.
  14. If you want to put the brunt of the load on the other 3 people in the FP, sure you don't need anything. If you are seriously complaining about gear but wont do ops, then you are self defeating as well as causing other players to have to work harder on your account. People like that are part of why I refuse to do FP without guildies. I would never run a HM 60 in 190 crap gear with no set piece or augments, that would be flat out ridiculous and I wouldn't want to put the other 3 players through that, nor myself. The guy needs to join an active larger guild and have them help him gear up....the right way. And yes, there is only ONE way to gear up properly. All the people in this thread saying you don't "need" ops and such have zero understanding of how important gear is in this game and doing it correctly. Flashpoints aren't going to get you good gear, flat out, and neither is comms eventually frankly. You are going to HAVE to run ops, at least Ravagers, to get it. That is just how it is. If you don't like that and refuse to do ops, then don't run HM 60's and expect people to enjoy doing it with you.
  15. Get a set of Legacy gear and use that as your base gear set to augment, so you never have to do it again on that toon or a mirror class. Then you can use outfit designer for your actual look. Try to find a 16m Ops to run you through to get you a hefty amount of Elite comms. Or.... Also, do the daily GF Ops 8m group to get you comms. Today is it Scum and Villany, tomorrow it is prob Dread Fortress. If you are in Ziost 190 gear, you are way over-geared for the old ops already. Once you cap on Elite comms then buy gear. Sell the stuff you got in drops from the old ops for credits as well since they aren't worth anything to you. Use that money to buy the mk-10 kits to augment your base Legacy gear, as well, buy the PURPLE 186 augments. Make sure you are buying the augments you need to get your gear stats correct. Rinse, repeat. Then, start running Ravagers to get the REAL gear you need and set pieces. I also suggest you join a guild, most guilds will help you get geared up fast. Make sure you pick up the storyline ops quests (Scum and Villany, Terror from Beyond, Oricon Dread Fortress/Dread Palace storylines) because some of them give you Elite and Ultimate comms, as well as mats and 162 relics. Also, save up your Ultimate comms until you hit 140 of them. Buy the 198 offhand, that right there will give you a good boost.
  16. I would buy them, but I sense a scam or some included thing you haven't mentioned. I find it hard to believe someone is selling them for 1000 credits.
  17. That is the problem, I don' like any of the Legacy Sabers (or legacy weapons) other than the Nar Shadda stuff which is tolerable, and I can't get any of that until they...or if they...have that event return. I disagree 100% on Gree saber, the Gree sabers are a silver color with blue light, that fits NONE of my outfits. I frankly dislike the sabers sound and lighting effects, it doesn't fit my aesthetic. The Rakghoul one is flat out ugly. I don't want either of the Swords. Bioware needs to give us some more options for legacy weapons. I am sick of having to use Gree sabers that I dislike. And yes, I was VERY disappointed that the Outfit Designer did not have weapons in it, because a weapon is part of an outfit. That really ticked me off to be honest, that was honestly the main reason I was excited about the designer, and it wasn't even added. We have piles and piles of Cartel Market sabers, some of which I have unlocked in collections, but I can't use any of them once a toon hits 60 because none are legacy, and I need Legacy weapons because I have mirror classes on all my toons. Part of my gripe is that the Legacy stuff doesn't look like the normal weapons, and I want "normal". I don't want special effects and bulky ugly green stuff just because it is Legacy. At least the Nar Shadda one looks normal and simple. I also want black colored weapons, but none of the Legacy ones are. They simply need to give us either more variety, or add them to outfit designer. We have a grand total of 3 Legacy Sabers in comparison to the piles of Cartel ones.... It is very unfair.
  18. Please, tell us when this event will be returning. I had no idea (until after it was done) it had a decent looking Legacy Saber (finally, because all the legacy sabers currently in the game are ugly or do not fit any of my outfits) and cannot get a few of them until it returns. I have been waiting....
  19. She clearly stated an answer to your question. I wasn't getting on your case, just saying go find something else to do in the meantime. I said nothing smart. A simple suggestion was all it was.
  20. It was clearly stated they will keep us updated as they know things. I fail to see why people can't be without the game for a few hours. Get outside, go for a walk. etc.
  21. Seriously, people don't want more and better looking legacy weapons?
  22. No, you are utterly wrong. OCD has nothing to do with it, at all. It is an annoyance to have a stupid mail on all 21 of your toons to have to KEEP getting everytime they do some promo or free thing. Over and over again. It would be MUCH simpler and more efficient to have a Collection unlock so if you wanted to you could unlock that free thing on your toon instead of having 21 freakin mails to open all the time. NO mails to open, much simpler and way more efficient.
  23. If it were a legacy unlock, i'd pay. But it is not. I am not paying 300k 12 (soon 13) times. That is 3.9 Mill. NO way!! The point of FT Terminal was to get to daily/Ops areas easily, so why was that stopped? Why are ALL the other dailies but Rishi and Ziost on that? It makes ZERO sense. I still haven't been back to Ziost. Since the first week it was out. Nothing worth going there for honestly once you have got all achivements and done the ops boss and WB. The tokens buy you garbage gear and a few decos. Not worth it. I had over 100 of the tokens just doing Ziost two times (once imp, once rep). The fact that you can't access the other areas of Ziost anymore is a bit ridiculous as well. Those would have at least made for dailies. I understand it was all destroyed, but it seems like wasted areas and content to me. Uhh, no. I can't stand Makeb. I never go there or do that questline. I did it 2 times on Imp side and once on Republic side just for achievements and will never do it again. I don't even pick up the quest when toon's hit 48, I ignore it. It is an utterly tediously boring planet with a pointless boring drawn out storyline. I do the Revan storyline and by the time that is all done the toon is 60, and that all grants piles of credits and is far less boring or tedious. Makeb is frankly the only update to the game I really dislike.
  24. How is this still not fixed? Running a toon through this now and it wont unlock. Or rather, stay unlocked.
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