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Everything posted by DarthVengeant

  1. Clearly the OP never played KOTOR 1 or II. That had zero pvp in it. PVP is about 15% of an MMO, and that is how it should stay. Otherwise, what exactly is the point of a story?
  2. I'd really like an explanation as to where "get over yourself" has anything to do with this. That kind of childish reply is just completely unwarranted. My concern and complaint is to make it FAIR, not selfish. I am thinking of the players as a whole, not myself. Pugging has nothing to do with it, it happens in all raids. One person is GIVEN a BOUND piece of random armor based on an internal game roll, not a group or personal roll. If one person is getting 3 of them in one ops, then how in the world is that not obviously flawed? Where on this green earth could it not be added that only one person can get that random drop once per ops in order to spread out the armor drops so that more people get one than just one guy getting it 3 bloody times? I am stumped that someone would even think that is not a flawed design, and unfair. I REALLY don't see why anyone would possibly ever want this happening and on what dimension this would even be thought of as fair or justified to have even made it into the game, let alone thought up. I'd like a real coherent explanation as to what would be wrong with 5 different people getting the random gear drop in say a DP so that most everyone gets a drop, rather than one guy getting 3 and only two other people getting one. Really where is the logic in not wanting it to be more fair? Furthermore, not everyone can play the game when most guilds are raiding (7pm to 10pm server time). Not everyone can play at peak hours. Some of us have jobs and work different shifts sir.
  3. The drop rates in the new pack was utterly garbage, because that is all I got, garbage. I opened and entire crate and got essentially nothing but a pile of companion gifts to use. The armor and other stuff I got was just garbage I sold on GTN. Not a single thing from the pack have I used other than a few deco's I got that I actually liked. At least I made 5mill of it all together on the GTN. I feel like I am paying the same price for a pack that used to give more, but now gives less. I don't think I will be doing it again now. Honestly, there is maybe 5% of each new pack that is of interest to me. Sabers/Guns aren't because they aren't Legacy bound, so cannot be used. Some great looking sabers I can't use because they aren't Legacy Bound. You REALLY need to expand your arsenal of Legacy weapons, by a huge amount. Please. I would like to suggest, for the 10 millionth time, that there be a way to make any Cartel Market Weapon be Legacy Bound. Sell a normal and a Legacy version of each of them. This way I can make my toon's weapon fit there look and not be stuck with the same few ugly Legacy weapons I dislike. Because, honestly, not a single one of the Legacy Bound weapons I like the looks of, but there is quite a few Cartel/Pack ones I like. Then again, maybe it is just because I am sick to death of flaps hanging down the front of and ATTACHED to chest pieces, or the bulky garbage sticking out of chest pieces. I just wish your armor had more variety and was more form fitting with NO FLAPS AND GARBAGE attached to chest piece that goes below the belt line. PLEASE, STOP with that on all your armor sets!!! There are piles of armor sets I would LOVE< but they have some stupid flap covering the crotch area or other junk hanging below the belt line in the front, ruining my chance of wearing it with whatever leg/skirt I want. That stuff should be attached to the belt, NOT the chest piece. I have said that countless times in these forums and will repeat it forever if need be. It is one of my main gripes about this game and I will never understand what your armor modelers are/were thinking when they decided to do it, and still do.
  4. Dont like it, for what you pay for it and still it is random. Not worth it. I would prefer to just have whatever I want for direct purchase, even if it is 1000cc for an armor set. I personally have most the armor sets I want because I was patient and bought them piece by piece on the GTN. However, there are still a few that are completely ridiculous prices on the GTN that I would happily pay 1000cc for. I wouldn't pay more than that thought....
  5. Was that not said MANY times by Bioware that companions would be able to wear whatever we wanted and not have it affect their stats/power in 4.0? So, they lied. Because I see no armor slots (when you star KOTFE) as we were told we would have. Suffice to say, I am PISSED OFF. I was excited about being able to make my companions look how I wanted clothing wise. I consider this an epic fail and personally feel lied to.
  6. So, I thought part of the purpose of the change in companions was being able to make them wear any armor you wanted? (whatever clothing look you choose) Was that not repeated MANY times by Bioware pre4.0? So, why is it there is no place to put whatever armor look you want on your companions anymore once you start the KOFE storyline? None of my or guilds companions can do what we were told we can do. What gives Bioware? If you just stay lvl 60 and do not start the KOTFE story your companions are fine and can look how you want them, but once you KOTFE, it goes away. Again, how many times did I hear Bioware say that you could make your companions wear whatever you wanted i 4.0? MANY. So, why can't we?
  7. Sadly, the OP is one of the typical "elitist" types who think everything in life needs to be a challenge and somewhere along the way he forgot games are supposed to be about having fun, and HIS version of fun is not the majority. Challenge is what HM/NiM content is for. Not leveling. If you want a challenge, go to 6+ years of college and be a Doctor. This is a VIDEO game, for FUN, not a ego boost. Companions don't need nerfing. I EARNED my companions being OP by getting their affection maxed and unlocking them all.
  8. Explain why Bioware can't make it so that someone can only get the random one time in order to avoid what I said happened? There is no explanation, other than it is wrong what is happening. It is VERY simple to fix. No one minds random rolls, but when one guy gets 3 of them then something needs to be changed. Period. Two other people could have gotten something instead of ONE guy getting 3 things. I could really care less if it isn't even something for their class, because people have alts they can Legacy gear it too, but when one guy get's 60% of the Random loot, then it is a problem. It can't be rolled on by the group, it is GIVEN to them, so it IS an issue and needs to be addressed.
  9. Dismiss your companion then. Honestly, if you want a challenge so much then remove dismiss them. Not everyone wants a challenge the 20th time they level a toon. I ENJOY companions being OP and love every second of it. If they did what YOU wanted, then veteran players like me would not enjoy it at all. If I want a challenge I do a HM ops with guild. Other than that, not interested. Life is enough challenge and some of us want to play a game to escape and enjoy. I prefer content to essentially be fairly simple, that way people that WANT it hard can make it that way if they choose, such as dismissing companions. If I am in the mood to do hard things then I can, not have it forced on me.
  10. I ran the Groupfinder tonight 4 times, Dread Palace. Two times on each Republic and Imperial side. In one run a guy got THREE of the random gear drops set to him. Since it is not essentially rolled on and given to one random person in the group, this is obviously NOT set correctly. NO WAY this should have happened. I wont say his name because it is not his fault, but Bioware needs to make it so that people cannot get the random gear drop set to them more than one time each operation. If they already got one then it should remove their hidden roll. This is COMPLETELY unfair if one person will be able to hog up most of the random gear drops on each boss. In another run someone got two of them set to them as well. The purpose of running ops is for everyone to get gear, not one or two people. Yes, the Token gear should drop should be rolled on as normal so the group can sort it out how they choose. But, having the random drop be given to the same guy 2 or 3 times is just wrong. Please, Bioware. Set it so that a person can only get it once. Thanx.
  11. I have been one of the vocal people in many threads on this issue and cannot express how happy this makes me. This would be a very positive thing for most players. All I ask is that the Legacy Unlock is retroactive based on achievements (so we don't have to get them all over again on one toon to unlock the ability) and that you have to wait until vl 50 - 60 to unlock them on a toon. A Legacy 50 requirement would also be nice. For example: I would gladly pay 200cc on each toon to unlock them at lvl 60. We can't have lvl 1 toons unlocking it and then jumping into PVP at lvl 10 with a clear advantage from the stat and endurance boost though. That is why I suggest at least a lvl 50 requirement, 60 is even better.
  12. Have you ever asked yourself, who the heck will enforce this "Rule" heh? No one. There is no Sith Police. Bane made it up, some followed it after. No one is being forced to follow it, and frankly none should follow it if they don't want to. I certainly wouldn't. Palatine didn't really follow it himself. He had Maul while he was still an Apprentice himself. Assaj Ventress for example, she was a 3rd Sith under Dooku's teaching. So was Savage Oppress for a short time. The Inquisitors are certainly not light side. I could go on. I honestly get tired of the "Rule of Two" because as I said...there is no rule enforcer, so to heck with it. Sith also don't really follow rules.... You don't get a Darth title without being a Sith. Hence : Darth Maul. Maul was a Sith sir. You are really stretching the truth instead of comprehending the fact that alot of Sith didn't follow this made up rule. They don't have to. I would wager that when TFA comes out that rule will be long dead. Because, the reason the Sith died off is BECAUSE of the "Rule of Two".
  13. I want the blood pool that you place the skull in to spawn the monster for the quest in the Sith Academy on Korriban.
  14. Would have been 10 times better without the strap thing going across the chest. Like most every armor piece Bioware makes, they take something nice and add one thing that ruins it.
  15. Absolutely ugly armor, like 75% of the armor in this game. I fail to see what is attractive about this armor set.
  16. In my 3+ years of playing this game I have never had a raid leader ninja loot and leave. Not once. I suggest you join a guild. Sure, I have run across the occasional guy who needs on everything or gets a drop that he wasn't supposed to and leave the group before action can be taken. And 99% of the time that was a pug group, again, that is why you join a guild. But this you speak of, never had it happen, not once. And don't try and say I don't raid much. I have 12 lvl 60's in full 192/198 TOKEN drop gear. I raid a lot.
  17. Needs less hooks. And Yavin needs ceiling hooks that aren't WAY up on top the structure where the only way you see them is looking way up 3 levels. There is no 1st floor level ceiling hooks in most of this SH and that is a real bummer.
  18. I solo all the way to 60. When you finish you class story (I am usually about lvl 52-53 then) you can do the Ilum story by yourself (which is now forced on you annoyingly) until it gives you the Flashpoint to do. Then you can then abandon it and get rid of it. Then start doing the Prelude to Revan story from you ship. That is 4 flashpoints solo mode and a few levels of XP. After, that do the Revan story on Rishi and Yavin, which is all soloable as well. You should hit 60 on Yavin. To the people who say it is difficult to solo to 60, you are doing it wrong. It is a piece of cake. Remember to use XP boots stim and buy a few levels of the Character perk for Class and Area Discovery XP gain. I usually buy up to lvl 3.
  19. I have never, and never do, use these. They are essentially vendor trash to me. I trade them in, wait for the cooldown, and sell it. In fact, I absolutely hate getting this from drops, especially on places like Yavin....I just trash them if I do. I have ALWAYS thought these were an utterly pathetic reward for completing a chapter, a piece of gear you will out level in an hour. And what person would honestly this this is a REWARD? It isn't even modable. You go all the way to fleet for your chapter rewards and you get...garbage. A complete waste of time. I have ALWAYS though that was very lackluster. Modable gear is the only gear worth having. Blue, green, and these stupid kits are just utter garbage. Either make them a REAL REWARD what is modable, or just give us a credit box. And stop making us go to fleet to get the chapter reward crap only to have to return where you just were. Freakin ridiculous.
  20. A LITTLE similar, but not close enough imo.
  21. Never in my 3 years of playing the game have I seen that chest piece.
  22. There a reason you posted the definition to the word inferred? Do you think someone is dumb here? And, again, did you SEE her die? No. Darth Malgus is alive, Darth Maul is alive, others are alive we thought dead (such as Revan for the 3rd time) and we thought they were dead didn't we? You can "infer" all you want, essentially guessing based on what you assume, but that isn't a proof given fact is it? No. Until Bioware confirms she is dead (or when KOTFE comes out) you can't say either way....inferring or not.
  23. If the raid group is all greeding and you get the drop? Happened to me MANY times with 192 gear. Some of my companions have 192 Implants from ops since they are better than the Yavin Companion Legacy gear you can get.
  24. Since, I assume, Darth Atroxa is the female Sith Twi'lek in the KOTFE trailer? If so, I would like to request her outfit be put in a Cartel pack when KOTFE comes out. We need some more outfits like hers and Darth Talon. Sets that flow and are fabric, follow the form of the body, not the stuff we have been getting with stuff sticking out. (and please Bioware, no flaps and other stuff attached to chest piece, attach them to belt or pants like they shoud be and should have been since day 1. Anything below belt line needs to be attached there, not to the chest. Too many chest pieces are unusable because of that stuff hanging down clipping through what you want to use as pants)
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