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Everything posted by Lxkane

  1. A purposeful endgame. Right now the endgame is all about grinding gear to get better gear so you can grind more gear. See how asinine that is. What's the point of getting the gear if all you do with it is just get more gear to replace it over and over again, ad infinitum. That's not a purposeful endgame it's just an endless grind and endless grinds are boring.
  2. First I just have to say that to me Twi'leks make no sense evolutionarily. They literally have a part of their brain outside of their skull dangling in the wind. How do they even sleep at night. One bad toss or turn and boom brain damage. All of that being said what BW could do is have helms turn into face mask (not rebreathers) for alien races that have extremities protruding from their heads.
  3. You don't want the next generation of MMOs. You want the previous generation of MMOs. In MMOs past gearing up was a means to an end not an end in and of itself. You grinded out the best gear in the game so you would have best stats for pvp so your guild could take over a castle/town/area/resource. This game doesn't have that and it's a major oversight which I hope they are fixing. But while we are talking about gearing up the worst part right now is that in effect you need 3 sets of armor to have the best armor in the game. 1 full set of war hero, 6-7 pieces of war hero to pull mods and enhancements from then a full set of campaign gear for the armoring.
  4. Don't know about the chest piece but the helmet of that set is from a reward of a correilia heroic mission.
  5. If you don't know rocket boost is a legacy ability which for 12 seconds lets your character hover in the air and move at 110% normal speed (like a rank 3 vehicle) The issue some including myself have with rocket boost is that it is a 12 second vehicle, and usable only in areas where vehicles can be used. So we can't use it in most flashpoints, operations, caves, open world dungeons (Belsavis tunnels), etc. Considering the type of ability this is and its cost, the vehicle restriction is lame especially when level 50 characters already have access to rank 3 speeders and in future updates even level 10 characters will be able to use speeders. Given this information how do we make rocket boost worth that 4.5 million credits? (total cost for all 3 ranks) Make rocket boost an ability. Right now it's a vehicle and that limits it's use. Making it an ability would mean we could use it flashpoints operations, caves and pretty much everywhere inquisitors/consulars could use force speed. Keep rocket boost out of warzones Every warzone gives the buff of bolster, even the level 50 bracket does this. Simply make rocket boost unusable while the player is under the effect of bolster and there will be no rocket boost in warzones. Make rocket boost useful in combat When in a combat state let rocket boost behave just like force charge/leap just with no damage, when they have a target selected. When in combat and there is no target selected let rocket boost move the player 15 feet in the direction their character is facing, so it is essentially behaves like a dash while in combat. This makes it useful to players of both melee and range classes. And since this is usable only outside of warzones, it doesn't effect non-world pvp in the slightest. Balancing the cost of each rank Rank 1 and Rank 2 cost one million credits each, I don't see any reason to change that. Rank 3 cost 1.5 million and lowers the cooldown further, but I also think that rocket boost's combat utility (as described above) should be tied to this rank, at the end. Giving player a highly desirable reason to buy all three ranks. Rocket boost should be a fun ability, and it is fun. But currently it is not worth 4.5 million credits worth of fun. I believe making these changes would make it worth that 4.5 million for all players not just RPers but also min/maxers and everyone in between. Edit: I posted this in the gen discussion section but I think it really belongs here.
  6. If you don't know rocket boost is a legacy ability which for 12 seconds lets your character hover in the air and move at 110% normal speed (like a rank 3 vehicle) The issue some including myself have with rocket boost is that it is a 12 second vehicle, and usable only in areas where vehicles can be used. So we can't use it in most flashpoints, operations, caves, open world dungeons (Belsavis tunnels), etc. Considering the type of ability this is and its cost, the vehicle restriction is lame especially when level 50 characters already have access to rank 3 speeders and in future updates even level 10 characters will be able to use speeders. Given this information how do we make rocket boost worth that 4.5 million credits? (total cost for all 3 ranks) Make rocket boost an ability. Right now it's a vehicle and that limits it's use. Making it an ability would mean we could use it flashpoints operations, caves and pretty much everywhere inquisitors/consulars could use force speed. Keep rocket boost out of warzones Every warzone gives the buff of bolster, even the level 50 bracket does this. Simply make rocket boost unusable while the player is under the effect of bolster and there will be no rocket boost in warzones. Make rocket boost useful in combat When in a combat state let rocket boost behave just like force charge/leap just with no damage, when they have a target selected. When in combat and there is no target selected let rocket boost move the player 15 feet in the direction their character is facing, so it is essentially behaves like a dash while in combat. This makes it useful to players of both melee and range classes. And since this is usable only outside of warzones, it doesn't effect non-world pvp in the slightest. Balancing the cost of each rank Rank 1 and Rank 2 cost one million credits each, I don't see any reason to change that. Rank 3 cost 1.5 million and lowers the cooldown further, but I also think that rocket boost's combat utility (as described above) should be tied to this rank, at the end. Giving player a highly desirable reason to buy all three ranks. Rocket boost should be a fun ability, and it is fun. But currently it is not worth 4.5 million credits worth of fun. I believe making these changes would make it worth that 4.5 million for all players not just RPers but also min/maxers and everyone in between.
  7. Nope, the Jedi Knight goes to a different instance than what imperial players see. The same happens faction wide for Balmorra, and Taris.
  8. Many of the enemies in the endgame have complete immunity from crowd control. At pax east a member of the development team said that the reason for giving enemies immunity was to prevent groups from controlling mobs especially bosses from being controlled an entire fight. So if we don't want bosses to be controlled for an entire fight why don't we give the mobs (including some of the bosses) a resolve bar that behaves like the one used in the pvp system. The main difference will be that npc resolve will also guard against roots and snares when it's full or let roots and snares fill its resolve. By doing this high level npcs could be affected by iconic powers without breaking a fight with crowd control abilities.
  9. Because the whole point of having modular gear is so you don't have to change the aesthetic of your character if you don't want to do so. For example there are no high level pants for marauders. So with your idea after level 29 and until 50 every marauder male or female will be wearing a dress unless they choose to start using imperial agent armor.
  10. Yes that is a very very bad idea. On my Jugg I used a level 10 vibrosword until I was level 48 when I started using the Chopper. This idea would forced me keep changing my vibrosword every 10 levels.
  11. I know exactly what the op is asking for. The op is asking if champion and centurion armor shell are craftable. Currently they are not. If you had the armor prior to 1.2 then now it is all fully modular with the set bonus set to the shell so removing all the mods doesn't affect the set bonus. Your aren't first person to ask for this many of us have been asking well before 1.2 went live.
  12. I'm sorry but being level 50 does add value for bioware as their customer in this game. Why? Because at level 50 you can provide feedback about their endgame. Let me give some examples. My guildmate that has a lvl 50 asin, operative, and juggernaut Can talk the devs ear off about what it's like to play those classes concerning: operations, hard modes, post 50 pvp, daily missions, clipping issues with level 50 gear, the rate at which you get pve and pvp gear, repair bills for gear over rating 124, etc. People with level 50 characters are capable of giving the devs one of the most valuable resources they need to make the game better and that's endgame feedback. Until giving endgame feedback at level 45 is possible, a person with a level 50 character with an active will be more valuable to the longevity of the game than someone with just an active subscription.
  13. Yeah they should be endless but you should be able to use then in flashpoint too if you fully up grade them. As they are now they have no purpose other than vanity and their price makes them the most expensive vanity item in the game.
  14. Ok after checking my alts on another server that doesn't have legacy. I can confirm that you don't get the presence bonus more than once with any one base class. So two sith warriors don't amount to +100 but only +50 presence. Sucks for me because I have a Jugg and Mara with maxed out companions but w/e I'll just make repubes after finishing one of each of the other imperial classes.
  15. Where did you learn that I haven't seen any info on it?
  16. Does anyone know if having two characters of same base class only gives companion bonuses once. For example if having two sith warriors with maxed companions only yields the effect of the bonuses once even though you've essentially unlocked 10 companion characters.
  17. I like these definitions of the different terms. Yes I think I find a way to paraphrase them into a sig. On topic. I never played wow. I didn't like the aesthetic and traditional MMO combat bores me. (Yes I know swtor has traditional MMO combat and I hate it.) The best MMOs I've played always made pvp the endgame where pve was simply there to fuel the endgame pvp in terms of gear, levels, crafting resources, and money. The hook to those games though was that winning in the pvp of those games would then provide a boost to the pve side of those games. So winning in pvp would garner you more money from mobs, more crafting resources, cheaper store prices for armor etc. This game currently doesn't do anything like that for its endgame. Right now its endgame doesn't revolve around developer designed mechanics but around developer designed content. And that's the problem swtor has, like it's been said swtor is an amusement park ride and you can only ride the same roller coaster so many times before it becomes boring. Instead of building us more roller coasters they need to build us a playground where we can essentially make our own fun. In other words instead of endgame flashpoints, and operations following a wow route, they need endgame pvp systems that have an effect on the entire server. Whether that system is akin to base/castle/fort/town sieges, or open world guild land grabbing depends on the devs. But until then swtor will follow an ebb and flow model where people come and go as new flashpoints and operations are released and take breaks after finishing the new content.
  18. 1. Many including myself actually like the aesthetics of the centurion and champion pvp armor sets. Personally I feel saddened by the fact that my future alts after 1.2 won't be able to get the centurion or champion set in a form that is modular. Would it be possible to add schematics or the orange shells to the pvp vendor to let later characters and players have the look of the phased out centurion and champion armor? The sets could require valor ranks of 40 and 50 respectively while maintaining the level requirement of 50. 2. Is there anyway to have the stat bonuses from datacrons tie into the legacy? If it did tie into the legacy we wouldn't have to collect them on multiple characters. Finding all the datacrons once is fun, twice is tedious, but eight times is a chore. 3. On the week of March 30 it was said that new armor requires significant lead time. But some of the armor players want is already in the game. For example; the armor of the infernal council, orange version of the juggernaut elite set (greens from taris), the white and black versions of the sith warrior columi armor worn by various npcs on imperial fleet. Is there any chance we will see any of these pieces of armor made wearable by players? Edit: ultra quick example npc armor players can't wear (afaik) npc armor
  19. Personally I only do pvp warzones for the armor. If it were craftable or purchasable with pvp then I wouldn't care if were warzone were removed entirely. On a side note, this is the first MMO I've played where the pvp wasn't fueled by the pve part of the game. Where being the best in the overall game wasn't required to the best pvper. In all the previous MMOs I've played, the reason for getting to all the end game pve stuff was so you could have the best gear when it came time to compete with others. So for me with the pvp and pve gear being separated like this it invalidate both sets of gear to some extent.
  20. Already asked for still not answered. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=254796
  21. Many including myself actually like the aesthetics of the centurion and champion pvp armor sets. Personally I feel saddened by the fact that my future alts after 1.2 won't be able to get the centurion or champion set in a form that is modular. My suggestion is to add schematics that will let crafters make these armor sets as orange (custom) pieces of armor. Edit: The crafted sets should require valor ranks of 40 and 50 respectively while maintaining the level requirement of 50.
  22. Old thread is old. Someone necromanced this thread in an attempt to troll don't get sucked in, there is no conversation here anymore.
  23. That's called pking and in this game there are no consequences for pking so doing it is nothing but a waste of time because there is nothing gained, nothing lost, and worst of all nothing risked. It is the definition of boring. I searched this thread and no one talked about consequences this carebear pvp is boring. For Ilum pvpve may be best. But the mobs need to be neutral and hostile to all player factions. The computer controlled faction can be pirates or separatist so it doesn't break lore. The consequence part should come from the reward from controlling Ilum. The reward could be a presence buff to the winning faction and lower fees for gtn sales, lower repair cost, or lower cost for crew skills for the entire faction (things people want to fight for both pve and pvp players). And every 3 or 4 days Ilum can be sieged by the pve faction and the player faction that doesn't control Ilum where the controlling faction defends. RFO (rising force online) did this well and it was the best thing about that game. People pved to fuel their pvp during the chipwars where taking over the mine was a boon for the entire faction. This led to server politics between factions, guild politics over who would be voted faction leader, etc. Swtor has none of that I don't know the name of the largest pvp guild on the republic side of my server because other than in warzones they don't exist as far as I'm concerned because I never see them. But there is no reason Ilum can't also allow gvg while having pvpve. After a faction takes control of the main base on Ilum let guilds fight over outposts on Ilum that give the guild members some kind of reward. For example a extra valor in warzones, decreased armor and weapon deterioration, higher chance to crit on gathering crew skills. For this part think castles sieges in Lineage 2 where the outpost act as the castle and to attack it for control you have sign up to do so. If more than one guild signs up then it should be a race between the guilds to see who could cap and hold the outpost control point for 15 minutes uninterrupted. I could go on but this post is already long.
  24. I could understand the op's point if pvp in this game was part of a meta game. But has it is now pvp is really well pointless, in the sense that pvp doesn't have any consequences and no gain outside of tokens and gear. Personally I'm fine with this game if it means less sorc ball. The same way you build your faction sense of pride, make it an unwritten rule that you don't farm same faction in warzones.
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