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Everything posted by grandmasterub

  1. Shadow tank. I never lose ST agro. I always lose AE agro to commando AE combos. Just save group taunt for that. Its usually up when their AEs hit again.
  2. Taunt sets your agro to 110% of the current highest hate and force targets for 6 seconds. Once taunt is off players in melee range have to exceed 110% of your current threat to take it back. Ranged players have to exceed 130%. I always guard melee (unless a ranged significantly outdps's melee). Heals should not be able to pull agro without also dpsing. If you are losing hate to pure heals then you are doing it wrong. Taunts are fine you just have to be smart about using them. My shadows AE spam sucks contrary to popular belief. The other day I tanked for a group that all dps'd different targets (very annoying). I knew that every time the commando AE'd I would lose agro. So you wait for his targeting circle... let the mobs run, then taunt as they reach the edge of your range. You just have to manage them. Dont spam.
  3. First mmo? Rule#1 of mmos: your class will get fixed. It will not be what you wanted. It may take 1 year. Rule#2 of mmos: player feedback is negligable. Canceling your sub does not get it fixed faster.
  4. Everyone has broken skills. The reason youre getting flamed is cause sages are clearly the most well off of all the ACs. Half the other ACs have core mechanic problems on top of broken talents and skills. Don't worry you'll survive. The devs will get to you in due time. They dont like hybrid specs so they'll change you. Be patient. And enjoy being OP while you can. Chances are when they fix your talent they also nerf you : /
  5. They could just have it change your techniques effects... So it does the damage and heal...
  6. Just watched that at work. Ppl in the next office think I'm crazy cause I can't stop laughing. Epic commentary
  7. As kinetic I find 1 of 2 tactics work. Vs. Melee: cricle strafe at ~10m stepping in to DS as necessary. Vs. Range: get in their face and chomp chomp And of course watch their buffs/casts so you can interupt, stu, resiliance, etc... As necessary. Don't hesitate to pop every cd you have at once.
  8. I'm tank spec in tank gear. I dont get high damage but I'm usually top3 in kills. High protection and objective scores. 9+ medals. I usually get the most mvp votes in wz's. unless we have an uber healer
  9. Based in the number if talents that deal with project, and our "shadow training" I assume project is supposed to be a core ability for all shadows. I imagine thats dev vision. Yet from the sound if this thread it didn't really fit well for any shadow except infil. Yes we use it but it doesn't fit well... To me this says they need to lower the force cost so it fits for all shadows. Or adjust the talents to make it worth the cost... Edit: was just thinking. A lot of our abilities seem to be extremeky situational. IE not worth using except under very explicit circumstances. Project... No without procs, questionable with procs Shadowstrike: only with procs, dont have to keep on cd Whirling: only with 4+ enemies in melee range Mind crush: only balance & only with procs double strike / CV and beach seem to be the only non situational spells we have although id argue beach is situational for kinetics and infil
  10. Rofl. There would probably be less qqing more tolerance of bugs if they did this.
  11. Soooooo they're patching 1.1.3 to PTS pretty soon here. Any guesses at who gets the nerf bat this time? I'm feelin vanguard/powertech for some reason. It'll be called a fix to the middle tree though.
  12. EQ2s is like a very elaborate ding. However I'm sure its not the originator, although I suppose its possible
  13. They need to move it down the tree then so I don't have to waste as many points getting it for my infil or kinetic spec.
  14. They nerfed hybrids. You can't really go past FiB if youre kinetic spec'd now
  15. If you pvp more choose whichever role you prefer there or visa versa for pve. I like the tank role so I do that. I hear infil is equally fun you just have to be more choosy about engaging.
  16. I really like Tharen actually. Iresso on the other hand...
  17. I see a lot of assassins with spiny sabers. Generally I find I'm usually the only kinetic shadow in my team. I'm usually the only person with a lot of protection. Maybe all the fotm kinetics don't taunt? I think balance is fotm tbh. I hope not everyone is spec'd kinetic. That'll get me nerfed ...again
  18. I also have all 3 tanks light side. They all tank fine. I prefer my shadow because I have the most fun playing him I guess. Maintaining his defensive debuffs is annoying though. My vanguard feels the most powerful of the three. Just tankiest overall. The resource mechanic took a little getting used to though. My guardian is very fun cause of leap but I have the most agro problems with him. Also is it just me or does the dps tree seem tankier than the tank tree?
  19. No I meant change a talent. Like get rid of nerve wracking. Replace with "shadowstep"- changes shadowstrike into a blink. Deals 50% damage and 50% threat, instantly teleports to the rear of target. range increases by 0/5/25m. Cost is reduced by 15 force.
  20. I like 2/21/18 myself. Running HEC unless ammo is manageable with plasma which I find its not quite. Im considering moving the 2 from brutal impact to pulse generator.
  21. Synergize indicates skills work together. Tactics tree has 2 talents that effect HEC (3 if you count augs). In no way does it enhance skill usage. All the vanguard trees are melee to a degree yet they don't need the speed or ammo regen cause their trees synergize. Let me put it this way. Things that synergize are required to be together. Things that are required together dont have to synergize but can. Anyway. We both agree tactics needs some lurvin.
  22. Im trying to learn to keybind myself. Its rather frustrating. I'm sure I just need to keep at it so muscle memory c can kick in. I keep going back to clicking though . I get fed up with sucking and go dominate a couple wz's to feel better. Oh well. I must dary I did start an alt that I have only keybind on. And I actually forget to click on her. Altho keybinding is still clunky as well. I just don't have the reaction time and I feel like my mouse hand just sits there doing nothing which is dumb because my left hand sucks at life.
  23. No matter how you spec a shadow theres always a couple moves you rarely/never use. Kinetic: shadowstrike, mind crush Infiltration: telekinetic throw, mind crush Balance: telekinetic throw, (maybe kick) Its just how it is. Kinda annoying tbh. I wish they'd adjust the talents so you could use all your skills. Like for kinetics add a way to use SS from the front at reduced damage but with some sort of debuff. or how the balance hybrid used to allow mind crush to be used. Edit: oooo Awesome OP thought. Kinetic tree have a talent that turns shadow strike into a teleport strike. Min range now 10m max 30m cost 35 force. They'd have to limit find weakness to shadow/force tech only....
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