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Everything posted by grandmasterub

  1. This... I don't recall pants from taris... There are orange skirts at rather low levels but not pants.
  2. I've leveled from 10 as kinetic. Goes quick. Can pretty much use any companion for most things. Are able to solo a lot of heroic quests with tharen and patience
  3. theyre three biggest changes in the patch... Seems pretty significant to me... when nerfing hybrids > fixing base class skills... Thats bad business for an mmo. Its also how you lose players
  4. Pretty big nerf to the shadowtech spec as well. Balance/infil hybrids gave good dps while not being force starved.
  5. This isn't a "shadows are op" nerf. Its a "we didn't think you guys would play that way so were forcing you to conform to our vision" nerf. Guardians don't even spec into their tank tree to tank... They aren't pidgeon holed... The sages main spec is a hybrid... No nerf there... My trooper rolls exclusively hybrid specs... Oh and I stance dance to grwat effect in pvp on him... Its an unneccessary and unfair nerf. It alienates a major part of the shadow community. And its just bad business. I dont mind nerfs... I mind uneccessary nerfs.
  6. Interupts interuots interupts. Thats how you beat casters. You have 4 (maybe 3 at that lvl). Force stun, aoe knockback, spinning kick (tank spec) or low slash (infil), ST interupt all classes get. Oh and the lucky holiday channel I think I cc'd the caster. Pulled the melee dudes away and killed. Then fought the caster. Use resiliancy if you miss an interupt.
  7. Why would you take a measly 2% endurance over increased proc chance on combat tech. The heal on the effect is larger than the hp increase from 2% endurance... Also defense/stealth talent is > extra danage on your controls especially with the ludacris number of sorcs in pvp. As to kward. I see charges being eaten. Therfore I keep it.
  8. I would argue SIA/JCS are the defacto single target tanks. Since our aoe threat is a bad a yours and our primary shield talent is charge based... We do have awesome ST threat though. Do you always have guard on the melee dps? Thats usually enough to keep them low on hate. Then its just a matter of saving your aoe taunt for the BH that lights off all his ground target nukes in a row.
  9. Accuracy only effects the avoidance check.... You need more than 100% to A) counteract the defensive check and B) have 100% vs targets higher level than you. Resistance effects elemental and internal damage which ignores armor. Kinetic & weapon damage use armor. Whats confusing is why there is an extra "resistance" value listed under defense chance which doesn't appear to be the same as "resistance" under damage reduction in the UI. Force is an attack type not a danage type. It cannot be parried. It can be shielded. This is different than a damage type. Attack type: Force, Tech, Ranged, Melee (effects how you avoid) Damage type: Elemental, Internal, Kinetic, Weapon (effects how you mitigate) /FACEPALM DUH! Resist under defense must be a chance to resist fotce/tech attacks since they cant be dodged/parried. Missed it before cause my resiliance temp didnt change the number in the UI
  10. Allow quick travel to port us directly to our ship, not just the planet stations we've disco'd. the like 4 step zoning process you have to go through to get to your ship every planet is ridiculous and you can't use your mount!!!!!!!!!!!! just allow us to QT to our ship PLEASE!
  11. its a rather moot point with the new patch changes. but would this have been a beast pvp spec running combat stance? i feel like the damage could be sick while being pretty damn resiliant. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601Msr0zZhRrMkZf0cRr0z.1
  12. Hmm just checked mine on my shadow. Somehow i have 2% resistance listed under my "defense" like in your SS. It must be from one of my talents because it was still there when i took off all gear and turned off all buffs. I do have a 2% resist all damage buff but i think thats calculated in damage reduction... : /
  13. you are wrong... that is all. As to the OPs "resistance" under defense chance. I think thats just a UI bug. Your resist should list under your mitigation i think.
  14. KWard is useless if you arent in combat technique. you can't shield if you arent in it.
  15. the only blatently dumb thing in this thread is your insistance that upheaval should be counted as project, but channeled abilities should not... get over it... maybe next expansion you'll get a 5k hit...
  16. Is the "extra rock" supposed to be consuming a charge of force potency? Cause it does for me. Also if you project with particle acceleration, and get upheaval, does the extra rock autocrit as well? seems to me like I'd prefer upheaval not consume FP charges since its a weaker dps increase... I'd rather save the charges for PA projects (when it gets fixed and actually works of course)
  17. TBH it wouldn't be that hard, or gamechanging for bioware to add an optional lvl 50 questline that acts as a retraining of your AC. Make it only available once every 30 days and only if youre max level. this especially makes sense since ACs have the same storyline. They could have simple penalties like all spells require retraining. Resetting of your light/dark. Etc...
  18. 1.1.1 was on test for ~10 days before live. So I would get it will go live late next week. maybe thursday.
  19. Use your cc to limit the mobs you fight at once. Keep KW and breach running. If its really tough CC have fess tank another and you kill the third. Feel free to break combat with invis and come back to finish it off. damage is basically the DS/project rotation. Tharen makes it super easy when you get him.
  20. Design of republic mirrors are so much worse. Its like the design team was split 60:40 imp:repub Zones, animations, armour, ability function, the whole 9 yards.
  21. Some pvp shadows are extremely adamant about keeping the project delay so they can "burst". Its bloody amount to the rest of us. I pvp myself. We dont crit hard enough to burst anyway.
  22. I feel like you picked the wrong advanced class or maybe just have gotten them confused in the guides you read. Jedi Shadows are melee to mid range. They use melee saber and force attacks. You will be very reliant on procs from melee. If you are an infiltration shadow you will want to send Fess in first. Then move in using double strike to proc circling shadows and find weakness. Project is used with circling, shadow strike is ONLY used with find weakness. If you are a kinetic shadow your rotation is going to be double strike to proc particle acceleration then project. You will also be maintaining force breach and kinetic ward. Based on your play I think the balance tree is your best fit as a shadow. Although again it is still very reliant on melee to proc talents. 1. Sages get the heals 2. Personal preference. I clump mine by how often I use them or by offense vs defence. 3. Crafting is lvl'd by making non grey items. Archeology lvl'd by open world gathering or by crew missions. Underworld trading is only by crew missions. 4. For almost all professions. The crafted items will only be useful if your craft lvl is ahead of your lvl. So if you can only make lvl 12 belts then its not going to be better than your lvl 14 quest item. Also remember you can "reverse engineer" your crafted items to get materials back and learn better versions of said item. Honestly though I think a Jedi Sage might have been what you were looking for. They almost exclusively range force abilities. They can heal. Etc...
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