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Everything posted by flyersfan

  1. The word "epic" refers to an elongated poem that tells the legend of a hero, so the use of the word is actually spot on since the emphasis of this Flashpoint is the story.
  2. I agree with Nefla. To me, Revan is a blonde woman and always has been. If I load up KoTOR right now, she'll still be there looking at me from the start menu. I'm still very pissed about them changing a character that we were able to create and making those characters obsolete. It's easily by least favourite thing that BioWare had ever done.
  3. Hey. I'm Drevenya, al'verde of Clan Vevut. We're a Mandalorian RP guild like you might like. You can apply on our site at Vevut.enjin.com or contact Drevenya, Vozza, Querrak, or Tsad in-game.
  4. I started a thread in the Suggestion Box to help with the armour issue. I suggested the addition of gear mannequins in strongholds and someone else suggested that the mannequins support the ability to swap armour sets with you to make the change easy and clear up space in your inventory. Post in the thread to show your support. Also, there should absolutely not be a Mandalore title. There is only one Mandalore and his name is Artus Lok, Mandalore the Vindicated.
  5. I like the idea as long as it can be toggled on and off and the GM or officers can set the number. I'd probably invoke a 2% tax until our guild ship and HQ are fully unlocked. 10% is way too high, in my opinion.
  6. It would be understandable for them to count as NPCs, but I'd rather them not. Chances are I'd have several of these in my stronghold.
  7. Guild Name: <Clan Vevut> Faction: Empire Focus: RP Website: vevut.enjin.com Recruitment Thread: N/A Point of Contact: Tsad (Aliit'alor), Querrak (Akaan'alor), or Drevenya (Al'verde)
  8. Congrats on the new additions to the family! Hope they're doing well. As for the game, RPing in guilds is still the way to go. It's uncommon, but not unheard of, to have random RP out in the rest of the game. I'm not sure which faction you play on or what kind of RP you're looking for, but I'm an officer in Clan Vevut, a Mandalorian RP guild, on the Empire side. If that's something you're interested in, then send me an IC mail in-game to Drevenya and/or apply on our site.
  9. Supply and demand: Stop buying the packs because they're a ripoff and BioWare will release content in other ways. I don't mind paying for Pazaak outright; I know I'll get my enjoyment out of it, but I won't purchase a RNG pack for it.
  10. It works for Cartel armour and PvE armour. What else should I do with my Black Market armour after I get the Oriconian piece but sell it? This would be more productive and exemplify what Strongholds are supposed to be about.
  11. This would be very useful for me, especially now that I'm starting to run multiple specs on my characters. This would help with a lot of endgame raiders and people that switch between roles for PvP and PvE.
  12. All great ideas. I would assume that you can get as many mannequins as you can find and they would come in male and female.
  13. How can that what companions are for? Outside of the Trooper, the player classes have different main stats and can't always wear my armour, if they can only wear light or medium armour. Silly excuse, BioWare.
  14. I'd like to show off some of my obsolete gear that I still have like Tionese, Champion, Battlemaster, and such that aren't worth wearing anymore. Some of the Mandalorian sets would be cool to show off too for my Mando characters.
  15. I'd like to see mannequins put in as decorations that players could put gear on. I have quite a few sets of gear that I don't particularly wear anymore that would be nice to have on display within my nice new apartment, not to mention sets that are just outdated.
  16. After some clan deliberation, we will be adding some light RP to the overall guild experience. This pretty much will include sticking to the Resol'nare and having a more Mandalorian-look to our guild events.
  17. <Clan Egris> is a new Mandalorian-themed guild that is recruiting new members. As the leader, I'm looking for dedicated members that like working together in a smaller (ideally hovering around 25-30 members) where we will work in the Mandalorian fashion to better our clan. This will include PvE & PvP albeit with more emphasis on PvE due to the nature of our server. We will be doing Operations at a casual progression-based pace. We're currently looking for all Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agent ACs and specs; sorry, no Sith Warriors or Sith Inquisitors. If you're interested in joining, you can post below, contact Drevenya, Lemya, or Eriona in-game, send me a PM through this site, or apply on our new site (still in progress, but bare bones functions are working) at clan-egris.enjin.com.
  18. Yes, this is a guild endeavour. The price is supposed to be high so that you and your guild have something to work towards. Also, you're not supposed to unlock all the stuff on day one. This applies to all things in MMOs. New content is not designed to be consumed within 12 hours of release so that all the players can run back to the forums and complain about lack of content. Off of my tangent, the 50 million price tag is fine. Will I have a guild ship as soon as it's released? No, I will not, but I'm excited about having something for my guild to work together on. Also, if guild taxes had been implemented years ago, this would not be such an issue.
  19. Could they actually do it? Yes, of course. They have the resources, the capability, and at least from what I've seen the customer interest to make it a successful project. However, it's pretty clear that EA isn't interested in making another KotOR mostly because this game exists. Obsidian execs have met with EA and subsequently Disney about making another KotOR game and have been turned down. I hope that they keep trying and that EA/Disney reconsider.
  20. I would like to see them just add in an SIS Agent for the Republic that would be a proper equivalent to the Imperial Agent and an Imperial Trooper for the Empire that would be the proper equivalent to the Trooper. Obviously, new stories would be added, but the gameplay would essentially be the same thing. The Advanced Classes would be identical and the abilities would all function the same way just with different looks and names. To me, that would be the easiest way to add in "new classes" in a game that can't really support anything outside of what's already available.
  21. Drevenya Camaxtil sits at the Dromund Kaas spaceport cantina enjoying a ne'tra gal[/] with her Devaronian friend; she's glad that the Mandalorian enclave in Kaas City encourages the local cantinas to stock her favourite drink. While she halfheartedly listens to Gault crack jokes about the other cantina patrons, Drevenya sees a man passing through the crowded spaceport foot traffic with a cybernetic human at his heels. She lifts her hand to quiet Gault for a moment and calls for her tab. After leaving the bartender a hefty tip, she starts to follow the man waiting for the perfect moment to stop him for a quick chat .. (( I'm new to the Ebon Hawk server [in the process of transferring my characters] and will be starting a new guild called <Clan Camaxtil> tonight. Clan Camaxtil is very loyal to the ideals of Mandalore the Preserver, but we follow the Resol'nare as we must to be accepted into the manda. Therefore, we are loyal to Mand'alor, but we disagree with his allegiances. We strive for Mandalorian progression and power, but do not want to be the minions of the Sith. We are not loyal to the Republic, but we are more sympathetic and understanding to their cause, especially because they do not interfere with our affairs. If you're interested, then you can send a mail to Drevenya in-game (preferably IC) or send me a private message on swtor.com. ))
  22. We do not, but I suppose I could make one. Edit: fivepercentclub.enjin.com is our new website
  23. The Five Percent Club is a guild designed for casual players that want to level multiple characters and have a good time doing it. We don't heavily stress elder game content or really have any restrictions at all. We have an array of players that enjoy both PvE & PvP. If you're looking for a PvE progression guild or a hardcore PvP squad, then this is not the place for you. If you're interested in a relaxed, fun, pressure-free levelling guild (or somewhere to collect the extra 5% guild XP), then send a whisper to Lemya in-game for an invite. You can also contact any other member by typing /who and typing "Five Percent Club" to see who else is on.
  24. It is not plain idiotic and certainly makes sense. I understand the concern that people will be using the feature for unwanted purposes, but why would you stop people from changing their names for purely cosmetic purposes? That's not fair to the legitimate players that just want a different name. There are plenty of people that want to change their names for good, pure, and noble reasons. It's not fair to punish them because you're afraid that someone might "ninja loot" you. Stuff happens. Deal with it and get over it. Some people need to grow up and realise that not everything works out their way all the time. Honestly, the most important thing is that this feature will generate revenue for BioWare Austin and SW:TOR. That is the biggest reason that it should be added as well as a whole lineup of other MMO-standard features that BioWare would make us pay for. Not adding them really is idiotic. I do agree about the bumping, though. It makes the thread's value deteriorate and makes it seem less worthy.
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