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Everything posted by Farferello

  1. A shame that the Weekly is now only group stuff, means I won't be doing the Weekly I guess. I rerolled the one Daily that was a group thing and got Starfighter. So I guess I won't be earning many points at all.
  2. Looking at the objectives, does this mean that all the soloable Weekly Objectives (Iokath/Ossus/etc) that was on PTS is no longer a thing and it's only group related stuff now?
  3. I'm here for the story content, I'd rather not be stuck banging my head against the wall because it's too hard. If I want hard content I'll go run hard flashpoints, uprisings, or go do KOTFE/ET in Veteran or Master mode. Story stuff needs to be available for everyone, make that harder and you make it difficult for people who may have disabilities or other things that stop them from doing/enjoying 'harder' stuff and blocking off what they may enjoy or prefer. You can make it hard for yourself without messing up other players. Put your companion on passive, dismiss them, wear less/no gear, etc. I don't find anything fun about killing trash mobs, they just stand between me and the next story beat and if it takes me two hits rather than five to kill them, so be it. Generally you're less likely to use your entire rotation outside of higher level content, and I'd rather not have everything at Heroics tier difficulty when I'm just trying to do class story. Just look at Spirit of Vengeance and how many people complained about the difficulty spike in the story mode of that. Story content shouldn't require the best gear just to get through it.
  4. The fact some people still act like what Theron did during the Traitor arc was the worst thing ever and demanded death was just... disappointing though not surprising. It was stupid railroaded story (why couldn't he take us completely off Odessan or like... written us a note to say what was going on if the Gemini Droid was that much of a threat?) And it's like they forget that Lana did the exact same thing in lying to Theron and letting him be captured on Rishi. Though I think a lot of the hate people have for him and also Koth, and Quinn in the same essence is that the Edge Lord player felt their character had been slighted in that Theron/Koth/Quinn didn't bend over backwards to kiss their behind. With Quinn I honestly can't blame him for what happened, But back to Theron, I really like the differences in his romance depending on your faction, though I greatly prefer the Republic hug compared to the Imp version, as Imp version feels almost sadder in a way like it's urging you to move on from what the two of you share because duty calls. I'm at least glad that my Sorcerer (and eventually Warrior) can tell him the truth about being Saboteurs. I hate that only Lana knows otherwise.
  5. Rattataki do seem to still keep the red eyes as I know my Warrior has them. Every other species seems to just have the dark orange ones now after eyes were altered a while back.
  6. Same here. I've a male Warrior who would be perfect with Quinn and I'm still salty they cut his bisexuality. Considering their meetup on Iokath, especially if you go Republic and take him back... I mean the guy knows how long you've been apart down to the day hour?, and my guy still can't romance him. I pretty much just head canon they're together regardless of actual story. Though as they added a flirt for Vector I still hold onto the slim hope that maybe one day it will happen.
  7. I'm looking forward to today's patch if it does indeed fix the Jace Malcom wrongly appearing dead bug. I've had two Imp's I've had to hold off on taking through 6.2 because of it. I couldn't stand to see Theron being sad about his dad being dead when he actually wasn't. @The person who has the Quinn guild Impside, what server are you on? I have a Warrior who would totally join that.
  8. When I started 6.2 story content on two of my Imperial's who had sided with the Republic on Iokath, I noticed that Theron acted as if his father was dead. Exiting out of the cutscene I checked my contacts list and Jace Malcom was listed as having been helped on Iokath, and also dying on Iokath. This was not an issue before I started 6.2 on those Imperial's as Jace Malcom was obviously alive and well and the game treated him as such, and Acina is still listed as dead under hers. I had this bug on them also when Jedi Under Siege first came out but it seemed to only be a visual bug as Acina was still noted to be dead in the story content. The bug was eventually fixed but now I've been hit with it again. With 6.2 everyone is reacting as if Jace Malcom is actually dead, when he shouldn't be. I had hoped this would get fixed, it has been a few months now and I'm still having to hold back on taking those two characters through 6.2's story because I did not want the bug becoming a further issue in their content later.
  9. Lots of fixes but still nothing for the Jace Malcom bug if you sided Republic on Iokath with an Imperial character, but 6.2 causes his contacts list to show him as dead? I really want to play through 6.2 on two of my Imp's but can't whilst this is still broken as I don't want Theron acting like his father is dead when he isn't.
  10. Let me perma hide certain companion groups under contacts and let me hide alliance alerts. If I haven't done them, I'm not going to, either let me get rid of them or hide them without having to close the tab every time I log in. I'm never going to do 4X or Pierce, on anyone but my Trooper/Warrior for example and them just being stuck in the list is a pain. Same sense, let me favourite a companion or toggle my most used or do something so that my 'main' companion is at the top of the list. It's fine as is if I want to use Arcann but when I have to scroll all the way down looking for Scourge, or Quinn, it's kind of annoying. I will +1 to those suggested being able to 'lock' the character screen to a certain order. I like my mains being on the front page, but I like to play alts sometimes. I hate my mains then dropping off to the second/third page because I've had to cycle through my alts. Let me hide conquest/guild (x) controls (planet)/light vs dark pop ups via the interface or something. I hate having things get stuck on my screen especially if they pop up during cutscenes or something. Either a way to claim only the pieces you want from an armour collection, or a quick delete tool. Sometimes I might claim several armour sets because I want to use individual pieces. I'm then stuck there having to manually drag and drop all the bits I didn't want from the sets. It's so tedious. Make Diplomacy missions display alignment properly. I hate having to hover over them now to check which one gives the full alignment gain and which gives the mix of dark/light. Now they all just show your selected alignment from the light/dark toggle unless you hover over the icon, it just slows things down.
  11. Jace Malcom is still bugged for a few of my Imps showing as both dead and alive. I can't take them through 6.2 until that's fixed.
  12. Still bugged for me after the patch, guess we'll have to wait for the next patch to hopefully fix it. I guess I'll have to just hold back on doing this story with a Warrior, and Hunter for now then.
  13. Still no fix for my Jace Malcom bug. Guess I won't be taking my Warrior, or Hunter through this content anytime soon then.
  14. Will this also be fixing the issue of Jace Malcom and Acina both showing as dead when Jace Malcom should be alive, for my Imp's who sided Republic on Iokath, or will I still have to wait to take two Imperial's through the story until it's fixed?
  15. Same, going to hold off on taking my Smuggler through for now. It's weird unromanced people were getting a romanced mail, but those who romanced him get nothing.
  16. My Trooper never got one from him either.
  17. When I sent a tweet to Charles on Twitter he acknowledged it and said it was 'already on the list' but it's not on the Bug report for known issues, so I've no idea. I've got to hold back on taking three of my characters through the story until this gets fixed now.
  18. Had the same issue. My characters who were around to be hit with the bug initially when Jedi Under Siege came out have got it again, whilst my newer Imperials who were made since the bug was 'fixed' did not get Theron acting like his father was dead/contacts say he and Acina are both dead. It only seems to have triggered on my older Imperials.
  19. I didn't get a letter from him either. Got letters from Arcann, and Scourge which had extra if you'd romanced them (my Knights got a normal letter and the one who romanced him got a normal and romance one lol) but nothing from Theron. :/ Kiss was cute but it annoys me that our possible romance of choice, especially if they were with us, abandoned us to have Lana wake us up. Considering one of my Knights hates her, he'd be pissed that Scourge left him with her instead of being there when he woke up.
  20. When starting 6.2 I found that some of my older Imperial characters who had suffered the 'Acina and Malcom both dead' bug on their contacts list when Jedi Under Siege first came out, now have the bug once again. When JUS first came out, all of my Imperial's at the time were hit with the bug in their contacts list where Acina and Malcom were both stated to be dead after my Imperial's had sided with the Republic on Iokath. That bug was eventually fixed at some point, but I have found that with 6.2, those same Imperial's now have the bug again. Jace Malcom is listed as both helped and dead on his contact list and Theron acts like he has lost a parent already during the initial cutscene, even though Jace Malcom is alive and well. It only seems to be happening to my older Imperial's, aka the ones who were around when JUS first came out and got bugged. All of my Imp's who I've made since then, do not trigger this bug when starting 6.2
  21. Unless you plan to stick all Heroics in a private instance, limiting Heroic points to the invasion planet means you'll have countless people all fighting over the same mobs. I did Face Merchants on Coruscant recently, must have been 5-6 other people there, no one wanted to group and all were fighting each other for the same mobs because of the bonus and the godawful respawn time. Same for Mutations on Taris. All this will do is have more stealth/objective stealers and frustrate people even more. You can invite others to group but you can't make them join said group, and then you're fighting each other more than you are whatever mob you need to kill. With double exp going on, I can easily over level which bracket is available to me, but be unable to participate and really do anything for conquest because whilst my character is high level I might not really have access to whatever objective is in the 71+ bracket because of class story, etc.
  22. I mostly play light side Imps and even my dark ones don't slaughter everything just for the sake of it, and I pretty much have to play all the way through kotfe/et onwards just so they don't get stuck with the default 'killed everything that moved' choice. It would be nice to be able to skip through that story but decide what the outcomes were myself. Alas, I'll just keep playing through it. (I'm already at having gone through kotfe/et 30+ times at this point.)
  23. I've had this issue for ages and it's so frustrating. I thought at first it happened whenever the other Walker hit me with an attack it would make mine go back on cooldown, but it makes sense that it's bugged to going back on cooldown when the other Walker uses its abilities. Since the changes/nerfs implemented, Walker sections feel even more annoying/deadly than usual, but having abilities reset just before they go on cooldown and having to wait again is a real pain in that Chapter.
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