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Everything posted by Farferello

  1. My Sith's pale eyes are now bright blinding white, and my Sorc who had the CM bright white eyes, they now look dull grey. I also hate the splotchy red/orange colour my Dark V character has now. I miss the solid red over something that looks like this, it's enough to make me consider hiding the corruption.
  2. Huh that is weird that they'd use his Ziost npc but remove the bruising. But as for the scarring, I remember him having the dark lines near the implants but never that scarring even in Umbara I never noticed it and I don't think the removal of hair would make them look that intense. *Shrug.* I guess we'll see, it likely doesn't mean anything then if it's just Bioware messing around with the npc version used in the scenes.
  3. I'm also curious about the design decision for giving Theron that gnarly scarring around his implants and the fact their lights are turned off. I'm wondering if it's just Bioware being Bioware or if there's some other reason behind it, especially the scars as that was the first thing I noticed and not the hair Ugh I'm going to be so anxious and worried until we get the next flashpoint and hopefully more content for him. I also hope we get to talk Lana down as none of my characters will stand for her threats.
  4. Went through the flashpoint first on my main and not sure I'm looking forward to going through it again with my Theronmancer considering how bloated and just annoying the bosses are. Can't say I'm too pleased about needing to give Raina gifts just to make her not useless. I think the only reason I survived on my main with a level 1 Raina was because he could stealth. My Theronmancing Sorcerer doesn't have the same ease. (I don't think I'll bother to take my other alts through it yet either.) It was a little disappointing how little of Theron we got to see and seeing that hair in motion just... my Sorc is going to be so dumbfounded when he sees his lover sporting that. The mail we got from Lana is concerning, especially her threats toward him. I'm even more anxious about the final flashpoint now and Theron's safety.
  5. Most of the colours are messed up for me. The Sith pale eyes are now so white they glow in the dark, and the white CM eyes I use on my human are instead now a very dull grey. Dark Side V eyes are also this ugly red/orange splotchy tone now. I think I prefer the sparkly eyes over this.
  6. Either reintroduce or bring in another way to get Cartel Market certificates, or replace them with credits/command tokens/something so people can actually buy the decorations from the vendors again.
  7. What a croc, this wasn't previously mentioned. I only have the four Force based classes to 300 and only two of the four count? Lame.
  8. I'm happy, my Consular has been waiting a long time so this is good news for him. Now to hope that they do this romance right considering everything that has happened between them.
  9. I've wanted Scourge as an option for my Knight since I made him. When he comes back there are many reasons he could be made a romance option finally, especially if he's been able to break the ritual and end his immortality and inability to feel (though considering he feels anger and such as it is, it's not a huge leap to have him feel other emotions.) Though much like Arcann, if either were made romanceable, I'd hope they'd be available to both genders, m/m and f/m have yet to have a force user male romance and it's about time they finally did.
  10. My Inquisitor was pretty heartbroken by the whole thing, outside of Talos, he was probably the only other person my Inquisitor had trusted enough to reveal information about his past and this was like a blow to the gut for him. I've played through it twice now, both light-sided characters, one romance and one not and it really does feel like a ploy, albeit a terrible one. Also I had terrible fps issues on the train along with a bit of weird motion sickness from the movement combined with the whooshing feeling on screen. That first boss fight was a nightmare because of the lag, my abilities not going off, etc. The latter part off the flashpoint was fine, but I was only getting like 38-40 fps on the train part.
  11. Can't say I'd look forward to having to sit through the betrayal ten times if I want to get the Stronghold. Once will be heartbreaking enough - I don't think I'll even take my romanced Inquisitor through it until we find out more info which could be months or even longer for more story to get through it.
  12. Almost 9pm for me, so I've pretty much lost the entire day to play. Wonderful.
  13. Huh, that's a shame but also kinda messed up that you only get a kiss that way. Oh well, I'd rather miss out on the kiss if that's what it takes. I only romanced Theron on my Warrior so there's that. I just wonder what will come in the next story parts, like if Jace and Theron get to talk more. I hope there is more interaction with him. So far he seems pretty chill in working with the Empire's former Wrath, likely because my guy is such a goody two shoes. I'd be pretty annoyed if something happens later in story and the Republic tries to start making demands (especially if you have some less... savoury characters within your Alliance.)
  14. I hear that Lana gets a kiss and an 'I love you' if romancing her, does Theron get the kiss? I only got an I love you on my Warrior, though at least that was an auto dialogue rather than something to be selected. I suppose it shows their relationship had developed a little more that Theron is a little more open about it. Though I'm now greatly amused that my Warrior has now met both of the parents of his lover. I think Satele has an idea they're together (especially as he was all 'Theron wouldn't like it if you'd killed me' back in KOTFE) but I wonder if Jace has any clue his son is banging the former Wrath.
  15. I think I know the group you mean. First time I engaged them they murdered me pretty quickly, Theron (influence 50) couldn't keep my Warrior up at all. Seems you have to try and lure them over to the Republic guys before they'll engage the Imperials.
  16. I have the same issue often. It's not as bad in regular gameplay anymore but it's horrible during KOTET. The Walker sections are tedious, but I have more issues when you use the Walker for the last time. Abilities going into cooldown but not being used, severe lag with them. I dread playing that chapter every time I get to it on a new character.
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