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Everything posted by Farferello

  1. I remade my Knight with a 70 token until I get the chance to replay him normally (mostly because I was concerned this wouldn't get fixed) so I'll likely run it on the token one first to see the romance, and then test it on my other version of the character (the one who has the romance bug) to see if it plays or not. I intend to not play the broken Knight anymore anyway so I'm willing to test it out. But it still is pretty crappy that it has not been tested by the Devs to see if it will run or not. If I didn't have the token version of my Knight, I certainly wouldn't risk it and I'd be pretty annoyed I couldn't deal with this Vitiate stuff on my Knight first.
  2. I think one of the most annoying things for me with a Healing companion is that if I rebuff, somehow they lose (or gain?) health and then they blow all their healing abilities on themselves, or they'll take a tiny sliver of damage and choose to over heal themselves over healing my character.
  3. I've taken two characters through this recently and the same thing happened to both of them, Pub and a Saboteur Imp. It's kinda funny but no so great if you want to record the scene and Jonas is just floating.
  4. So... nerfing Sorc whilst Deception Assassin's are still untouched? And then nerfing Acid Lash when one of the other tacticals is the main problem in pvp? ...Okay then.
  5. I have the same issue, completed all the gang stuff before this achievement was apparently able to be gotten and now I can't complete it either.
  6. I've completed this twice now since 6.0 release and used the same method on them as I have in the past. As soon as the encounter starts, walk into the middle of the circle bit (so the three surround you) and just use stomp. Use nothing but stomp, it will damage all three at the same time and kill them at the same time. I found if I ever tried to just shoot them or kill them any other way or one at the time, they would respawn.
  7. I hope it gets fixed also, it's annoying to have that point loss if you've done nearly all the other achievements for Mek-Sha.
  8. That's pretty much it. It can be tedious, I've had to run out and reset the phase if it looks like one of the others will die first (often happens.) Sometimes you can get lucky and aggro only the Nova Blade guy but eventually the others will also aggro you for no reason anyway and then it's a race against time.
  9. When I've done this, if you take out either of the other two gang members before the Immune one, the clickies go away and breaks the quest, not even resetting helps so you have to abandon and pick it up again and do your best to take out the Nova Blade ones first. But yes you'd get a temp ability bar like the Heroic one.
  10. The only issue I have is that taking out any of the other two gang members before the Nova Blade (immune) one, gets rid of all the clickables and thus breaks the quest so I always have to focus on him first.
  11. I'm hoping the fix will be before we deal with Vitiate's corpse. Kinda wanted to do that with my Knight first but not touching him until the romance is fixed.
  12. Oh I know who his VA is. It's just clear from his old, unused companion return (star fortress of Balmorra I believe) that they don't seem to know how to bring him back at this point, especially in a way that makes any sense given how long it has been at this point, even if they did manage to find ways for the other companions to return. That or they don't care about Zenith (or Consular's.) They didn't care enough to get Tharan's recruitment done in time for his Onslaught reappearance so it doesn't surprise me they're dragging heels with Zenith. (In the patch post Musco has said that Tharan is returning this patch. They just ya know, didn't bother to mention it in the patch info at the time.)
  13. Good to know about Tharan. How about fixing Scourge's romance bug? I'd like that fixed before we deal with the Vitiate's corpse plot.
  14. I'm guessing they just can't think of how to bring Zenith back even if his VA is available. Really hoping Tharan returns this patch and was just left out of patch notes for some dumb reason or it'll be annoying to be waiting yet again, even longer for his return. Consular's have really gotten the short straw when it comes to companion returns. Also waiting for my Knight to get his romance with Scourge fixed. It's kinda cruel for him to have to wait so long and then finally get the option to romance Scourge, and then it gets bugged out on him.
  15. No Scourge romance bug fix? Or word on recruiting Tharan for Consular's? I coulda sworn that was supposed to be in this update.
  16. I would love to get Lord Cytharat back but I doubt it'd happen considering he can die. It's a shame and somewhat questionable that all the ladies who've been made bi on their return were former padawans/apprentices (minus Ashara) and yet the only new romances we've gotten with former male companions were ones who weren't romances to begin with. I'm happy my Knight got Scourge even if that's currently bugged, but more male force users to romance would be nice. I mean there's Arcann at least... I certainly wouldn't mind Arn as an option either - but that still leaves Imperials without. More class story male companions also having a bisexual realization for their former male class character (Quinn and Torian pls) would make me happy. Having to wait until Makeb (Impside) or SoR or even KOTFE/ET for same sex flirts/romances is a chore when the vanilla story throws so many flirts at you sometimes. Some classes get it worse than others. *Cough*Agent and Smuggler*Cough.* Though I suppose if you're looking for a bi female/ lesbian romance and Lana isn't your type you have to wait until Jedi Under Siege/Onslaught and those romances are class restricted. You get Lemda Pubside at least but like Lord Cytharat it goes nowhere and is Faction locked.
  17. I sent a ticket as requested by Charles via Twitter at the time, got a reply back from customer service today saying (And then posted a link to the patch notes to keep an eye on.) Whether that means that the relationship is currently considered 'ended' or whether they mean it's just a display bug, I don't know. No clue when it will be fixed either. So I guess I'm not taking my Knight through any future story until this gets fixed as I don't want him to miss any possible romance stuff that might come with it.
  18. I've not had the issue on my Republic characters (so far three different characters with different companions on MS, Torian, Arcann, and Akaavi) but when I took my Warrior to Mek Sha, Quinn died on both uses of quick travel.
  19. Seems like it's a Scourge only bug then? That makes the whole thing even more confusing and annoying.
  20. Seriously. My Knight spent the class quest and all this time after pining for Scourge. He never flirted with, nevermind romanced anyone else so to see this suddenly pop up was pretty infuriating. It seems them fixing the other romances (apparently) or stopping them attacking the Imp characters on Odessan went and broke this. I wonder if anyone who romanced Kira (like a female Knight) also got hit with this or if it's only Scourge?
  21. I just noticed my own Knight has had this happen. What the... This needs sorting, I've waited forever for the chance to romance Scourge on my Knight.
  22. Having the same issue on my Scoundrel. Abilities are lighting up to show they can be used when they can't and dimming to say they can't be used when they can. Incredibly annoying, I'm having to spend more time watching my buff bar than anything else because of the weird delay.
  23. Before the patch I'd get two pieces of moddable gear from each boss (I'm full 306, it'd usually be 304/306 or a mix) now I'm getting junk unmoddable gear, the odd modification and a much rarer moddable piece from the bosses instead. My 306 Scoundrel just got a 290 enhancement. Only thing that ever gave janky drops was the end crate after the final boss.
  24. I see you ninja nerfed the loot drops in story mode Meridian whilst you were sticking the decos into the loot table.
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