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Everything posted by bncsmom

  1. Darth Kennedy likely had a hand in it, which would explain the utter failure that is SWTOR now.
  2. Yep. And possibly a little bit of boredom on the part of the graphics designers. But if they were that bored, why the heck didn't they go and add to the opening cinematic to make it look more believable? The movement of the ships in the opening cinematic of the expansion (where we see Arn's ship getting attacked) is laughable at best!
  3. And Pantheon isn't a live game out of beta stages. SWTOR is. And Pantheon devs actually listen to the players when they tell them something isn't working. SWTOR devs don't. There's a HUGE difference between Pantheon and SWTOR and one of them is more important than the other. (Hint, it's not that it's not yet live...)
  4. I will. It's physically painful to look at. I spent four hours battling a migraine yesterday brought on by this...it's pure bantha you-know-what!
  5. This has nothing to do with nostaligia! It has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that it's CAUSING HARM TO PEOPLE!!!
  6. I played for a while and had to open my inventory and PAIN!!! I am prone to migraines. Looking at certain colors that contrast with others in a certain way literally hurts my eyes to the point that my head joins in. Yesterday was one of those days and today I'm DREADING logging into the game! I battled a FOUR HOUR MIGRAINE after logging out, no thanks to the inventory and cargo bays. I run a guild! I cannot log out like this and just not log back in. I can't do that to my guild...but I'm seriously considering quitting because I cannot harm myself to play a game that is now broken beyond belief.
  7. I don't get it either. The UI change is unreal. I don't see why they changed the UI to what they had before to this clunky, garbled mess. It was clean and we understood what was happening and now...it just looks and feels cheap and thrown together haphazardly. But that's how all newer aesthetics feel these days. They're going the way of Failbook with its disgusting look and feel. I'm tempted to go back to LOTRO, where things still look beautiful!
  8. Honestly, I just can't understand why you guys would change the cargo bays and inventory to this monstrosity. The blue lines are HARD on the eyes! I can't look at my inventory for very long now or I find myself starting to get a headache. My husband said he noticed how hard it is on the eyes, too. Why would you do that to us?? Please remove those blue lines, at the very least! Or, go back to the original inventory. It worked very well. The blue lines do not!
  9. Oh. Joy. More. Titles. I'm. So. Underwhelmed. JUST GIVE US ACCESS TO THE SETS!!! Even if they've had the bonuses removed, let us have access to them through a vendor!!! SMH I'm so NOT looking forward to this trainwreck of a so-called "expansion" that I might consider just going back to LotRO!!!
  10. Yet it doesn't mean it will be, and it probably means they'll use the EXISTING OUTFITTER, as stated in the post...
  11. No! Just remove the HIDDEN part of it! Make it visible whether it's complete or not so we can see what we need to do to finish it! Same with the other one!
  12. THIS!!! It's ridiculous to have to find someone who's finished it to be able to figure out how much of what needs to be done to finish it! I can understand an exploration achievement being hidden. Or "Eat 25 Ice Scrabbler Jerky" if that were actually an achievement (might be a good one to add...hint hint). But with things that have multiple steps to finish, there is NO GOOD REASON to make them hidden achievements!
  13. Except it's not. I've been playing for six years. The game's been around for ten. It's been around for the ENTIRE TIME I've played. It's not new in any sense of the word.
  14. I have Win10 and did what you said and it opens up Mouse Properties. There is no place to change the pointer size, though. I searched all of the tabs. There's a place to change the pointer speed, trails, what type of pointer it is, but that's about it. I tried using the Magnified (system scheme) setting under the Pointers tab inside Mouse Properties. That changes the pointer outside the game to a larger one, but does nothing to the cursor inside the game. UPDATE: Nevermind, I found it, it wasn't under Mouse Properties. ROFL. A little more info on what to click might have helped but in the end, I did find it. BTW, outside the game, setting it to 3 is insanely huge and annoying...ROFL!
  15. They answered this in their post: "Subscriber Priority Objectives are ones which will require content only Subscribers (and in some cases Preferred players) have access to, and will mix between content which can be solo and content which is multiplayer-oriented."
  16. In other words, you're taking away from us a fair system (Master looter with the in-group /roll feature to be sure there's a fair roll and those who don't need it just abstain from rolling) in favor of a back end roll that just assumes a player wanted that item to begin with??? In my experience, groups that run with Master Looter are THE MOST FAIR groups. The group leader makes certain the loot is distributed fairly by /roll. We can all see the roll, there is no NEED roll to mess up the greed rolls, and everyone is more or less happy with the result. The ONLY time I've EVER seen anyone not happy with Master Looter is when it's a Commander on a PvP instance and the person who arranges the pug to kill the commander doesn't end up having a roll for the framework. Even then, most pugs understand when a group leader does that, it's usually because they need the framework for their flagship. As far as Operations pugs go, Loot is not fought over much anymore and when it is, it's because someone got petty. Much of the community is pretty chill over it...until they have the ability to choose wiped away from them! Stop taking these choices from us! Honestly, if ANY of the loot settings needs to go, it's NEED!! Get rid of that already!
  17. You're still not understanding. If a person WANTS TO EARN THE FLIPPING POINTS, they're FORCED TO DO IT!! It's neither here nor there if they only "need" half of the points. If they WANT TO EARN THEM, they ARE forced to do that content.
  18. Except, that's not true, if you want ALL of the points available to you that week/day, of which there are a set amount every week/day and no more may be earned once you've earned those. If you've already switched out one that you don't want to do and end up with a warzone objective, you're forced to do the warzones if you want the points. Same with the weekly operations objective, if you don't like operations but can no longer switch something out, you're then forced to do the operations or forego the points. That's not right!
  19. I love the idea of a Bothan. Kilik, not so much! LOL Great suggestions, though
  20. Please give the Personal Objectives their own tab and let us choose two to complete every week for the weekly and every day for the daily objectives. Once we've completed two, the rest are greyed out and not able to be completed. The reason I'm asking is because I know I'll rarely, if ever, do any operations and having that objective be one of the only two available to me is a waste of points that could have been earned. I'd rather these particular objectives be ones I can and would complete, rather than ones that are wasting space and making it impossible for me to earn those points that week. The problem is each week we have a set number of points we can earn and that's it. It's not like Conquest where we can choose any combination of the available objectives to meet our goal and even exceed our goal. The GS objectives are limited so being locked out of points because we can't do or don't like the content in that particular objective doesn't make this very enjoyable. Thank you for your consideration of this suggestion.
  21. When you go to the store and buy a bottle of RIT, how many shirts can you dye with that one bottle? Is it unlimited or just as many as that one bottle will do? The same principle applies here. Try using dyes that are available through crafting instead. There are some that look just as good, if not better, than the cartel market ones, and they cost next to nothing to craft/purchase.
  22. The turrets on the capital ships used to work. They broke at some point and never worked again. So, technically, it's supposed to be impossible for the opposing team to get you at the rez location - except perhaps at the one where it's just a hyperspace beacon, not a capital ship. Just rez at the capital ships, most people on the opposing team won't go there to begin with. Some will, but they're few and far between. If you find them there, rez at the other capital ship.
  23. It's not seldom run and it's not even all that difficult. Maybe just run the event a few times so you can get him.
  24. When in combat, it's easy to lose your cursor's location. If you play by keybind but need to click unbound places, that makes it really difficult to click that item in that slot. I would like to request that the size of the cursor be doubled and its color changed to one that contrasts with most of the gaming world. Even just changing the muted yellow that it is now to a brighter color of yellow, along with increasing its size, would be appreciated. Or give us the ability to choose our cursor's size and color. That would be even better! Thank you.
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