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Everything posted by bncsmom

  1. I agree with this. I'd love to be able to unlock these items for my guild. Please do this. Also, please fix those items from Cartel Packs that aren't able to be donated to our guild through our personal decorations panel. All items purchased from the Cartel Market should be able to be donated through that panel, in my opinion.
  2. Greetings, If you're looking for an Imperial guild that likes a little bit of everything, then you may be in luck! We're looking for people age 18+ who are active in the game. We are a newer guild, formed in April, 2016. We enjoy Conquest, PvP, RP, and more. We offer a TeamSpeak 3 server, Enjin site, Bank, Nar Shaddaa Headquarters, and a Flagship. We're still building our membership but already have a great group of people. Our members are generally happy to help fellow guildies as they're able. If you have any questions and/or wish to join, please contact Myss'chyph or X't'zee ingame. Thanks for reading!
  3. Not in my experience. I had Qyzen at 30-something and when I got him back, he was at the same level of affection he was when I started KotFE.
  4. I would suggest that you add the ability to craft companion gifts to our crafting skills. Each skill could craft something different. The following is my thought on how the different gifts could be spread across the different craft skills, though it could be done differently. This is just what I came up with quickly when I thought this up. Armormech: Military Gear and Republic Memorabilia Armstech: Weapons and Imperial Memorabilia Artifice: Courting and Underworld Goods Biochem: Delicacies and Trophies Cybertech: Technology and Maintenance Synthweaving: Luxury and Cultural I realize some of the mission type skills can bring back companion gifts, but I'd love to see this added to it, as not every crafter will have one of those mission skills. This might be a chance to have some gifts that are exclusive to the crafting skills, too. I don't think they should be comparable to the Legendary grade 6 gifts obtainable on Odessen, but they should have at least up to the Artifact grade 6 available to learn.
  5. Are these schematics and the one for Rocksteady still available? If so, where do I find them?
  6. They claimed they removed them because the stats and mods didn't fit with the rest of the game. I call BS on that. They created all kinds of new gear and changed other gear in the game. They could easily remove mods from all the modable gear and return the vendors to the fleet Supplies section. And the pieces that aren't modable? Just change the old main stats to Mastery and done.
  7. You can build your own group to do the "Solo" mode. However, it automatically grants the solo mission for these flashpoints. My point here is I want to have the ability to choose whether I get the solo option or the Group option. I do not want to be forced into the solo option, or have to drop the solo so I can queue up for it. It's annoying at best to have to either do it solo or drop the solo mission when they could easily add the option to do it in a group or do it solo. That's the point here. They have the option for the end of Yavin 4 when you take on Revan. You can choose to do it grouped or go in on your own. To do it on your own, you have extra steps you have to take, but that's fine by me. What's not fine is being forced into a one-size-fits-all situation when that one size does Not fit all.
  8. I'd thought about suggesting this, also. It would be very nice to be able to just pull out the pieces we want. It could be a checkbox situation. Click the button to pull the pieces out, then it gives a panel that allows you to check the boxes for all pieces, or just check the one(s) you want.
  9. I get why you changed it so that you can solo the flashpoints for Ilum and for Shadows of Revan. However, I do not understand why you can ONLY solo them now when you get to that point in the story. Please change this. Allow us the choice to either do it as part of a group or run it solo. I'm sick and tired of soloing these flashpoints. They're slower solo and the "rewards" are awful. The only saving grace for them is that I can collect all the metal there is with my scavengers and not have to worry about others who may also be scavengers taking it as well. Beyond that, there is no logical reason to force us to ONLY solo them. Let us choose!
  10. I like the idea overall, but the Medics should be under Biochem, and the flag should be under Armormech, in my opinion. Also, I think that a barter item would be better for each to make, rather than the actual deco, as how does one create a person? (beyond the obvious birds and bees answer LOL!!!)
  11. Actually, the mats are still there. You get a backpack or satchel, don't remember what it's called, full of mats. Some people have started to pick and choose, though. They take the backpack of crafting mats and leave the trash. It sucks for the next person to find the security chest, but eh, such is life.
  12. First, this isn't really a suggestion, so it doesn't necessarily belong in the suggestion box. Second, the cartel certificates come as random drops from some of the older cartel packs. I've never yet seen them drop from a new pack, but that's not to say it doesn't drop from them, just that I've never gotten one. Unfortunately, they're not offering the older cartel packs as often as they used to, so we may just be up the creek without a paddle in that regard... For a suggestion, I'd offer this: If they do not drop from the new packs, please add them to it. If they do drop from the new packs, please tweak the drop rate so that it's a tiny bit higher. It doesn't need to be a much bigger rate, but a little work would just fine.
  13. I like best the part I put in bold and underlined. Level syncing people DOWN to the original maximum would have been the most appropriate course of action for these flashpoints. Keep the original minimums, and put those who are above the original maximum level at that level for the duration of the flashpoint. You can do it on the planets, so you can do it in the flashpoints as well. I hate that I go into the tactical flashpoints and find myself with a level 15 in Blood Hunt, as another person commented. That does nothing for those of us at max level, as their skills aren't up to par, and it spoils the story for the level 15 if they've never done Shadows of Revan before. Why you would do that to your new players is beyond me!
  14. I agree, we should be able to donate these to our guilds in some way. The best way would be to allow us to purchase the donation from our decorations panel, but if we were able to drag it to the guild decoration donation slot in the guild bank, that would be great, too.
  15. This would work out very well, thank you for the idea!
  16. It would work the same way as vehicles and pets work as decos. They just add them as decos. But they would still function as vendor and trainers. It doesn't moot the point of it being a toy, just as vehicles being stronghold decos don't moot them being vehicles, nor do pets being stronghold decos moot them being pets. If you have invited people to your stronghold they can use these items in your stronghold, just like they can use the GTN, banks, Felusia personnel deco, and other interactive items. And they'd be another item to add to your deco count. There are multiple reasons to add them as decos and not just toys. Heck, some of the other toys might be nice additions as decos, too. When you purchase and activate one on a character, it gives that item for that character to use.
  17. This. I don't really like Felusia. I'd prefer to have a variety of additional vendors available to us. And why isn't the bartender personnel decoration a vendor? He could sell the same thing most cantina bartenders sell.
  18. I think these four holostatues should not only be something we can carry with us to use while we're out and about, they should also be housing decorations. When we add them to our collection, we could receive four of the item to place around our strongholds. The housing decoration should also be interactive. So, the Satele, Malgus, and Hutt holostatues should still be trainers, and the Revan holostatue should still be a vendor. Please add this, it would be great for those of us who have the items and have strongholds! Thanks!
  19. This. Don't spam gen chat. Simple as that. Posting every few minutes is one thing. Posting every ten seconds is quite another. Don't do it. It's annoying and people will become turned off to your guild because you are spamming their chatbox with your incessant drivel.
  20. Yes, please! Same for schematics! Allow us to filter out the ones we've already learned. Thanks!
  21. I like this idea. It would help those of us who enjoy crafting have an outlet for our goods that's not just the GTN.
  22. Bioware, you missed an opportunity to give players a very nice reward. The Rishi Class Missions could have given a stronghold decoration reward that matches the object of the mission. For instance, the Consular creates a holocron during the Rishi Class Mission. You could have given the Consular a stronghold holocron decoration that is interactive. When clicking on it, it could play a recording of our character's voice talking about her experience as a Padawan on Tython, or how she found the Esh-ka on Belsavis, or any number of things she's done in the galaxy. The other classes could have a decoration that matches the objective of their class mission on Rishi, as well. Please consider adding this and if you do, reward all who've completed the Rishi Class quests with the item.
  23. This is a good idea. Just the other day I was mentioning to someone that it looked like they might have intended to allow it for HK-55 because most HK customizations have "HK-51, HK-51" listed, instead of just putting HK-51 once. I thought perhaps it was a placeholder so they could one day change the second one to 55. But yes, please do include HK-55 in the HK customizations.
  24. I agree. And they could prevent players who haven't reached level 15 or played for a minimum of 3 hours, whichever comes first, from using chat anywhere but on starting planets, with the exception of guild chat or /say. That wouldn't keep us from having to see spammers on Tython, Korriban, Hutta, or Ord Mantel, but it would nearly eliminate it from the fleet. The spammers won't want to work so hard to get to where they can post anywhere but the starting planets.
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