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Everything posted by ChidoriOokami

  1. Greetings! I am Chi'kami Aizune, head of the RP and Public Relations department for the Celestial enclave (Argonauts and Dreadnauts) I would be willing to hear and agree on the terms for a possible future alliance!
  2. Greetings... If this is a return to SWTOR, welcome back! I invite you to check us out at cacd.enjin.com if you would like to explore guild possibilities and want a mature group of passionate players come check us out! you can also see our guild post in the recruitment thread
  3. Greetings! This is Chi'kami Aizune! I have been absent for quite some time and am still very busy in school and life in general! But that has not stopped me helping my guild in any way I can, or even contributing to creating stories! I would like to announce I suppose mostly for myself and for anyone who may have read my previous entries, that I will be entering a new volume to the Chronicles, which will therefore restart the entry clock, while also progressing the story. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The synopsis is as follows and takes inspiration from guild and star wars lore: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A familiar cast along with some new faces are introduced in this new chronicle, taking place in the star wars, the old republic universe. In this chronicle the reader is introduced to the Celestial enclave, which is an alliance of independent enclaves formed in the wake of the Zakuulan invasion of the Core Worlds. As both the Galactic Republic and the Empire teeter back and forth between war and between arguable subservience to Zakuul and its Emperor, enclaves such as the Argonauts and the Dreadnauts have come together to enact their own way of life in the vast galaxy. Readers will get some insight into some of the realistic struggles that come with significantly sized enclaves trying to etch a life amidst the strife and politics in a sea of stars and planets. Varying philosophies and ideologies will allow the reader to gain a new perspective on how some sentient life, force users or not, applied their strengths and studies towards conquest, love, and meaning. Just as the world around us today, in the real world, is filled with diversity, strife and a flourishing potential for life despite the constant threats from war and violence -- we can see a possibility of a future in some of the themes that may be discovered in this latest Chronicle!
  4. Greetings! I am Chi'kami Aizune, speaking for the Public Relations and Diplomacy department for the Celestial Argonauts and the Dreadnauts! First thing of note is that both guilds are neutral in a sense that neither owes allegiance to the Galactic Republic or the Empire, however the alliance between the two have resulted in recruitment of any and all willing life forms! If you wish to know more of our guilds' lore some is available on our website! As to your post: We originally came from Jung Ma and are accustomed to the friendly and chill nature of the environment that was mostly present on the JM server, and made our transition from RP to RP-PvE to even more PvE and PvP upon our move to TEH. We have players from all over the united states, Europe, Asia/Australia/New Zealand and do not tolerate any kinds of discrimination be it racial or orientation. Our week's activities revolve heavily and enthusiastically around conquests, where we have dedicated certain days to events such as Intro to OPs, Prog OPs, Planetary runs(bosses and commanders) on both factions! We have passionate officers who sacrifice time from school, work and even some family time to help out while also becoming a sort of family ourselves albeit sometimes dysfunctional! We have an active discord where we organize the weekly happenings and of course provide a place to chill. We recognize and value the importance of teaching mechanics and is hence for why we have activities such as Intro to OPs among other programs. We also have rewards for our World Eaters! [Top 3 conquest point earners] There is much to tell but without running the risk to overwhelm you, I invite you to check out our website! Here is our swtor.com thread which also contains our weekly articles following swtor.com terms and conditions: Direct Link Click Here Here is our Enjin site which also features our weekly articles that are not as heavily censored: Direct Link Click Here We will soon release our Fall Guild Promotional video which is in its final stages of development For now you can view one of our RP-PvE Projects from a while back! Assault on and Until We Meet Again! Chi'kami
  5. I didn't think it was offensive until I thought about it in that certain way lol I am from the west coast but i play on an east coast server. I would wanted a cooler name than "hot prospect" anyway, even if it referenced an obscure ship >_>
  6. Dear Shadowlands and future Star Forge friend, They will be creating a Star Forge Server Forum... you do not need to post here. Also, the previous server threads will remain intact to use as references if needed, when posting in the Star Forge forum.
  7. Updated Version 3.0 The Celestials RP / PvP / PvE Conquest Guild Leader(s): E'nahra ☼ Foxx Guild Celestials: Aurumnai Δ Solana Δ Stor Δ Standarddefect Δ Chi'kami Guild Councillors: Murky ¢ Kiwi ¢ Crea ¢ Dragonrasa ► Website: Click Here ◄ (cacd.enjin.com) Greetings! I am Chi'Kami Aizune, Head of Public Relations for the Celestial Enclave AKA Celestial Alliance. Before you Scroll down to Learn a bit more about the Guilds, allow me to take the time to share a brief note with you! Celestial Argonauts as well as the Celestial Dreadnauts a guilds are very dynamic. What do I mean by this? Its origins lies in Jung Ma which is another server on SWTOR. In the past Jung Ma (JM) was a hugely sprawling place with many Roleplayers and also many players who adored and clung to PvP as well as PvE. A huge level of respect can be found in any server for sure, but on JM the community was and still is very special and very close.Indeed many other current guilds on The Ebon Hawk (TEH) were originally guilds on JM. This is worth noting because the player base that has come to TEH has their origins on JM. If you think about it, players who stay dedicated to a server even as its population decreases must be players who not only love their server but also players that really love this game. More than a few of us have played for at least a year; some much longer. Below is some At-A-Glance Information before you move onto a few other details. Class Dynamics: Force Sensitives, Smugglers, Troopers, Bounty Hunters, Agents Age Range: 17-30+ Dailies: PvP, PvE, Social, RP Organization: Ranks Per Class Member Rewards: Items, GB Access, Friendship, World Eater weekly Credit rewards + More Recruitment: All Classes [ Optional: Application Highly reccomended as it nets you a free Apprentice rank] Ranks: Recruit-> Apprentice-> Argonaut/Dreadnaut -> Master/Darth -> Councilor -> Celestial *Councilor and Celestial are officer-level ranks and require nominations and a vote from the sitting council.* Recruitment Regs: Non-Starter Worlds, Non-Spam Opportunities: Conquest PvE which include: PvP Training[Warzones, GSF, WPvP) , PvE Training (Operations, Flashpoints, Conquests, Word Bosses), RP Developement + Diplomacy On Forums Experience: Dedicated PvP/PvE players, Dedicated PR + Diplomacy Departments, Forum-RPs and Lore Building[Writers Haven] Conquests: Great Emphasis on Conquest and can lead to individual rewards/promotions in addition to conquest rewards. Though by and large your positive and helpful attitude will be your greatest asset towards success. Special Ranks: World Eater: Scores among the top 3 in Weekly Conquest Points [Awards in the Millions thus far] Pariah: Penalty rank as Punishment for misbehavior non-adherence to the Guild rules and by judgment of Celestial Council. They are not able to speak or be heard in-game by other members of the guild in the guild chat; Gbank permissions also revoked. Raider: Special members of the Celestial Prog team Elites and regulars. *Guild Members will NOT be penalized for lack of participation and can simply remain in the guild as "Recruits" as they continue to enjoy their gameplay experience. However players who are inactive in logging in for long periods of time without notice are liable to be replaced if more space is needed for new members. * [Other Details Please Visit Our Enjin at cacd.enjin.com] The Celestial Enclave Backstory: [Refer to the Individual Backstory Blurbs at the end of this page to find a taste of their own flavor] The Alliance or Enclave persists on a constant basis of give and take. It is comprised mostly of the Argonaut and Dreadnaut enclaves which each have their own story. The organization was formed shortly after the invasion of Zakuulan forces under Arcann’s father, Valkorian. At first a practical necessity, the alliance has become more and more of a main stay for members of both enclaves. While other alliances formed in the galaxy amongst other independent factions including splinter republic and imperial groups, the urge to follow suit prevailed. In efforts to agree on a command and ranking structure they took a few titles from the republic and the empire while adding a few of their own. It was obvious that the two main enclaves wanted to keep a high degree of independence and identity as negotiations dragged on between members of both councils. The very notion of a joint council was contested until at least the 3rd year of their alliance. These council roles were important in that those who would be appointed not only served in the high echelons of their own enclave but also served as council members on a joint Council, later called the Celestial Council. The respective council members retained the title and rank of Celestial regardless of their enclave origin. In an effort to further soften the hostilities between the two enclaves it became necessary to adopt a form of government or law and regulations that both could subscribe to. One of the very first issues to contend with was the topic of slavery. Elements of the Dreadnauts did incorporate slavery in various levels within its inner-workings. This was a point of uncompromising passion for the Argonauts who insisted that the practice be abolished. Several former justice fielded individuals on both sides rose up to bring the topic into discussions in joint hearings however these never amounted to much more than heated debates. By the time the 3rd year had come and while the Joint Council was being formed, it became apparent to both sides that a tertiary representative was needed in discussions over the cultures of both enclaves and how they would fit together under a joint set of regulations. In order to supplement and resolve the morally disputable arguments, it was decided that the Joint Council shall appoint Celestials who may or may not as well score high in combat experience, leadership, and seniority, but also those who hail from the public relations fields in their former lives. This was to help ensure that the Joint Council of the Celestial Alliance would have in each instance of a meeting or hearing of any kind, have Celestials that are already familiar with the issues that may be revolving around the members of both enclaves. In order to help make sure such knowledge could be attained, maintained, and shared both enclaves agreed to form public relation departments that trained members on the basics of Alliance or Joint Enclave law as well as morality. The instructors and heads of such offices were later ranked and titled as Councilors. These Councilors would also be the ones mainly appointed to speak on behalf of their enclave during gatherings or hearings in front of the Joint Council. The roles of Councilors were constantly amended and relegated to the point that these individuals had to become very well rounded in many aspects of Enclave-life both in their own and the Alliance enclave. They became the hands of guidance, friendship and understanding while also being the arms of force, leadership and fortitude. They usually provided a great pool for recruitment in all departments including future roles as Celestials themselves. It was upon these main departments and roles that the basic foundation of a joint coexistence first bore its first few fruits. In order to help keep a simultaneous sense of identity both enclaves were permitted to have roughly their own ranking structure that went below Councilor, and any ranks and titles for private non-jointly formed entities were also allowed to be freely decided by the respective enclave. The Dreadnauts tended to mock the Argonauts for their use of very familiar terms that were synonymous to those that the Galactic Republic would use, specifically the Jedi. Out of pure jest the Dreadnauts then took terms that The Empire favored, specifically the Sith. This would provide a point of confusion for enclave members and also other groups that the Alliance as a whole would encounter. Even more awkward would be the former Jedi or Sith that suddenly had or ran across titles such as “Darth” or “Master.” Both sides reluctantly used the term “apprentice” for later aged recruits. The niceties of etiquette and rank however, did not seem incredibly important after one of the most important events in Celestial Alliance history occurred. Upon a joint venture between both enclaves to create a sustainable and advance warship, a tragic and sinister ploy brought both sides to the brink of civil war; mistrust ensued as a large portion of the plans had been stolen from the main archives. Fortunately, thanks to a vigilant few, the true perpetrator was revealed. It was a fringe Imperial organization that had been responsible. The campaign to find the plans, and bring the guilty to justice or judgment brought the enclaves together in a way that the Joint Council or departments ever could have. In the end, the matter was resolved and all sides within in the Celestial Enclave(alliance) that had in prior times wanted to shed each others’ blood, had now shed blood together in the violent bloody vortex of war. Famous battle groups such as Unit 17 and Yerro-5 had their names forged and immortalized follow the aftermaths of what was later called the Fringe Wars. Even amidst a new era of rule in the galaxy, amidst the Eternal Fleet, Eternal Alliance, the Republic and The Empire, foes become allies and allies become foes. Though they may seek justice and uphold to high values, sometimes the ends must ultimately satiate the means in this darkening pool of stars and planets. While many of its members maintain their own beliefs in the life of the Force, of themselves or of power, still others look more and more towards the stars which they see as they peer out their starships—numbering in the millions, guiding the way forth. A former Jedi in conversation with a former Sith replied to the Sith’s question of “So What do you follow now if not just the ‘way of the Force and knowledge? ‘ “ and said, “I Suppose the Stars Guide us. “ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Additional Information on Each Faction Below: [see our Website for even more!] Celestial Argonauts: Traditionally, the Argonauts had no loyalties - to the Republic, to the Empire, or to the Sith or Jedi orders are we an organisation that leans towards justice and keeping the peace, but is not directly allied with the other peace-keeping powers in the canonical universe. We can, of course, ally with other guilds on the server as suits our purposes, but we would have no loyalty or obligation to the Republic or the Jedi Order. In fact, RP-wise, the guild leader herself (Rivyr Tam) left the Jedi Order because she saw their pacifism as ineffective in bringing justice to the galaxy. In the wake of the invasion of the Eternal Empire of Zakuul, <Celestial Argonauts> has increased its cooperation with both Republic and Some Imperial Forces however these relationships, like during any massive inter-galactic war are uncertain and unclear. Where we are now, the Celestial Argonauts have recently suffered a great loss. Malicious internal actors from the very top of the organisation turned their backs on the Celestials, and brought the guild to its knees. Rising from the ashes, Rivyr Tam has taken up the mantle to lead the Argonauts, and is attempting to rebuild that which was destroyed by such devastating betrayal. On the other side of the galaxy, Rivyr's twin sister, Blackwater, raised up a mirror organisation, calling them the Celestial Dreadnauts to mock her sister's guild. Being more interested in personally wreaking havoc than in running a complex organisation, it is not sure how long Blackwater Tam will hold the reins of the Dreadnauts, but for now, Rivyr is keeping a wary eye on her as the Argonauts rebuild. Celestial Dreadnauts: Traditionally, the Dreadnauts have no loyalties - to the Republic, to the Empire, or to the Sith or Jedi orders. Major elements of the enclave include Bounty Hunters, Agents, and Force Sensitives. However as war broke out between the Republic and the Empire several factors having to do with trade and war atrocities caused the enclave to re-mold itself in many ways through many trials. Right before the invasion of Zakuulan forces the Dreadnauts found themselves allying more and more with the more neutral factions in the galaxy as the general mood of alliance-forming was increasing as the Eternal Fleet imposed its will on the Core Worlds and Outer Rim worlds. One faction they encountered and dealt with most were the Celestial Argonauts. In fact a rising member of the enclave, Blackwater Tam, knew that her sister ran an organization of goody-goodies; also largely neutral. The way in which Blackwater took hold of The Dreadnauts is another questionable and interesting tale. Needless to say, The bond that slowly formed between the two enclaves caused both to change the ways in which either faced the challenges that the galaxy had to offer. They likened their strange friendship to something as a model of what the Odessen alliance was: new, fragile and in constant peril by inner and outside forces. One major note is that as the 2 enclaves' relationship grew, leadership of the now <Celestial> Dreadnauts, was in a constant state of change. Blackwater Tam took hold of power, but soon true to her own nature succumbed to a bit of boredom and fancied thrills that dealt less and less with enclave matters. A lot of the power was handled and handed to her right hand. The identity of this individual is yet still a mystery even amidst its own people and allies. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Extras: The Fringe Wars:[Videos that were created to help give visual aid to the backstories] Recon: Assault on Alderaan [Retrieve the Plans, Allied Assault]: Link ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trouble Getting Hold of Leaders and/or Other Officers? Please feel free to visit the Enjin or contact any of the leaders in-game or on Enjin. You may also Contact Me, Chi'Kami Aizune, if you need help getting in quick contact with any of the officers or leaders. You may message me on Enjin or you can kik me at Chidori_Shinjutsu. Additionally, you can contact Slam Defect. He is also part of the Public Relations Department and serves especially as Guild Technician and Historian. You may reach him via Kik as well. Kik ID: Samuel_Lipson You can also visit our enjin and view our discord information on the homepage. That is also a quick way to get a hold of someone! Regardless of guilds or servers let's remember our love for Star Wars and help keep the love alive by enjoying everything SWTOR can offer us. You can fill out an application on the website or simply contact us on Enjin. -- Or come find us in-game! It would be great to meet others regardless of intent to join or not! Chi'Kami Aizune Celestial Alliance PRO Public Relations Department
  8. Hi There! I am not sure what are the details regarding to what you are looking for, but I can tell you a little bit about our Imperial faction guild, Celestial Dreadnauts, which is not allied with any other real power besides the Celestial Argonauts. They do overall exemplify a more "bad guy" aura only in a sense of being some of the rough and tough scoundrels and former siths etc, with turned Jedi etc However they do detest certain principles of the more "evil" aspects of the bad guy world such as slavery and practiced xenophobic hostilities. Both guilds are pretty set on Conquests, so RP is normally constrained to RP-PvE and also forum RP/Stories. Come check us out if you want! http://cacd.enjin.com/forum/m/41664907/viewthread/29379097-celestial-dreadnauts-empireneutral-rp-pve-pvp-retrodynamic
  9. The Force department of the Celestial Argonauts currently has a new order type of feel.. -- basically one that drives for new students, which in effect are not really academy types but monk types which seek knowledge, while being balanced in the Force. These stories are in development as the guild continues with Conquest RP-PVE http://cacd.enjin.com/
  10. Hello! I am not sure if you have already done so but the guild recruitment thread shows many potential guilds that you can try contacting and also reading up on! As for my guild, I would like to say that we would be worth a shot for you to try out since we do storymode OPs and other endgame PvE in order to practice, while prog team members (who have now become familiar with the practice runs) do the HMs. We always use our discord in order to coordinate any kind of PvE activity especially during our conquests which include planetary runs and OPs. We are an RP-PvE guild but we do PvP as well, and RP is mostly contained in our website forums as of now. We operate on both factions. Come check us out if you wish! Direct link: Guild Info Link
  11. Greetings! Welcome to TEH! You are welcome to come check us out! We have guilds on both sides, Celestial Argonauts and Celestial Dreadnauts! We originally came from Jung Ma, and since coming to TEH have geared towards a lot of PvE through our efforts in conquest! Of course we are still looking to improve in areas all over the spectrum we have a little of everything! What helps the most is a strong and friendly(though mature) officer core which helps encourage members in general! You can check our site or our guild post to see our weekly news articles which highlights our weekly efforts in conquests which include planetary runs and all sorts of other PvE! We hope you'll check us out and/or give us a chance! I'll post the links below! Website Direct Link: About Us Swtor promo post: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=908529
  12. The prog team would be the ones who participate most in HMs and beyond! But yes we also do story modes as you said, mostly for experience and practice too!
  13. Hi Nylos! There are certainly guilds out there that love doing endgame content as you may already know, being a vet! As all active guilds do have things to offer I would like to talk a little bit about what mine does have to offer! You did mention that you would like to have a chill group to hang out with while revolving your activities around PvE content. I can testify that our discord is very active and that each week conquest has a huge role in bringing the members together. The officer core likes to have fun while also taking their roles very seriously in order to make sure it does not only become a social group but also maintains a sense of guild pride! Members and officers alike vary in age ranges from as young as 17 to as young as 45+! A great combo that really helps minimize any chance for dramas to unfold. We come from the USA, UK, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Philippines, and South America! Overall this all means and contributes to the size of our guild, which is larger than medium! Our discord usually has at least 40 people online at any given time, and on focused days during the week such as planetary runs or netflix and chill, we get full 8 or 16 man/woman teams to do things together. World Eater is a title used for those that reach certain amounts of conquest points and even get rewards for getting the weekly titles. We have tried hard to think of ways to make things fun given the means and members. We hail from JM so at first it was a matter of transition from RP-PvE to lots more PvE in order to help gain new members on TEH. Feel free to check us out or give us a shot! Direct Link: Guild Promotional http://www.cacd.enjin.com
  14. Feel free to check our out imperial faction guild! (We are neutral in both sides) Our RPs have mostly been limited to RP-PvE and forum story/RPs However consistent RPs are an inevitable pursuit of the RP department as we continue to grow as the department head for that department I do have a bit of a bias...but then again who doesn't have a bias in the SW universe?? ^_^ Celestial Dreadnauts: http://cacd.enjin.com/forum/m/41664907/viewthread/29379097-celestial-dreadnauts-empireneutral-rp-pve-pvp-retrodynamic
  15. Greetings! Right now my guild does RP mostly on the forum on our website, but we have connected a lot of our PvE events to actual stories in order to create an RP-PvE feeling! You can check out a sample video of such an endeavor here!: Recon: Mission: Otherwise its a great place both pub and imp side to meet people, and especially to connect on discord!
  16. Hi There! Welcome back! I am sorry to hear about your previous experiences... My guild likes to do a lot PvE and focuses on conquest each week, which of course involves participating in PvP and PvE alike. We have a bit of each taste, including some RP (largely forum based for now) Feel free to check us out! <Celestial Argonauts> or the <Celestial Dreadnauts>
  17. Extracted from the news section of our website, these reports are written on mondays so some information might seem outdated. Also some parts have been edited due to forum rules. To see the original article you can check here: cacd.enjin.com Hello, Celetials and Non-Celestials!! I have never been so happy to bring the news in the Celestial world to you! Because besides being a week full of activities and fun as usual, this week… WE MADE IT, YES, WE MADE IT!! WE WON THE CONQUEST ON ILUM! (I am not sorry for the caps the hype is so real) For the first time since we moved to The Ebon Hawk, we were able to take down a planet! Thanks to all the members of Celestial Argonauts for the great effort they put on this, really, many, many thanks for making it possible!! And especial thanks to the World Eaters for the awesome work they did this week! Thank you not only for the points earned for yourselves, also because you are always trying to encourage people to do more and more activities! Legacy Lastop in the first place; Maric in the second; and Jerseydevil in the third won the title this week, and got an especial reward of 9,000,000 credits total! Also, another 1,000,000 was spreaded as consolation price between those who hit personal conquest goal but didn’t make it into the podium! (It is time for you too to be a World Eater! If it is not now, when then?? Find here how to become one!) The week started with an especial edition of the World Boss Hunt for the Argonauts! Since the Gree event was here, we took our snow suits out of the closet to go there! With the help of some allies in the server, we did 16m Xenoanalyst and then we went for Surgok’k and Gravak’k! Also since the world bosses weren’t enough to satiate us and we had a nice group, we did a patrol around the PvP area! (Sorry, it wasn’t our intention to hurt anyone!) But that wasn’t all, because since we were on a roll and Eternity Vault was the groupfinder operation, we also formed for it to get us some conquest points! On Wednesday, it was the turn for the World Boss hunt for the Dreadnauts, and it consisted on the Grandfather on Balmorra, the Primal Destroyer on Belsavis and Dreadtooth on Section X (yes, it is never enough Dreaful essence!) then we also put on the snow suit to go to Hoth and get Snowblind and Gargath to complete the <Priority Targets> mission! On Thursday, the Dreadnauts hosted a 16m open to the server Explosive Conflicts! Firebrand and Stormcaller may or may not have given us a little headache, but hey, it was successful, fun and awesome! Thanks to our friends in the server, always willing to join us in this! Thursday also surprised us with the new patch and the consequent reset of the conquest boards and objectives... Did it help us to win? We can’t really be sure; I think it only helped in a psychological way! Why? Because we weren’t really going to grind conquest points thinking on winning the planet, but the night surprised us in the second place of the board and that built up our expectations! So the Argonauts were going to do their typical Planetary + Commander run! And since we were invading Ilum, where we took down a NAMED commander and 25 Imperial champions for the conquest! That made an awesome bump in our conquest points, but since we really, really want to expand our flagship, we didn’t stop there: We also killed the commanders on Voss, Quesh and Tatooine! Of course, that wasn’t enough to win the conquest since that moment the Argonauts started to get points like crazy! Groups for warzones, flashpoints and uprisings without stopping! Also, of course, groups for groupfinder operations! Since that’s what pays the most in terms of conquest points, poor Karagga, Kephess and Aivela&Esne (Well, all the bosses in those ops but I am not going to name them all) suffered the Celestial fury and need of points! Poor Xenoanalyst too, got reduced to junk one more time in the week since the objective was reseted. But conquest is not everything and we also want to teach new members to enjoy more the game, both Dreadnauts and Argonauts also had their Introduction to Operations event! Also, every time some guildies are online something interesting happens, but if you want to make an activity in a bigger scale and you can’t do it alone, please leave your suggestion here and we can help you to organize it and put it together! And if you are not a Celestial but you would like to be one, please just leave an application form here! Until the next week!
  18. Hello and Welcome Back!! | Yesh indeed many things have changed, many many stories you can enjoy! There are some fine RP guilds around here though the ones that I have seen on forums usually have an organized or set standard and placement for them. If you look at the academy guilds they often will hold some kind of lesson on Tython for republic side. As far as I know cantina RP like you would see on Jung Ma is a little different on TEH, and usually more planned meet ups than ad lib events. My guild is mostly in the stages of story development in our enjin forums, while incorporating new stories to our RP-PvE efforts as we conquest. If you want to check us out, you can here!
  19. Greetings! I am Chi'kami, Guild Public Relations Officer and head of the RP Department for the Celestial Argonauts! (We have a sister guild, Celestial Dreadnauts) As I mentioned to another RPer on the forum, our guild does not do Heavy RPs right now, but have an RP department headed by yours truly! Most of our activiries revolve around PvE (Conquest, Ops, FPs, Heroics) Centered around weekly conquests. We have incorporated RP into some of our PvE Which you can notice in two videos we put together just to provide a sample: : : The majority of the crop for RP takes place in our site forums, where we have gifted and passionate writers! Not to mention our own news producers who sacrifice time to put our weekly actions into a format suitable for sharing on websites with a news accent! Speaking on behalf of the enclave, I welcome you to check us out and see what you think! May the Force or its Origin be with You! LInks: Enjin Home Page: http://cacd.enjin.com/ Guild Recruitment Post: http://cacd.enjin.com/forum/m/41664907/viewthread/29243705-celestial-argonauts-rp-pve-pvp-retrodynamic Guild Recruitment Form: http://cacd.enjin.com/recruitment
  20. Greetings! I am Chi'kami, Guild Public Relations Officer and head of the RP Department for the Celestial Argonauts! (We have a sister guild, Celestial Dreadnauts) I was a member of this guild since Winter 2016 and while it was still on Jung Ma! We have many down to earth members as well as a very diverse base! Late night or midday you're bound to find someone online that is also active and willing to talk! I am not sure what your interests are, but we place a good emphasis on Conquest, while not requiring members to participate in it (despite the rewards you would get!) And as you'll see on our website we also have a fair well rounding of RP on the forums as well an enthusiastic officer core! Feel free to check us out and see what you think! We are active on discord as well! May the Force or its Origin be with You! LInks: Enjin Home Page: http://cacd.enjin.com/ Guild Recruitment Post: http://cacd.enjin.com/forum/m/41664907/viewthread/29243705-celestial-argonauts-rp-pve-pvp-retrodynamic Guild Recruitment Form: http://cacd.enjin.com/recruitment
  21. Greetings! I am Chi'kami, Guild Public Relations Officer and head of the RP Department for the Celestial Argonauts! (We have a sister guild, Celestial Dreadnauts) Most of our activities revolve around PvE (Conquest, Ops, FPs, Heroics) Centered around weekly conquests. We have incorporated RP into some of our PvE Which you can notice in two videos we put together just to provide a sample: : : The majority of the crop for RP takes place in our site forums, where we have gifted and passionate writers! Not to mention our own news producers who sacrifice time to put our weekly actions into a format suitable for sharing on websites with a news accent! We have been fortunate enough to experience new and returning players not only enjoying the game and star wars once more, but also watching some of them grow and naturally become leaders themselves! Speaking on behalf of the enclave, I welcome you to check us out and see what you think! May the Force or its Origin be with You! LInks: Enjin Home Page: http://cacd.enjin.com/ Guild Recruitment Post: http://cacd.enjin.com/forum/m/41664907/viewthread/29243705-celestial-argonauts-rp-pve-pvp-retrodynamic Guild Recruitment Form: http://cacd.enjin.com/recruitment
  22. Hello! I represent the RP department of my guild, and while I am not saying that you should or must join the guild to RP with me or others, I would like to put myself as one of your contacts! Now days I am mostly helping with RPs on our site forum, creating and commenting on stories, but I think sometimes great stories always have to start on paper, and often become the backdrop of inspiration for actual RPs
  23. Hi Gunner! What caught my eye about your post was that you wanted to learn the ropes! Well we tie many knots here in Celestial Argonauts/Dreadnauts! Several members were also new to the game and wanted to learn how to play, and at least one of them were just like you, posting on this forum and seeking a guild! He has become a very well educated player in all sorts of PvE and what helped that to happen was not only his love for star wars but also the relatively awesome and encouraging environement we have! We are all mature, not uber sensitive, and like to have fun, while producing results! RPs are more heavy on our enjin forum right now, but we have produced a few RP-PvE content to help coincide with our conquests and planetary runs! I highly encourage and hope that you will check us out! You can see our enjin here or our swtor.com post here! Oh btw that player i mentioned is an armed service vet as well ^^
  24. Greetings, Vhsunn! Celestial Dreadnauts may be of interest to you! One of the strongest suits of our guild is the amount of communication that occurs between its members and between the members and the officers! Since we are also active on discord, the friendships though sometimes dysfunctional like in real life, are lasting and often humorous We do expect ever member to be mature and have a certain quality of thicker than paper skin just in case those raunchy moments do occur so that no feelings are hurt, jokes or not. Each week has a big emphasis on conquest and also educating, experiencing and winning in PvE content such as OPs, flashpoints, uprisings and PvP content like Warzones etc. Every detail of the guild has its own core of officers and organizers, so one cannot ever assume that the guild will be as silent as the grave. Originally from Jung Ma, our origins and experiences have also helped us provide a gameplay environment that is patient, fair, and intolerant of toxicity. No one is perfect, but we all love star wars and that is enough to bind us together! Feel free to check us out at our enjin, and on there you can even see/join our discord to come say hi! Look forward to hearing from you! Celestial Argonauts and Dreadnauts Direct Link Click Here
  25. Greetings Xeav! Celestial Argonauts and Celestial Dreadnauts is always looking for any willing and mouse-trigger-happy members! To relate to the content you posted our guild does have about 40+ members who are active but the core players that are online nearly everyday and/or night caps at about 20 and under but still depending on the day/time. Our players come from all over the united states, Europe, and the far pacific including Australia, including New Zealand! Our discord is active and often a great place to chill, however we are not anarchists and we do have guild rules and what not. Drama is something we avoid and ever since our origins on Jung Ma have been very careful to prevent and/or ignore unless its a potential problem within us -- that has very rarely been the case. Our overall atmosphere is revolving around PvE (Conquests and Planetary Runs) we also have devoted officers who sacrifice a lot of time to make sure every odd and end is covered logistically, from our rewards system, rankings, teaching and even our own guild news/event recaps! Even if you are not on regularly, as is the case for some members, finding a way to get involved is never that hard, whether it be conquest points or helping out some guildies. Feel free to check us out! Celestial Argonauts/Dreadnauts Website Direct Link
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