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10 Good
  1. Title pretty much sums it up. Washed up 3x Rank 1 player on WoW, 12 years of RP experience with the same character. I'm looking for a quality over quantity guild with shared goals and priorities. I am not looking for a Hardcore drama guild, im looking for a small 40-50 members active guild to call home and chill with, I AM NOT looking for a Hardcore guild. Low experience in SWTOR but hopefully full of skill. If you PvE that's a bonus but not a requirement. I will come but irregularly. Preferably contact me in game on *Calíhye* or through forums. GL HF
  2. A lot of things are OP and aren't getting nerfed so far. These numbers don't have to stick, but the concept behind them is fair. Having a 1 minute leap escape isn't OP. Combining it with intervene increases the skill ceilling and takes on a new playstyle. Having a 2nd option to removes stun could be great for juggs and a trademark for the class to be the only class with 2 pure stun removals (albeit after reading it again maybe filling the resolve bar is excessive). Just wanted to point out some novelty, which is IMHO what BW needs to be doing. Need more class identity and trademark skills instead of having 5 specs that all do the same thing but with buttons that are called differently. The concept between the suggestions I gave are simply suggestions/idea to be taken with a grain of salt to fill holes in the juggs current kit and weaknesses while adding diversity to what they do.
  3. Step 1: Keep Enraged Defenses the way it is, and add a line saying "Also immediatly fills your resolve bar". Step 2: Make Intervene a "Heroic Leap" like mechanic that gives its defensive buff to everyone in a small AoE around where you land. Make it on a 1 minute CD, the CD being reduced by 6 seconds per targets hit. This lets you use it as a group defe sive CD or an escape. Step 3: Keep the reflect mechanic the way it is, but make it reflect effects too (such as DoTs, slows, etc. Stuns might be a bit OP). Step 4: Enjoy.
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