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Everything posted by ChidoriOokami

  1. Hey! Which guild(s) is/are organizing it? Are there anymore details? Like where on Tat? ;o
  2. Hi guys! Do you also have an enjin or a forum thread on enjin? It would be great if we could get to know all of the TEH community especially in RP
  3. we're very well rounded lol we just transferred from another server and just want to get a feel for the RP community on TEH so we will know how we can get our active RP players to jump in. There are players who love RP and some who prefer PvE and/or PvP I'm just trying to help the RPers find a good outlet This is an overview of who we are though: <Celestial Argonauts>
  4. Greetings! Looking forward to meeting you guys! Our guild is starting up RPs as well
  5. Let me know how it goes! I'm sure my guild would love to develop an RP relationship with an all-cathar guild lol
  6. Faction: Republic/Neutral Guild Name: Celestial Argonauts Guild Leader: : E'nahra, Foxx Officers: Aurumnai, Solana, Stor Councillors: Chi'kami ¢ Jaswan ¢ Oftoomanyalts ¢ Taiga PvP: High PvE: High GSF: Medium High Role Play: High Website: www.cacd.enjin.com
  7. She will always be my princess ^^ In a subject-to-monarch sort of way lol ^_^ <3
  8. Sorry All. I have been meaning to read more of everyone's stories and also continue my own I was just very busy with school, relatives over during the holidays and also Guild-PR related things >_< I hope to return soon!! I Hope everyone has had a wonderful winter so far!
  9. Updated Version 3.0 The Celestials RP / PvP / PvE Conquest Guild Leader(s): E'nahra ☼ Foxx Guild Celestials: Aurumnai Δ Solana Δ Stor Δ Standarddefect Δ Chi'kami Guild Councillors: Murky ¢ Kiwi ¢ Crea ¢ Dragonrasa ► Website: Click Here ◄ (cacd.enjin.com) Greetings! I am Chi'Kami Aizune, Head of Public Relations for the Celestial Enclave AKA Celestial Alliance. Before you Scroll down to Learn a bit more about the Guilds, allow me to take the time to share a brief note with you! Celestial Argonauts as well as the Celestial Dreadnauts a guilds are very dynamic. What do I mean by this? Its origins lies in Jung Ma which is another server on SWTOR. In the past Jung Ma (JM) was a hugely sprawling place with many Roleplayers and also many players who adored and clung to PvP as well as PvE. A huge level of respect can be found in any server for sure, but on JM the community was and still is very special and very close.Indeed many other current guilds on The Ebon Hawk (TEH) were originally guilds on JM. This is worth noting because the player base that has come to TEH has their origins on JM. If you think about it, players who stay dedicated to a server even as its population decreases must be players who not only love their server but also players that really love this game. More than a few of us have played for at least a year; some much longer. Below is some At-A-Glance Information before you move onto a few other details. Class Dynamics: Force Sensitives, Smugglers, Troopers, Bounty Hunters, Agents Age Range: 17-30+ Dailies: PvP, PvE, Social, RP Organization: Ranks Per Class Member Rewards: Items, GB Access, Friendship, World Eater weekly Credit rewards + More Recruitment: All Classes [ Optional: Application Highly reccomended as it nets you a free Apprentice rank] Ranks: Recruit-> Apprentice-> Argonaut/Dreadnaut -> Master/Darth -> Councilor -> Celestial *Councilor and Celestial are officer-level ranks and require nominations and a vote from the sitting council.* Recruitment Regs: Non-Starter Worlds, Non-Spam Opportunities: Conquest PvE which include: PvP Training[Warzones, GSF, WPvP) , PvE Training (Operations, Flashpoints, Conquests, Word Bosses), RP Developement + Diplomacy On Forums Experience: Dedicated PvP/PvE players, Dedicated PR + Diplomacy Departments, Forum-RPs and Lore Building[Writers Haven] Conquests: Great Emphasis on Conquest and can lead to individual rewards/promotions in addition to conquest rewards. Though by and large your positive and helpful attitude will be your greatest asset towards success. Special Ranks: World Eater: Scores among the top 3 in Weekly Conquest Points [Awards in the Millions thus far] Pariah: Penalty rank as Punishment for misbehavior non-adherence to the Guild rules and by judgment of Celestial Council. They are not able to speak or be heard in-game by other members of the guild in the guild chat; Gbank permissions also revoked. Raider: Special members of the Celestial Prog team Elites and regulars. *Guild Members will NOT be penalized for lack of participation and can simply remain in the guild as "Recruits" as they continue to enjoy their gameplay experience. However players who are inactive in logging in for long periods of time without notice are liable to be replaced if more space is needed for new members. * [Other Details Please Visit Our Enjin at cacd.enjin.com] The Celestial Enclave Backstory: [Refer to the Individual Backstory Blurbs at the end of this page to find a taste of their own flavor] The Alliance or Enclave persists on a constant basis of give and take. It is comprised mostly of the Argonaut and Dreadnaut enclaves which each have their own story. The organization was formed shortly after the invasion of Zakuulan forces under Arcann’s father, Valkorian. At first a practical necessity, the alliance has become more and more of a main stay for members of both enclaves. While other alliances formed in the galaxy amongst other independent factions including splinter republic and imperial groups, the urge to follow suit prevailed. In efforts to agree on a command and ranking structure they took a few titles from the republic and the empire while adding a few of their own. It was obvious that the two main enclaves wanted to keep a high degree of independence and identity as negotiations dragged on between members of both councils. The very notion of a joint council was contested until at least the 3rd year of their alliance. These council roles were important in that those who would be appointed not only served in the high echelons of their own enclave but also served as council members on a joint Council, later called the Celestial Council. The respective council members retained the title and rank of Celestial regardless of their enclave origin. In an effort to further soften the hostilities between the two enclaves it became necessary to adopt a form of government or law and regulations that both could subscribe to. One of the very first issues to contend with was the topic of slavery. Elements of the Dreadnauts did incorporate slavery in various levels within its inner-workings. This was a point of uncompromising passion for the Argonauts who insisted that the practice be abolished. Several former justice fielded individuals on both sides rose up to bring the topic into discussions in joint hearings however these never amounted to much more than heated debates. By the time the 3rd year had come and while the Joint Council was being formed, it became apparent to both sides that a tertiary representative was needed in discussions over the cultures of both enclaves and how they would fit together under a joint set of regulations. In order to supplement and resolve the morally disputable arguments, it was decided that the Joint Council shall appoint Celestials who may or may not as well score high in combat experience, leadership, and seniority, but also those who hail from the public relations fields in their former lives. This was to help ensure that the Joint Council of the Celestial Alliance would have in each instance of a meeting or hearing of any kind, have Celestials that are already familiar with the issues that may be revolving around the members of both enclaves. In order to help make sure such knowledge could be attained, maintained, and shared both enclaves agreed to form public relation departments that trained members on the basics of Alliance or Joint Enclave law as well as morality. The instructors and heads of such offices were later ranked and titled as Councilors. These Councilors would also be the ones mainly appointed to speak on behalf of their enclave during gatherings or hearings in front of the Joint Council. The roles of Councilors were constantly amended and relegated to the point that these individuals had to become very well rounded in many aspects of Enclave-life both in their own and the Alliance enclave. They became the hands of guidance, friendship and understanding while also being the arms of force, leadership and fortitude. They usually provided a great pool for recruitment in all departments including future roles as Celestials themselves. It was upon these main departments and roles that the basic foundation of a joint coexistence first bore its first few fruits. In order to help keep a simultaneous sense of identity both enclaves were permitted to have roughly their own ranking structure that went below Councilor, and any ranks and titles for private non-jointly formed entities were also allowed to be freely decided by the respective enclave. The Dreadnauts tended to mock the Argonauts for their use of very familiar terms that were synonymous to those that the Galactic Republic would use, specifically the Jedi. Out of pure jest the Dreadnauts then took terms that The Empire favored, specifically the Sith. This would provide a point of confusion for enclave members and also other groups that the Alliance as a whole would encounter. Even more awkward would be the former Jedi or Sith that suddenly had or ran across titles such as “Darth” or “Master.” Both sides reluctantly used the term “apprentice” for later aged recruits. The niceties of etiquette and rank however, did not seem incredibly important after one of the most important events in Celestial Alliance history occurred. Upon a joint venture between both enclaves to create a sustainable and advance warship, a tragic and sinister ploy brought both sides to the brink of civil war; mistrust ensued as a large portion of the plans had been stolen from the main archives. Fortunately, thanks to a vigilant few, the true perpetrator was revealed. It was a fringe Imperial organization that had been responsible. The campaign to find the plans, and bring the guilty to justice or judgment brought the enclaves together in a way that the Joint Council or departments ever could have. In the end, the matter was resolved and all sides within in the Celestial Enclave(alliance) that had in prior times wanted to shed each others’ blood, had now shed blood together in the violent bloody vortex of war. Famous battle groups such as Unit 17 and Yerro-5 had their names forged and immortalized follow the aftermaths of what was later called the Fringe Wars. Even amidst a new era of rule in the galaxy, amidst the Eternal Fleet, Eternal Alliance, the Republic and The Empire, foes become allies and allies become foes. Though they may seek justice and uphold to high values, sometimes the ends must ultimately satiate the means in this darkening pool of stars and planets. While many of its members maintain their own beliefs in the life of the Force, of themselves or of power, still others look more and more towards the stars which they see as they peer out their starships—numbering in the millions, guiding the way forth. A former Jedi in conversation with a former Sith replied to the Sith’s question of “So What do you follow now if not just the ‘way of the Force and knowledge? ‘ “ and said, “I Suppose the Stars Guide us. “ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Additional Information on Each Faction Below: [see our Website for even more!] Celestial Argonauts: Traditionally, the Argonauts had no loyalties - to the Republic, to the Empire, or to the Sith or Jedi orders are we an organisation that leans towards justice and keeping the peace, but is not directly allied with the other peace-keeping powers in the canonical universe. We can, of course, ally with other guilds on the server as suits our purposes, but we would have no loyalty or obligation to the Republic or the Jedi Order. In fact, RP-wise, the guild leader herself (Rivyr Tam) left the Jedi Order because she saw their pacifism as ineffective in bringing justice to the galaxy. In the wake of the invasion of the Eternal Empire of Zakuul, <Celestial Argonauts> has increased its cooperation with both Republic and Some Imperial Forces however these relationships, like during any massive inter-galactic war are uncertain and unclear. Where we are now, the Celestial Argonauts have recently suffered a great loss. Malicious internal actors from the very top of the organisation turned their backs on the Celestials, and brought the guild to its knees. Rising from the ashes, Rivyr Tam has taken up the mantle to lead the Argonauts, and is attempting to rebuild that which was destroyed by such devastating betrayal. On the other side of the galaxy, Rivyr's twin sister, Blackwater, raised up a mirror organisation, calling them the Celestial Dreadnauts to mock her sister's guild. Being more interested in personally wreaking havoc than in running a complex organisation, it is not sure how long Blackwater Tam will hold the reins of the Dreadnauts, but for now, Rivyr is keeping a wary eye on her as the Argonauts rebuild. Celestial Dreadnauts: Traditionally, the Dreadnauts have no loyalties - to the Republic, to the Empire, or to the Sith or Jedi orders. Major elements of the enclave include Bounty Hunters, Agents, and Force Sensitives. However as war broke out between the Republic and the Empire several factors having to do with trade and war atrocities caused the enclave to re-mold itself in many ways through many trials. Right before the invasion of Zakuulan forces the Dreadnauts found themselves allying more and more with the more neutral factions in the galaxy as the general mood of alliance-forming was increasing as the Eternal Fleet imposed its will on the Core Worlds and Outer Rim worlds. One faction they encountered and dealt with most were the Celestial Argonauts. In fact a rising member of the enclave, Blackwater Tam, knew that her sister ran an organization of goody-goodies; also largely neutral. The way in which Blackwater took hold of The Dreadnauts is another questionable and interesting tale. Needless to say, The bond that slowly formed between the two enclaves caused both to change the ways in which either faced the challenges that the galaxy had to offer. They likened their strange friendship to something as a model of what the Odessen alliance was: new, fragile and in constant peril by inner and outside forces. One major note is that as the 2 enclaves' relationship grew, leadership of the now <Celestial> Dreadnauts, was in a constant state of change. Blackwater Tam took hold of power, but soon true to her own nature succumbed to a bit of boredom and fancied thrills that dealt less and less with enclave matters. A lot of the power was handled and handed to her right hand. The identity of this individual is yet still a mystery even amidst its own people and allies. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Extras: The Fringe Wars:[Videos that were created to help give visual aid to the backstories] Recon: Assault on Alderaan [Retrieve the Plans, Allied Assault]: Link ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trouble Getting Hold of Leaders and/or Other Officers? Please feel free to visit the Enjin or contact any of the leaders in-game or on Enjin. You may also Contact Me, Chi'Kami Aizune, if you need help getting in quick contact with any of the officers or leaders. You may message me on Enjin or you can kik me at Chidori_Shinjutsu. Additionally, you can contact Slam Defect. He is also part of the Public Relations Department and serves especially as Guild Technician and Historian. You may reach him via Kik as well. Kik ID: Samuel_Lipson You can also visit our enjin and view our discord information on the homepage. That is also a quick way to get a hold of someone! Regardless of guilds or servers let's remember our love for Star Wars and help keep the love alive by enjoying everything SWTOR can offer us. You can fill out an application on the website or simply contact us on Enjin. -- Or come find us in-game! It would be great to meet others regardless of intent to join or not! Chi'Kami Aizune Celestial Alliance PRO Public Relations Department
  10. Entry #15 Val Var'Tan CS-Bonus-2 Catagory: Journal-Extra Disclaimer: When You Find That Place Not sure what is going to happen after this recording. Our ship has been boarded and as far as I know most of the crew has been killed or captured. It’s hard to talk right now. The blast I took hit my back and it is making it harder for me to breathe. I’m here with Lori but he seems…he seems unconscious. I kn—I don’y know what’s wrong with him. I’m afraid to go outside knowing they were willing to kill us. Those guys were all traffickers. There were stories about refugee ships being---being taken over by pirates, the people being sold as slaves. Lori, you won’t wake up—why won’t you wake up?? WAKE UP! I’m not risking going out there. I’m staying here at least to make sure Lori—make sure Lori. I’ll hide him behind the bed maybe. Just a few pushes and he’ll be hidden. Lori if you’re hearing me now, or this recording.. No matter what happens I am so glad. I am so happy that I met you. Please forgive me for the times I was not so friendly—the times I faded into a cold shell. Thank you for helping me last at least another year longer to realize my hope. Uh huh, Lori you helped—helped me remember. I wish you were awake now I hope you are okay. Someone is trying to get through the door. Lori they won’t find you. I know you’ll survive and get through whatever is—is coming nex--- coming next. Promise me you will find a nice, nice.. find a nice place. Nice planet. Name the house after me, …you said you would didn’t you? As long as, ...long as having a friend...friend...is same...is same as finding home. I remember..you would I remember…didn’t you – so ..har…t – breath’ es-- … I ‘uff – y… ---------
  11. Hi Misha and Jenny! Thank you again for your comments exams are boiling down so I have been writing more recently. ^^ I'm working on a Life Day entry too, hope you guys will find time to check it out! Maybe on the 22nd ish Also I can read even more of everyone's stories finallyyy
  12. Entry #14 Sanctuary V CS-Ambient Catagory: Short Story What's Yours Is Now Mine The wall panels were pale gray in between intervals of flashing red and yellow highlights. The sounds of many running boots exchanging blows with the floor beneath them, echoed all throughout the ship’s halls and corridors. Every now and then there were screams, sounds of blaster fire ricocheting and plastering surfaces. Wounded and dying men and women in uniforms were sprawled all over the deck of the docking bay. A battered Astro Mech droid rolled along, scanning the wounded for their injuries. On one of the bodies there was a clipboard, laying over her chest, blotted with blood. A Twi’lek male dressed in smuggled armor picked up the clipboard and examined it closely. ”Figures. “ He grunted. “Better they serve us then them I suppose. “ He nodded and then signaled a group of the invaders in front of him. “Confine the ‘passengers’ and assume control of the command center, we’ve scored big this time. “ He gritted his teeth as a message came through his audio communicator. ”Du’ran, most of the ship’s security has been eliminated; most of them were in the bay. A few ship crew were in the corridors and CC but they’re either dead or our property now.” The voice transmitted hazily through the somewhat defective communicator. ”Good. ‘We lose any? ---and any problems with the ‘passengers?’ “ Du’Ran cleared this throat, as he shouldered his scatter shot blaster. ”We captured a few of them who were trying to escape using the old cargo pods. One of them was a real ***** though, a real piece of work. She took out one of mine with a butter knife to the neck. She got away but we clipped her boss. She won’t be enjoying herself for long. “ The voice cackled then sniffed. “We smoked the rest of them I think. “ ”You idiot. We don’t know where all these people come from! If any of these people are bold enough they can just as easily kill us all—while also getting themselves killed of course. “ He signaled his group and began to move in through the main gate. ”Boss we--- ***ssshhhhh…” the communication started and then buzzed off with dead interference.
  13. • Hi Misha and Jenny! Thanks for stopping by! Studies have been boiling down so I’m trying to let my mind go back to normal haha. Thank you for your feedback about the entry! I felt like I was standing with and following Hovi in the ship too ^^
  14. Entry #13 Hovivic Windfire CS-4 Catagory: Short Story Disclaimer: Hull Wanderer The humming of the ship’s engines and inner workings made the corridors feel darker than they actually were. It certainly was not a luxurious vessel even its former prime. Some of the walls along the much older and rarely used halls had worn posters and insignias on them; faded after some time. Every quarter that housed a refugee was dimly lit with failing lights; some lights no longer functioned at all. As the ship crashed against the invisible waves of the dark ocean outside, the decks stood still as if stubbornly holding out against time and nature. Every sleeping eye dreamed and every waking thought yearned. Unsatisfied stomachs churned and sore limbs swelled. Hovi silently turned a corner, lifting up his dark brown hood to cover his head. It felt strange to step foot onto another ship’s platform and for several minutes he spent time simply walking up and down old corridors and standing in place, staring at old wall posters. From one end of a corridor one could have probably mistaken him for an apparition; eerie, curious and perhaps damned to dwell in the cold stomachs of derelict vessels. It was hours passed midnight now. Hovi was at one of the ships educational centers where he observed the shabbily lined tables and chairs, facing a holo projection stage. He stooped over one of the unconscious guards, wearing an outdated Zakuul Science officer’s uniform. Hovi dug into the man’s pocket and found a notebook. After flipping through some of its pages he followed one of several interesting notes he read and took a few of them to be clues. Armed with this knowledge he made subtle movements at the front of the stage area and the lockers surrounding it. He carefully made his way across the room and passed the corridor, stepping over a few more unconscious bodies. ”Sorry about that guys, but hey you’ll wake up not remembering how boring your night shift was..” Hovi whispered after looking back at the dozen or so bodies strewn in the hall and education room. He would not be staying for much longer. Outside the ship the waves of empty space continued to brush against the ship. Hovi swiftly infiltrated the Sanctuary V, incapacitated several security personnel and managed to gain interesting knowledge after just a few hours of curiously wandering the decks. Cunning as he may have been and yet confident – he still did not know. Cloaked vessels, their numbers undistinguishable by eye or even basic radar, were closing in on the Cargo ship for days now.
  15. Hi Jen! Thank you for the comment and feedback! Kalyn is definitely someone who has a sense of innocent Justice, where if something does seem unjust, then with the innocent thought of right or wrong, she will be headstrong to address it. At least that's what it seems like so far ;o I've been busy studying lately and have been wanting to write another Entry >_< Hi Misha! Thanks for coming by to comment and give feedback ^^ Yeah I guess Theron would be voted one of Republics' Man of the Year lol despite distraction.. OH and yes it's nice that you noticed that! I think in every society even in the SW universe there will be a sense of justice and injustice, with people all over the spectrum ;o
  16. Entry #12 Kalyn'Yun Akura CS-4 Catagory: Journal Disclaimer: Who I Am Dear Holo Journal, I'm not sure if this will be my last entry or not. I am supposing that they must have also bugged this recorder too-- no wonder they had no problem with me keeping it. Maybe they don't plan on letting me live with or without a death sentence. Oh, nice...it's starting to rain outside..that's not foreboding at all. If anyone IS listening to this, right now through tap or if you have somehow found this recording -- first of all -- Hey, how's it going? If you haven't got a hold of any other recordings, or perhaps docets on me then let me introduce myself. My name is Kalyn'Yun Akura 19 years old. I was born to-- well I'm not sure who my parents are but I was raised in a foster care program that was funded by the government. If you ask my colleagues and mentors there they would probably tell you that I was very skilled and very adventurous. In fact ask Ms. Nrostar about the time I solved a crime. It involved candy theft but was legitimate enough to I suppose catch the eye of someone, who then alerted someone who also then informed someone else of my potential. This is what I have gathered at least. I went to the Republic Intelligence Academy, one of the multiple sectors of the Intelligence Department which was beginning to flower as the Civil War continued. I didn't learn about the histories between the Galactic Republic, my home, and the Empire until my early studies at the academy. Long story short, I took any turns I needed to take in order to excel towards an officer position for Underworld Police Intelligence. I can tell you now that there is no perfect government. I found out things that would probably make you think twice before you believe in what the government or the media tells you --- or what a "hero" is. I understood that certain things had to happen and had to be done for the greater good, sacrificing some good to save the greater. I suppose the "greater" would later be better defined as the "richer." Around the time that we were investigating reports that alleged the Empire's "emperor" was overthrown or even dead, I attemped to request a transferr that would get me into the thick of the action -- the real scary stuff. Rumor had it that SIS had a devoted team headed by Theron Shan which was already working on that case. I mean, who wouldn't want to work near that man, mm those sexy shoulders and sly but smooth smile... ooh.. ..... ..... Err, well anyway! Yes I thought i'd get my request granted too but instead I found myself monitoring chatter between targeted high priority Imperial flagships. Ha, it sounds hard to believe but we did have a new device that was able to help us do it. That was when I found out something had happend in Shan's operations. I think they had recruited some big shot, a Jedi maybe, I'm not sure. Whatever the case, it must have gone south because we all of a suddent had a new enemy. The Eternal Empire of Zakuul..? I don't have much time left. After this new invasion, despite some efforts in allying with the Empire against Zakuul, Chancellor Suresh had most of our intelligence efforts focused on the Empire. It was absurd in my opinion. Even when she stepped down she managed to pull strings. That was to me, the greatest offense a leader of the people could make. She wasn't respecting the way the system worked and I strongly believed that she was acting on her own beliefs, and not what was being advised. I suppose it was my fault that I tried to question my own government. Isn't that what a Republic-- a democracy is? A system where we are kept accountable by someone who is then kept accountable by someone else. I think I was too close to the truth when they finally gave me the boot. That didn't stop me. I worked another year off world, trying to use what IDs I had to make myself look as authorized as possible. I got so close, I was so close -- wait Gotta go. K. Akura Republic Judiciary Isolation Hold Coruscant
  17. Hi Red! I am still new here, and am trying to get a good read on as many stories here as i can A lot of the other writers here have a lot of great things to say which makes me look forward to reading your stories! Sadly I have not yet begun Once again i look forward to adding your written adventures to the all the ones I have been reading so far! PS 5.0 definitely feels a bit different to me lol
  18. Ohh actually it was referring to Loren's ID on the ship ^^ but there is certainly a dark foreboding that is hanging in the air in this entry Hmm yes, I am not so sure what happened to Loren either but in any case he isn't where he should have been at that moment. To any other "refugee" on the ship this moment would be very important Time will tell!
  19. Entry #11 Loren Tan'Vay CS-4 Catagory: Short Story Roll Call The room was dimly lit by the failing cabin lights, giving the walls a blue hue as they have done for so long. The young man sat on his mattress, staring out through the very small port window which allowed a glimpse into empty space. He had his knees bent up so that his chin could rest on top of his kneecaps. His arms wrapped around his legs, hands locked into place. His chest pressed against the top of his thighs, giving way only to his subtle breathing. He bit his upper lip and tilted his head before bringing one of his hands near his lips, and pursing the very tip of his thumb between his lips, his teeth clenched to deny any further entry. Loren then rubbed the back of his neck, suddenly feeling more anxious. He exhaled slowly and forced himself down onto the bed against his right side and straightened his legs out, only to slowly curl them up again. One of his hands rested against his chest as he clenched it. His lips parted, followed by his jaw before his teeth took hold of the bed sheet, tugging it a bit before letting go. Loren’s neck and cheeks began to shine from beads of sweat. It was cold. Meanwhile, Val sat in the education deck, head turned to the empty table and seat next to her. With each blink she wanted to turn her gaze back towards the speaker in the front but was too overcome with worry and a bit of sadness. “And that, is where we will all be going – and where You will all be starting your new lives. Now then, you and your partners will be given lodging assignments upon reaching the planet, just to get everyone settled down before your new lives. Thank our Eternal Emperor that he allowed such an opportunity.” The voice of a calm female echoed in the chamber. She was encased by gold armor, one the Emperor’s knights. ”Where is LV0576? Tan’Vay, Loren? “ Another voice spoke from behind Val. It was of a male, also clad in gold, like the female also without a helm. His eyes were a bit cold, but a programmed smile still formed on his face.
  20. HI Wang! Haha yeah I thnk Blizz can be found in every SWTOR writer’s mind no matter what classes they have played, he’s like the waldo of swtor Thanks for stopping by! Oh and yess, the device is sure to have some interesting stories itself ;o we’ll see!
  21. Ohh yes that was a good thing, that it made me feel uncomfortable. I think that was the kind of atmosphere you were going for, at least maybe in Kira's perspective ; o since she doesn't even approve of their venture. Great job again!
  22. ChidoriOokami


    Haha Yasss, if that is the case I will be looking closer at all the droids in your chapters >_> and also go back to see the ones I may have missed. ID-V8 -- love it xD Ooh and i see so that is your image of Marr; yes he does seem very handsome then yet strong and with deep purpose. Experienced. ;o thank you!
  23. Hi Jenny! Haha Yes, I love Blizz <3 Oh and thank you for your comment the snippets make it fun and entertaining for me! Also they use up what little reserves of thought I have left after doing some kind of errand or assignment xD We'll have to see what happens next ~ Hi Lady Misha! Yes, interesting of you to point out ^^ I realized midway that the device itself was kind of dangerous.. Ooh and Yes, This is meant to still be -- err well the timeline I think everyone has already figured out, but it will be made even more clear later! I feel like I have not explored much of Hovi yet so I look forward to seeing more of his mind too! --when he stretches his feet.. Hi Lady Luna! I agree with everyone about Blizz ^^ he is such an awesome character, and I wanted to include him at least indirectly at some point like I did here! Also thank you again for the comment! I know the overall story is going very slowly due to the style of the entries, but yes I hope everyone can enjoy the entries as independent pieces like I do <3 They let me think of all sorts of things outside and inside what has already happened, or what could happen.
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