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Everything posted by ShiroRX

  1. 80% is my cut off. unfortunately i dont see many power/crit enhancements.
  2. We have a lot of passive crit increases available to us, it's use for us on gear is diminished greatly. So I prefer to stack power and surge.
  3. That's surprising, my BM rifle is re-modded with a power crystal and it's STILL an overall gain with WH. +27 wpn dmg, +12 pwr, +51 expertise, +37 tech pwr, something like that.
  4. yea boots look good. especially the enhancement. many elim boots will be bought for gutting.
  5. Ex in what order have you been getting WH pieces?
  6. Don't want it to seem like I'm anti-tactics/ap or something, just wanted to state that before my next question. Is that 4.7% difference on dummy tests? The reason I'm asking is because in pvp it seems difficult to really unload pulse cannon effectively whenever the proc is up, people don't like standing in our AOEs. Imagining this is harder when they see you point blank about to unload it instead of standing 20-30 yds back and launching mortar. Here's a thought experiment. I wonder how tactics would do with Storm and Shield w/ Hold the Line. Tactics and my brain may just not sync up, that's very possible.
  7. Maybe if you have a Sorc alt *cough cough*.
  8. You say Assault slightly out damages it, but is it so? The slightly I mean, because it seems more than slightly. Freely admit I haven't seen any great players pick up tactics/AP on Mandalore, however.
  9. Yea but the advantage for us, no one expects the Vanguard. *sinister face*
  10. Support for my Tactics bros. Cause one day I'm gonna need them to score in Huttball.
  11. Heavy armor does help. Your lifebar is never gonna drop with the sheer velocity of sorcs, snipers, and operatives.
  12. Always felt Assault VG/Pyro PT was perhaps the best pvp dps spec in the game. Still do. Highest tier damage dealing potential, a lot of protection if you know how to taunt, and no casting so very difficult to disrupt (compared to mercs/commandos/sages/sorcs), the general utility of ranged positioning and having a gun (a gun in this game is about 1000x better than a lightsaber). and of course harpoon. Sure, many classes have these abilities, but Assault VG as a whole is greater than the sum of those parts. This is gonna become more evident in Ranked. Luckily people have been watching good PT and VG players since day 1 destroy and still no one plays them. (Vanguard was almost tied with Scoundrel for least played AC, Powertech not that far ahead). Now don't get me wrong, I think tactics is very good, and will absolutely have a place because Hold The Line is just so insanely good, but in terms of general effectiveness in a coordinated (or even a pug) situation, I don't know how they're gonna do more than a well played Assault.
  13. Yea I figured. Champ power is still better than BM crit/surge anyway lol. Just finished all my BM stuff. Valor 50 atm, I wonder if I can get WH rifle and 4 pc WH by 60 lol. Got my augment BM set waiting lol.
  14. well now i have a reason to buy my BM relic, besides the incredibly marginal upgrade from champion lol.
  15. How much Aim do you have? The problem I see with the extra aim talent is I question its overall contribution compared to basically 10% extra crit to all elemental and 3% overall tech crit. PVP gear is not heavy on primary stat like pve gear, so the actual net contribution of dmg is marginal. its basically the small overall increase vs the more often critical/higher crit dmg. if your surge is high, you're probably getting more out of all that extra crit than 6% aim. Maybe when I have an Aim augment in every possible slot and consular buff from alt the aim will look better lol.
  16. Oh i disagree. If a mara is around me and isn't on me, they're taunted and being obliterated. It's either try to kill me first or they aren't killing the dps or healer next to me, period.
  17. Still seeing vastly more Anni on Mandalore. From both factions. Having a BM Sent myself, its difficult to beat Juyo, even with the pvp utility of Ataru. An Ataru (Carnage/Combat) one can also be kited to DEATH if you're good since they won't have the distance reduction on leap.
  18. This thread is displaying oddly for me, as well as your thread on the vanguard boards. dunno what that's about. Anyway, only really noticed the slow not applying in pve when i get real kite abusive vs an elite. Not really a big deal.
  19. Combat Tech looks better than Elim. That's the principle reason to craft it.
  20. Well, for whatever precedent its worth, "shell" items generally have some inherent value to them: some small armor rating or +tech/force which gets overwritten by armoring/barrels/hilts.
  21. What most of you don't realize is Imperial rifles all look crappy. Rep has all the ballin rifle designs.
  22. This is one of the first vids ive seen post 1.2 and its pretty clear the burst has not suffered. Exphryl voidstar 1.2
  23. well what i would really love is a real deal parse of where the damage comes from. every parse i see always puts together plasma cell/combustible gas and incendiary's dot. but the breakdown looks like 40-45% elemental, rest physical/kinetic. And everything is tech except autoatk/rail shot. 4/6/31 is cookie cutter, but it seems like the best compromise. the aim % doesn't seem worth it unless your rolling pve gear for the super high aim. the tech crit not effecting rail is crappy, but its crit rate is probably so high w/ optimal gearing and eliminator set bonus helping out the rest of your rotation might be better returns.
  24. hmm. i really wish i was good enough at math to really drill down the stats of 22 ranged dmg vs 3% tech crit
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