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Everything posted by TrinityLyre

  1. 1-5: Pretty much anything at this point. BioWare likes to update their systems once every meteor shower (if that), apparently.
  2. ClearlyClarion™ Quads / Torpedoes of some kind / Directional Shields / Teh Healz / Power Not-Die-Because-I-Don't-Suck / Stuff. ClearlyClarion. Clearly.
  3. Solo? A gunship-slayer scout build (TT/pods/quads). StE/pods/LLC could work as well. Team? Ion Maidens (standard build T1 gunship). Tag team enemies with one other skilled gunship and blow all 7 out of space no problem. Coordination and superior play will destroy most "cheesy" tactics.
  4. One of the devs is teasing something after their flashpoint run on Twitch tomorrow! It could be GSF-related! Oh wait... lol.
  5. Both lineups: Battlescout: Quads/Pods Battlescout (alternate): BLC/Cluster Ion Maiden (T1 gunship) Minelayer (b00m) -Extra slot, probably Bloodmark if I queue into a game full of PUG bombers on my team Explanation: None needed or see my signature. What I actually run (not related to thread) and am too lazy to switch around: Battlescout Ion Maiden Minelayer Heal Strike Strike bomber (Decimus etc)
  6. Add smaller ships (like a single Imperial shuttle) that can fit in centerpiece hooks. Add more centerpiece hooks to DK/Coruscant strongholds. Done.
  7. Do another game-wide name change and rename all the players who haven't been on in a year or longer.
  8. Simple suggestion. Recovered Relics are a complete pain to get (especially compared to Manaan's token), and 25 is an absurd amount for the decoration (and that's only one of them). It seems like the amount isn't going to change, so rather than force people to practice self-torture, have Rakata Prime drop Recovered Relics so there's more reason to run it. After running it once and reading that there's only one tree decoration and a pet, I don't feel there's any reason to repeat it. If there was a consistent drop of Recovered Relics, though, I'd be able to vary my tactical flashpoint playthroughs: Players could then choose from an entire legacy gear set or save up for one of the two decors by playing through one of 3 flashpoints. That was my suggestion, carry on.
  9. Practice makes perfect, and all that jazz. It's true, and kudos for the obvious skill improvement! Yep - I was just throwing out some of my own thoughts. I think accuracy is still an important statistic (much more so than most of the garbage on the score screen) but there's other things to look at as well. My question wasn't directed at you, it was rhetorical.
  10. Ah. I get it. In that case, they need to retool conquests quite a bit. I'm also rather sympathetic to allowing guilds that aren't massive the opportunity to actually conquer planets. There's plenty of other issues, there doesn't need to be any more.
  11. So nothing too big in these patch notes - let's hope there's a lot of cool GSH stuff planned for 3.0 (or... whatever's next)!
  12. If that's their definition of "balance pass(es)" that were all but promised I think we know what to expect for the future. I would say I'm let down but I actually expected this all along.
  13. Frequent map and game mode updates. Balance passes. PvE (including varying difficulty levels). More ship customization options. User-generated content? GSF is not its own stand-alone game and I'm not sure it should be. My list would have to include much, MUCH, MUCH more integration with the rest of SWTOR, maybe to the point of being completely open like SWG's JtL.
  14. No, and I'm hesitant to think anything big will come with 3.0 (in regards to GSF). They didn't even have the balance fixes they stated were coming, why would I think anything else would be? Also as far as what's done to warzones: a win is still a repeatable 500 points, so (if I cared about warzones) I'd be ok with that.
  15. 60+ for BLC/cluster. BLCs are a joke to hit with, and spamming clusters only increases your accuracy over say, HLC. 75+ for railgun. Any less is not even worth the glance. The question is what is "good" accuracy, not substandard or par for the course. Other than those I think your numbers match my thoughts. Admittedly, I don't look at this other than to judge whether or not I was flying drunk or otherwise handicapped. Many times I think I'm having a bad game (as it pertains to accuracy) I still score above these values. It's an interesting statistic to keep an eye on, but I place a heavy focus on K/D. If you have 99% accuracy, kill 30 players but died 30 times are you really all that great? *shrugs*
  16. I have found that generally tends to be the case. Something that can be googled = many replies. Generally requested (and accepted) changes = few replies.
  17. Thanks for the comments and discussion! I've gone through it and added each build to their respective sections. I'm glad people are still finding this useful and interesting. If there are any future demos, videos, tutorials of any kind or things you guys find helpful, let me know and I will add them! I'm glad there's still new players taking advantage of all the stuff our veterans have put together.
  18. ClearlyClarion™ back as the BananaBoat™. Seal of approval.
  19. Yeah, the first decoration you get might as well be the GTN - that's where you'll be getting the others. I'm not sure allowing all decorations to be sold on the GTN was a great idea. I think that's a great idea - it still rewards PvP but a different form of it. GSF should get a bit more integration into the rest of the game anyway. That may actually be a worthwhile idea for conquests too - I don't really understand why loading a house full of trophies and chairs should help me conquer planets faster. It also makes players less likely to go into other's strongholds to look around when there's individuals with high prestige loading crap into their strongholds and listing them publicly (not sure why public, but the reason for 100% completion must be conquests). I thought it was kind of strange too - many plants take synthetic prefabs, then you get to the reputation vendors... I'm not sure what to think on this one. At 300-400k a plant, I would agree - but at least there's a way to farm this thing reliably. With many other flashpoint decorations, you either get extremely lucky or waste a ridiculous amount of time and/or money to acquire them.
  20. Attack at odd angles/directions - I like to snipe near asteroids and at the top/bottom of maps. Anticipate when someone is going to come back to try and revenge kill you (and add a point to your team, again). Play with a teammate to cover you. Kite enemies through your entire team (tab targeting teammates ftw, I guess?).
  21. Actually, I haven't seen real dev posts on strongholds - just the conquest issues. Nothing substantial posted there, either. PTS feedback was sparse. In general, dev communication has just been utterly horrid/lacking. On topic, I've had this bug numerous times - it's annoying and I'm not even sure what causes it. I've also frequently gotten the messed up targeting reticle where it distorts for no apparent reason and makes it just slightly harder to hit people. I can't imagine what I'd be thinking if I had these things happen in my first game. I do agree with this.
  22. It's a little misleading. The UI says "You have decorated 500 out of a possible 500 hooks." There's easily more than 500 hooks, but that's the limit for the maxed-out stronghold (Tatooine, in this case). You can place up to 500 decorations, but no more. Yep, I have some I'd like to place but the hook limitations (and placement) make me unable to. Strongholds needs to have as much customization as possible. Hence some of my suggestions! No; there is always a maximum, unfortunately. It's definitely much smaller than it should be in some cases. I'll add a note that hook limits should be increased to my original post.
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