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Everything posted by Gidrea

  1. They drop off when you complete the mission they're attached to, even if you're not done with them. So they are not there forever. But I agree, all missions should be deletable.
  2. Downloading the client to a shiny, new computer!
  3. You're welcome. I've found a lot of the options to be confusing at times! I somehow turned on the numbers in my health bar and can't find where to turn them back off.
  4. I usually alt-tab away while waiting in queue, it would be nice if I had sound to know when I'm at the character selection screen.
  5. It cam show the comparison window, but it's am Option you have to turn on. Sorry I can't remember where specifically, I can't get in to the game right now. I think it's in Interface. Hope that helps!
  6. If I remember correctly. the entrance to the emergency exit is not behind a wall, it's behind a stack of crates that you have to jump on to get over them. http://www.swtorstrategies.com/2011/10/complete-datacron-location-list.html There are videos there that show the way.
  7. The respawn is at least 5 minutes, which is an eternity when you're just standing there.
  8. I was happy to get a cloak to cover up the big butt I had while wearing those skintight pants...
  9. Like a previous poster, I'm replying in order to have this on my subs. list. And thank you for this, it was well written and informative. I'll be checking back when I get to the point of needing help!
  10. It's been a couple of weeks since I played Sentinel in Beta, but I remember getting a package or a pack of things for my new "profession" and the lightsaber was in it. Check your inventory for something like that and open it. I apologize if I'm misremembering!
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