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10 Good
  1. A few minutes ago, on Lord Calypho (RP-PVP), a Republic Trooper managed to board the Imperial Fleet Vessel and started attacking our cantina's bartender droids... Trooper shooting up the droids: http://tof.canardpc.com/view/c09f2fd6-02e6-4bfa-858f-5374d1555499.jpg http://tof.canardpc.com/view/08455cbc-a80f-4836-bac0-c54e2f7ad043.jpg http://tof.canardpc.com/view/435a9d70-68d6-4476-9872-3576b6d653e9.jpg He can run but he can't hide: http://tof.canardpc.com/view/74bc87b4-e1c9-45eb-a476-789d07712053.jpg How did this happen ? We suspect he had some help from an Imperial traitor...
  2. Hey, Derek here... Thanks to all who participated ! Yes, it was a bit wild and some of the young Sith were a bit too eager to draw their lightsabers, but it still was a very nice event, I hope to see more of them on our server ! I also would like to suggest a changing location for the next events (Nar Shaada Promenade, Tatooine)... BTW, did anything happen on the Republic side ?
  3. Bounty Hunter, Merc, Derek Hello all ! BTW, I'm looking for an Empire Guild !
  4. Excellent idea ! I shall be there...
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