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Everything posted by JJKerryee

  1. Seems to me like you're being a bit unfair to the character. Apparently, you don't really hate who Lana is, but more so the position and consistency in which she appears. I don't think that a good relationship between Lana and a Pub character is as ridiculous as you make it seem, maybe bc I don't think Lana can be classified as just another "Sith Lord". I never really understood all those "Theron can be killed, so I want to kill Lana too" threads, and this comes from someone who loves Theron. I understand disliking how neutral her character became in KOTFE and how often she appears, but transferring that hate to the character itself seems strange. I just don't get why some people hate Lana so much.
  2. I agree. I see quite a few people complaining about the community and yet I've been playing this game since 2015 and have had a really positive experience. Ofc you always find the occasional jerk and such but that's normal in an MMO. I'm starting to suspect this is more of an american server problem really, bc I've never seen such bad behaviour on Darth Malgus. Sure DK chat is a bit too much at times, but even now most of what I see there are a bunch of players discussing how thicc Baras is... Imperial chat seems to be a lot bolder really.
  3. About the whole joining the Republic thing...I'm pretty sure this was already discussed in another thread, but I'll say it here too. Most of your points, if not all, don't actually make sense. As someone who saved the galaxy after KOTET, I think the Republic would be more than happy to welcome a Mandalorian into their fray, especially if they think your character can help them win the war. Also, Mandalorians respect strength above all, something the character can find in either faction (if you really want to go in-depth about it, they would find more of it in the Republic since before the Eternal Empire appeared, they were the ones winning the war.) Mandalorians joining the Republic is also nothing new. Many Mandalorians have worked with Jedi before and deeply respected them as we can see in the Revanite questline of DK and many other instances. If you actually knew the lore, you'd know that there was a massive fight between Mandalore and Jicoln Cadera, exactly bc one of them wanted the Mandalorians to side with the Republic instead of the Empire. The only reason why the Mandalorians in-game are a part of the Empire is bc of Mandalore's choice. If Jicoln had won, they would've joined the Republic. I personally think they work much better as they did in KOTET, a supporting cast, complementing the narrative. You can't just expect them to make an entire expansion that just caters to one story, in this case, the Mandalorians. Especially, when being a Mandalorian is only available to 1 out of 8 classes and, not even all bounty hunters are Mandalorians. Overall, I think it all comes to, why not? Why stop players from being able to choose which faction they want? Why take away even more agency from the player's choice? If you don't want your Mandalorians to join the Republic then don't.
  4. Yeah, OP's comment is beyond dumb. I basically agree with what my fellow posters have already said. How can you complain about playing with players under level 75 in an instance MADE FOR those types of players? VM FPs are designed so that players under 75 can complete them. Most of my VM FPs are done with lowbies and the occasional 75 and I rarely find any problems. Not to even mention the fact that lots of veteran and good players can just be leveling alts, your level has nothing to do with your skill or your knowledge of the game. To believe that VM FPs can only be completed with a fully geared level 75 team shows what type of player you are, and let me tell you, it's not an experienced or good one.
  5. This is actually really good. Thanks..spares me the time to have to do it in my head.
  6. What they probably meant was the saboteur route. So technically with Onslaught, there are 4 storylines: Republic Loyalist, Imperial Loyalist, Republic Saboteur and Imperial Saboteur.
  7. Well, because she can't just ignore the existence of the Outlander. The Outlander exists and is one of the most powerful and influential people in the galaxy. So she has 2 options...she either allies with them, which puts her in an advantageous position since she can have the Alliance's support and can also more easily stab them in the back (if she thinks they're going to betray her) or she can make them her enemy and have someone incredibly powerful trying to dethrone her. So why would Acina antagonize the Outlander and the Alliance when she can be their ally?
  8. I think the writing of Onslaught is fine. Sure it was no masterpiece, but it certainly wasn't bad either. From what I see of the rest of your post, all you point out are nitpicks that don't necessarily make the story bad or your lack of attention to the more nuanced parts of the story. Like I said before, this is just a nitpick. Why would they be focusing the new expansion's story on the technicalities of who has what planet? Also, it seems to me that Iokath is shared like it was at the end of that storyline anyway so that is answered. The Zakuul part is just straight-up not true, you do hear from them. The Consul says they want to focus on rebuilding their society and for that reason, will be stepping out of galactic affairs. Actually, the change in the Dark Council's behavior is one of the best things in the story IMHO. Why? Because it makes sense. How would Acina be able to achieve total control over the Empire and reform it from within if she still had the former dark council and all the powerplays that came with it? It is obvious that she restructured them into more domestic roles to help her rule...instead of ruling for her (which was exactly what the former dark council did for the Emperor). I also think that change was done very well. They don't tell you that it changed, instead, they show you. And you can see that throughout the expansion with how disposable they became and realize they are, which helps Acina be secure that there won't be any powerplays to take her throne. An actual plothole would be allowing the dark council to retain all its power and have her rule unchallenged. I didn't see any problem with Malgus' dialogue. And Major Anri and Major Pierce's similarities end on their loyalty for the Empire. They have completely different backgrounds which shaped them to become different people and I would say they have very different personalities too. This is still somewhat in the expansion, admittedly less than before tho. Examples of these are some different lines only certain classes get to say. The specific companion that comes back for Jedi Consulars and especially the fact that only a Sith inquisitor can kill Anathel, your replacement in the council which gets a pretty cool scene too.
  9. While I agree this can be useful in certain cases..more times than not it's simply pointless...most trash groups in HS are all grouped up and can be easily killed with AOE as it is...there is simply no real need for this mechanic most of the time.
  10. THIS! So much THIS! If I had a penny for each HS run...VT or MM where the Tank insists on pulling every single group of mobs around the corner, I'd be rich. I mean I promise you that those 6 weak droids won't wipe out our entire group and neither will those 3 strong advozsec.
  11. I won't comment much about the disbanding of the Alliance part, bc to each their own. But I will say that doing so isn't easy at all. Basically, what you are proposing is to shorten the options our characters already have, taking more of their liberty away. Why shouldn't my Mandalorian be able to join the republic if she wants? Mandalorian respect strength above all and they can find that in both factions. If you really want to nitpick at the lore...many options in the game wouldn't make sense like a sith pureblood trooper or an alien sith warrior. I would also like to point out that it isn't unlike Mandalorians to join former enemies as we can see with the Mandalorian leader who joined the Revanite cult in Dromund Kaas because she respected the power of Revan when he defeated the Mandalorians years ago. This whole part about the "Saboteur" storyline was just a BIG NO. If you don't like that storyline, that's fine. But other players shouldn't suffer "punishment" for going that route, because you don't agree with that option. You DON'T get to decide what's right and wrong. After reading all this, all I can say is that I'm very glad you aren't a part of the Bioware team. And I doubt many others will consider this the "best option". Quite simply all you've said here could be reduced to "I don't like this so no one should have this option." and I would also like to remind you that if you don't wish to play a storyline, you don't have to.
  12. For me, it's definitely the Jedi Knight. Although the story is full of cliches I end up enjoying it a lot. Some players say it feels like it would have been the story of KOTOR 3 if it ever was released and I agree.
  13. Most people in the Star Wars universe call Nal Hutta "Hutta" because of Underworld slang, but I agree that at least in the galaxy map, the planet should have its full name.
  14. My thoughts exactly. Manaan was such an iconic planet too and look at what they've done with it... Even though an event is pretty cool, I really hope Dantooine gets some relevance in the storyline, it definitely deserves some spotlight.
  15. For SWTOR only, I would say: Theron Shan, Scourge, Arcann, and Andronikos.
  16. Honestly, if they write her well and have her be impactful to the overall story, then I have no problem in waiting. I just hope I haven't waited this long for my favorite companion, just to get a 5 min dialogue with her.
  17. You can start Ossus with no worries. The operation provides no real choices and barely any real story content.
  18. I disagree with a lot of things you said, but I'll stick to what really matters. IMHO, you give the smuggler story way too much credit. I mean, the only reason why this story isn't horrible is because of the hero's funny remarks, quite literally. It has horrible villains, a boring story, predictable plot twists and overall your smuggler doesn't do anything noteworthy when compared with other classes. Like I said before, the only redeemable feature of this story is a great comedy and the fact you can lead your own crime syndicate in the end. The same problem happens with the trooper story. It is said to be one of the worst because it kinda is. The first chapter has a very interesting concept with the betrayal of your squad, but that quickly ends with chapter 1 and what could have been an interesting story turned into a predictable and boring one. Chapter 2 is useless. Chapter 3 is truly the only good chapter with Rakton being an actually interesting and good villain. The reasons for his support of the Empire were definitely a breath of fresh air from the normal type. I do somewhat agree with you here, the consular story isn't THAT bad, but it certainly deserves the rep it has. I mean, when you write on paper the actions of your hero throughout the story they seem ****** and amazing but then you actually play the game and it is the most boring thing ever. Everyone is so monotone if feels like they don't even want to be there. The companions are some of the worst of the entire game and the plot twists are so predictable I saw them from a mile away. I agree with what the posters above me said. One of the best, in my opinion.
  19. First of all, I would like the say that no one in this thread is questioning the subjectivity of evil. Well, the Jedi and Sith codes aren't really the best way to show the subjectivity of evilness, since it doesn't really matter what they say. What matters is what their users do and an undeniable truth is that, at least in SWTOR, most sith we meet are bloodthirsty and evil and most Jedi are inherently good. As was already said in this thread before, a few members of an entire faction DO NOT represent the entirety of it. Just because some imperials don't want to torture you for the simple act of breathing, that doesn't mean the Empire is good, just like a few corrupt senators don't make the Republic evil.
  20. Not really true. The core values of the Empire stay the same with all of those leaders and they're certainly not "neutral" of any kind.
  21. Actually, I would say short-sightedness would have been letting your characters romance several people and not have one of them care about all the other relationships, which was what happened in the past and it was changed for a reason.
  22. I don't agree with this at all. Although I agree KOTFE and KOTET had many flaws, IMHO our characters were handled pretty well. It would make no sense for our characters to be super powerful since the beginning because it would make for a boring plot and useless villains. Zakuul teaches its force-users that there is no difference between light and dark, which means they "master" both sides. As a Jedi or Sith you most likely only mastered one of them, which obviously puts you at a disadvantage. So, your character has to grow, learn and become stronger, so that you eventually can be more powerful than the villains, which is exactly what happened to our characters and it makes sense. By the end of the story you are super powerful, you defeated Izax and the Emperor after all. Playing a character who is way too OP screaming "UNLIMITED POWAAAA" all the time doesn't make for a compelling story like it has been demonstrated in the past. Also, stating that defeating Valkorion was any less amazing, simply because you use that sentence is completely ridiculous. You just defeated the most powerful being in the galaxy, which makes YOU the most powerful being in the galaxy, according to common sense. About the lack of important choices, I don't agree with it either. I've seen a lot of people using this argument. That our characters are nothing but frontline fighters. This is simply untrue. A leader doesn't just hide and chooses what to do. He/She fights in the front lines, makes difficult decisions and inspires everyone. As the Commander, you have a band of people who would follow you to the end of the galaxy and you do all these things. You choose who lives and who dies (you can basically kill anyone you want), you choose what happens to the most powerful weapon in the galaxy first with the Eternal Throne and then on Iokath, you choose which faction you want to rule the galaxy on Ossus and yet these choices aren't important enough for you?
  23. This would be pretty cool, but it might be too complicated to implement. At the end of the day, there would be no need for this if Vanguards were actually useful dps.
  24. I'm pretty sure you only get 1 chance at marrying Ashara. If she already asked and you said no and you're already on Ilum, then most likely you missed the only chance you had to marry her. After the final act, you get no more conversations with original class companions until KOTFE and KOTET, through alliance alerts or chapters.
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