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Everything posted by Kailaurius

  1. @SenaZane So basically what you're saying is that this game's design plays no part in the death of PvP? When you say that it's the players and not the game then you are basically saying that it's the attitude of the gaming society in general. That being the case then this would hold true for any game. I don't agree. People are people, and people will only change their attitude to whatever the current trend or mindset is. If the gaming companies want to keep the players (a.k.a. their income) then it's not the responsibility of the players to change their attitude. That burden lies upon the gaming industry. They are the ones who have to figure out what the current mindset is - what is popular and what the players want. They are selling a product to consumers, and just like any other company that provides goods or services to the population, they are going to have to examine and research the mindset and psychology of the population, and make changes as necessary to accommodate the demands of society. It's not the player's responsibility at all. If a food or beverage doesn't taste good, it's not up to me to change my attitude about the food, it's up to the producer to make it better or I'll find something else I like.
  2. Given that cross-server is obviously a foregone conclusion. The best thing right now would be a server merge.
  3. Which probably won't be very long. This game is dying faster then SWG.
  4. Yeah two words. Disposable MMO. Well ok, one word and an anagram. Crank out some cheap code. Hype it up. Release it for a few years. Dump it. Move on to the next MMO. Monetary system at it's finest.
  5. Yeah I can see how those who haven't played the game that long would have to give some thought to the objectives in the warzones. For myself who has been here since the beginning there's nothing skillful about endless, monotonous repetition. I'm an openworld PvPer because I like variety. I like different situations, different environment, and different scenery. As far as openworld is concerned I'm not interested in faction population. I don't fight in groups. I fight alone.
  6. This really isn't a surprise whatsoever. This is a PvE game. I know it's easy to keep holding on to hope. "Maybe they'll add some new PvP content in the next update. Maybe the next, or maybe the next" ad nauseum. Truth is, other than the same old cookie cutter warzone every 6 months or so, there will never ever be any new PvP content. This is it. I mean this is it. The devs have no intention of adding any new PvP content to this game, and I guarantee you they will not prove me wrong. Was I hoping there would be some nice areas to engage in some open world PvP on this new Ziost? Yep. Was I surprised there wasn't? Nope. To tell you the truth, I'm not even sure why there's a PvP forum when there's really no true PvP in the game. I think the forum should be renamed to Warzones. Sure, warzones by definition can be considered "Player versus Player", but my god in heaven, engaging in the same fights for all eternity is..... well insane. This is not PvP. Warzones are just mindless repetitions. I kid you not, there are many times when I play the warzones and I'm not even looking at the screen. Sometimes I'm talking on the phone or watching the T.V. while I'm just moving my mouse around and piano keying my attack rotation on my keyboard. And what's so funny is I'll still be at the top or close to the top of the scoreboard. Hey!! Maybe they'll add something on the next update.
  7. That is for certain. Best hope is to wait for another Star Wars MMORPG to come out - if that ever happens. Sony's SWG was a failure. Bioware's SWTOR was a failure. So who knows, maybe 3rd time's a charm. Or it could be 3 strikes and your out and never try another Star Wars MMO again. LOL.
  8. I mostly never needed low slash to fight against ranged. Now it's like an added bonus. Shadows/Sins have always had several nice abilities to close the gap. You just need to learn the skills and know when to use them. It's kinda like rock/paper/scissors.
  9. Is there a PvP ranking system here? Yes, but it's limited to "Ranked Warzone Arenas" only. There is no raking system for any other PvP. Also the leaderboards do not reflect a player's individual performance. Can we just get gear trough arena or warfronts aswell? You can get PvP gear with warzone and and ranked warzone commendations which can only be earned in warzones and arenas. There are no incentives for openworld PvP. Can we do WPVP, im lvl 20 and i have not faced one enemy yet? Only if you can find other players to participate which is far and few between. Most players are not really interested in attacking other players. Open world PvP is extremely rare at best, even on the PvP servers. This game is mostly geared towards PvE.
  10. Haven't had time to read through all the posts yet, but yeah, I was just mentioning today that the servers are getting quieter and quieter these days. Hardly anyone is ever on anymore. There's certainly very little to no PvP action on any of the planets anymore. Yavin has already worn out, Tatooine never really see's any action on a regular basis anymore. Everywhere I go it's like a ghost town. This reminds me exactly of SWG about a year before and up to the point they shut it down.
  11. @GrimRita Unfortunately the devs don't come to the PvP forum, which has already been proven, so they won't get your message. And like I've said before, it's been over 3 years now since release and PvP has been the same since - correction: PvP has been declining ever since. So given that there has been no PvP improvements in over 3 years it would stand to reason that this is best that PvP will ever get in this game. There shouldn't be any reason to expect anything more than what we have now. So, I wouldn't count on any PvP improvements, including "better than cross server", cuz you're just gonna drive yourself crazy waiting and hoping on something that will never transpire.
  12. Kailaurius

    NEW PvP Map!

    What surprises me is that this still surprises players. Again there will never be any other new PvP content in this game other than more warzones and arenas, and that's it. I mean that is it. There will never ever be anything other than that. This is absolutely the best that PvP will EVER get in this game. There will never be cross server queues, there will never be 8v8, 2v2, or 1v1 arenas, there will never be any openworld PvP content or any other new PvP content. Just more of the same cookie cutter warzones and arenas. Have fun!!!
  13. You on a PvE server? I get ranked pops all the time all throughout the day on the Bastion.
  14. It's interesting to see players keep holding on to hope, but I can tell you right now that Bioware will NEVER change their leaderboard to reflect an individual's skill and performance. I would loooove for them to prove me wrong on that. So players will of course just keep posting speculation threads about "who the best player on the server is" (not saying this thread is one of them, just saying in general), but no one will EVER know the answer to that question. About the best thing one can do if they want to be recognized for their skill and performance is to make a thread and post their warzone/arena stats with pics and vids, and maybe some openworld pvp vids wouldn't hurt either. Also maybe keep a record of how many players you killed versus you being killed, etc. I don't know. Just an idea. Other than that there will be no better measure of skill for solo performance in this game. EVER. Not being pessimistic. Just stating the clearly obvious. Again, I would love to be proven wrong.
  15. @Kre'a Haha classic. I love it!! As far as queue syncing. I actually had to google it to find out exactly what it was. I don't have any concerns about that exploit, if it's even considered an exploit. I have no interest in the ratings either or the silly rewards at the end. I'm just there for the quick ranked comms. Just more gear grinding for me. I'm an open world PvP'er and have no interest in cookie cutter warzones/arenas. I loved your post though. It gave me the giggles. I do enjoy when you get on my team. Quick massive slaughters are a bit more fun. Oh and congrats on your rating.
  16. Just tried to enable the Improved Mounting so that we can launch our mounts while moving. Unfortunately it does nothing when you click on it.
  17. Hehe, I wish. I would love 1v1 arenas, but it's clearly apparent that this will never happen. Well, unfortunately we have no control over that. But like I said earlier no one will ever be the wiser. With me jumping around and attacking everything only for the sake of PvPing, everyone else will just go on thinking I'm playing to win, LOL. I wouldn't worry about it though. A lot of times I end up carrying the team anyway. More than half the time I'm at the top of the list with the most damage, most protection, most objectives, and most medals. It just depends on what I'm doing. If I'm just wondering around stalking lone players then I'm usually not at the top of the list. Again, so far no one has ever noticed. Well maybe once or twice when I'm just standing close to a node doing nothing but waiting for a player to leave the node and come after me. I usually don't do this though until the game has reached the point of no return with a loss.
  18. LOL, I forgot this game even had GSF until I saw this post.
  19. I'll probably stick around for a little while longer. I realized a loooong time ago that BW will never add any new PvP content to this game. This is it. This is all there will ever be to PvP. It's been said many times, and I agree - this game is literally KOTOR online with just a hint of PvP. I'm not into console games, and I'm not really into any other games at the moment so I will just make due with this one for now. But I do make the most out of what I can out of the game. I make my own open world PvP experience by going around and hunting imps, or luring them into attacking me. A lot of times I get ganked by a large group but I don't care, just as long as they attack me. After they slaughter me, I always enjoy stalking them and picking off the ones that stray from the herd. I look forward to the ones who think they can take me on 1v1. I always enjoy those. I could care less about warzones or ranked arenas, but I play them because I need the gear, so they're nothing but a gear grind for me. But if I'm gonna play them at least I try to make them as entertaining as possible. I never go into a warzone to win it. I stopped doing that 2.5 years ago. I mostly just go in there for death match 1v1 or get as many medals as I can. I could care less if we win or not. The funny thing is is that everyone thinks I'm actually in there contributing when actually I'm just goofing off. I guess I could be contributing indirectly, but certainly not intentionally. I always enjoy the bickering between the team members when we lose though. That's always entertaining. So until I run out of creative ways to create my own PvP content I guess I'll stick around a little while longer.
  20. Awesome!! Look forward to it. Word of caution - Never get caught alone and don't stray from the herd. LOL I mostly hang out at the eastern side of Yavin gathering resources, but always welcome a sneak attack.
  21. How can I tell if or when Kinetic Ward is actually working? I only PvP, so I never specced it, but now since we have it anyway, I just started using it, but I can't tell that it's actually doing anything. When activated it just stays at 15 ticks the entire time during combat whether I'm in PvE or PvP.
  22. Hehe, not me. I don't do non-ranked arenas, so I don't hesitate or think twice about leaving them when they pop up. I've even gotten some angry /whispers from disgruntled players a couple times after I left. I just reply with "You're talking to the wrong person. If this is a problem you will have to take it up with Bioware. It's their design, not mine."
  23. Okay whew. They finally transferred. I was getting discouraged there for a bit. So yeah, all the class buffs from my other characters transferred with to the other server. I feel better now.
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