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Everything posted by Kailaurius

  1. I never leave a warzone unless something IRL happens that interrupts me. But 2 things I never do, Huttball and in-progress. As soon as a Huttball pops I exit before it ever begins. If I enter an in-progress wz I'll exit immediately regardless of whether we're winning or losing. If BW does put in some sort of deserter debuff, there should be a timer once you enter a warzone. Once you've been inside a warzone for a certain amount of time, say maybe 10 or 20 seconds then activate some sort of deserter detection so that after you leave a warzone after the timer has run out then you get a deserter debuff.
  2. Xani 3 Kailaurius 0 Very good duels. I enjoyed it. Good luck with the rest of competition. I will definitely be rooting you on.
  3. Has anyone seen Rukiya? I've been online quite a lot yesterday and today, but I guess we keep missing each other. I left an email yesterday, but I haven't got a reply yet. I'm now pretty busy atm, but I should be available for a duel from around 9pm to 11pm central tonight. My wife is having surgery tomorrow, so I won't be online much during that time. I might not make it online until sometime late tomorrow evening.
  4. Kailaurius vs Killaton Killaton won 3 to 2 Killaton - 3 Kailaurius - 2 Very nice duels. I enjoyed it. Congratulations.
  5. Yep, definitely. Given this game has no leader board there's just really no way to say who the best PvPer is other than hearsay and opinions. This tourney might not be the best way to determine who the best player is, but that doesn't really matter. If you think you're the best then sign up, or if you think you know who the best is then have them sign up, and lets see how far we all get. Plus it's just plain fun.
  6. Forum Name: Kailaurius Dueling Character: Kailaurius AC: Shadow Faction: Republic
  7. Well if it is a Comcast problem I guarantee they'll have it fixed within 15 days. Because if they don't they're going to cost Bioware a pretty good bit of money. No one's going to pay for a game they can't play. I'm sure it'll be working by tomorrow.
  8. My guess is to keep the player busy reaching a goal so as to not unsub, hehe. I'm just using straight EWH gear with overkill/power augments in all 14 pieces, and I do pretty darn well.
  9. Kailaurius

    Min/Max PVP Gear

    I agree with you there. All this calculating is just more than I wish to spend the time trying to figure out. Currently I'm just using straight up EWH gear. Of course I get slaughtered pretty well when getting ganked in a warzone, but I'm more of a 1 on 1 PvPer, and as it is right now I hardly ever lose in a 1 on 1. It doesn't mean I'm not willing to explore a bit on the mods and enhancements. I just don't wanna spend an enormous amount of time grinding in warzones and PvE dailes, and spending tons of credits swapping around mods and enhancements, only to find out later that my EWH gear was just fine the way it was.
  10. If we're in an inevitable loss, and I'm bored and have the medals I need, I just find a remote spot and wait for a straggler. Most of the time they'll have a buddy or 2 not far behind them, but sometimes they'll be all alone.
  11. It's mind boggling that anyone can find the warzones entertaining anymore. It's like eating nothing but crackers for a year. I queue solo, and I don't play them to win anymore. I'm only there for the gear. It has become nothing more than a grind for me, so I have to be inventive to make the warzones somewhat entertaining by being creative and doing things that I normally don't do like goofing off and looking for 1 on 1s. I'm not really concerned about teamwork. The great thing about doing this is that I move around so much within the warzone that no one is even aware of whether I'm contributing to winning the warzone or not. The funny thing is I usually have the most medals, and as far as everyone else is concerned I've done a great job, LOL. And who knows, maybe I really did do a great job. Either way I could care less. Again, nothing but a grind for the gear.
  12. Has anyone tried stacking nothing but power with mods and augments, and not even worry about crit or surge? Also, the skills don't display on the PvP build 31/0/10 for the kinetic build when i click on the link.
  13. Yeah, I cancelled my sub 5 weeks ago, not because of the concerns you listed above, but because I finally had to come to the realization that they have no plans of adding any new unique PvP content to this game, just more warzones as usual. This is actually the first time I've been back to the forums since I cancelled just to see what or if there have been any changes. To no surprise I can see that there hasn't been. I'm surprised that I can still get onto the forums. I thought once my sub ran out I wouldn't be able to post on the forums. :/
  14. There is no PvP in this game. Just warzones. And how anyone can think that PvP is thriving on their server must not have played any other MMO other than this game.
  15. LOL, maybe the most hated, but certainly not the most feared, and without a leader board there is no "best" or most awesome player in the game, just trash talkers.
  16. As far as I'm concerned there is no PvP in this game. With all the MMOs I've played this one has the worst PvP setup I've seen yet.
  17. Kailaurius


    I'm pretty convinced at this point that Biowware has no intentions of ever adding any other type of PvP into this game other than warzones.
  18. Kailaurius

    Pvp query

    Well, that's something you'll have to take up with Bioware, cuz that will never change due to poor game design.
  19. I agree, as lame as the PvP setup was in Ilum, it was at least openworld PvP, and now that it's gone I surely miss it. As it appears they have no plans for any openworld PvP anytime soon, I can only assume at this point that the game engine is not capable of handling a decent openworld PvP system. I'm gonna hang around just a little bit longer just in case I'm wrong, but if they don't have any new PvP content, other than warzones, by the end of this year, then it's clear this game was only meant to cater to PvE players only.
  20. Bumpedy bump. But if they don't add any new, unique PvP content by the end of this year, then I'm just kidding myself and this game was always meant for PvEers only, and this game clearly isn't for me nor is it meant for any other PvPer. I don't see how you can have an MMO without PvP. I mean seriously, are they any other MMOs out there that doesn't have PvP and survived for very long, cuz I'm not aware of any.
  21. It's too much trouble. I'm waiting for solo queuing.
  22. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=172159
  23. I never quit a warzone unless I'm interrupted at work or at home. It doesn't bother me at all either when other players quit a warzone. I don't play a warzone to win it anyway. My primary reason is for the comms to get gear. Other than that I'm just in it to have fun. Whether we win or lose makes no difference. Sure, I get more comms in a win, but I do enough warzones that it's irrelevant. I already have full BM gear on 2 of my companions, and am currently working on my second set of WH gear. I usually get about 90 comms in a loss, so a loss isn't really a big deal. I see nothing wrong with players quitting the warzone. Remember the game is working as intended. So there's really no reason to take it out on the players. Take it up with Bioware.
  24. Definitely. I get the giggles sometimes when I play a stunzone. I know there are many others who aren't so jovial about it, but sometimes I can't help but get the chuckles.
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