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Everything posted by Giliodor

  1. I hate to be "that guy", but... Could be a l2p issue. Not necessarily on your part, maybe on your teammates' part, but a l2p issue nonetheless. Haven't really seen anything like this myself, thusfar.
  2. Well I was in an unranked arena on my sorc healer earlier today. I was on full health. Two seconds later (not an exaggeration) I was down to 5k. All because of one PT and a Sorc. That's just crazy. Got killed by a 22k Energy Burst.
  3. I played Carnage when I just hit lvl 65, but I soon realised that it is indeed not a great spec anymore. Not at all. In Fury, however... Top damage in every WZ I played today. So yes, Carnage is bad. Marauders in general, not so much.
  4. I don't see how you can compare the two, until you have an equation for how they both affect DPS.
  5. You are correct. Thank you very much.
  6. Alright, thank you very much. One question about that formula itself, though. Critical Chance (from crit rating) = 30 * ( 1 - ( 1 - ( 0.01 / 0.3 ) )^( ( CritRating / max(level,20) ) / 0.8 ) ) What does the max(level,20) mean?
  7. Not quite sure if this is the right place to ask, but since I didn't know where else to post this, here goes: Does anybody know where the DR's on critical rating start to kick in? I'm asking because, as a marauder, now that crit increases crit magnitude, more crit = win. I consider taking all crit augments, but I'm not sure if that's worth it, since I'm already sitting on 38% chance and 79% magnitude (with +10% from Fury). That is with 1370 critical rating. Not sure if DR's will start to kick in soon, and I'd rather find out before purchasing all those augments.
  8. For overall DPS, sure. For burst DPS, no.
  9. Don't take any accuracy at all. There's just no point. It's better to stack power and surge.
  10. In PvE perhaps, in PvP I definitely need to choose between crit and surge. And if I can take only crit and end up with the same multiplier, that's going to be crazy, because in addition to an equal level of Surge rating, I'll have quite a bit more critical chance. Unless, of course, the ratings are balanced out. They didn't do that in LotRO, they simply added critical multiplier without readjusting anything. I don't know, but it just feels wrong to me.
  11. That sounds a LOT like Destro Warlocks and Chaos Bolt + Dark Soul.
  12. Greetings. I just read the KotFE Combat Changes, and this caught my eye: I feel like this is a big mistake. In the game I played before this (LotRO), the same change was made, and at that point, things got out of hand. I think that with the current system, players need to create a delicate balance between Surge and Critical Rating, which at least requires a bit of thinking. I guess it's too late for this change to be reversed, but I want to express my concern anyway.
  13. Well I personally only just started (I've been playing for about a month and a half, I think), and I must say that the PvP here is a lot better than in my former MMO, LotRO. I've also played PvP in WoW, didn't like it. I've tried GW2, didn't like the game in general. So yeah, here I am, and I'm liking it.
  14. Pretty sure it's not the class - I personally top the charts for DPS most of the time, and when I play other classes I see other mara's/sents doing equally well or better sometimes. Granted, I only play lvl 60 PvP, not sure if that makes a difference, but at lvl 60, the class is fine. And yeah, having a healer with you does help, but even if there is no healer you can do just about fine if you don't jump in head first.
  15. Giliodor

    Haha xD

    While I can certainly see where you're coming from, I still wouldn't take it in ranked, as a healer. Then again, can't say I've played ranked on my sorc, so if I keep getting rekt without, I will probably consider using it.
  16. Giliodor

    Haha xD

    I don't like Corrupted Barrier because it heals me while 1) A small bubble is active. This bubble will be gone in a small amount of time. 2) Barrier is active, and that has a rather high cd. I don't like taking utilities that only affect skills with high cds. I'd much rather take 30% damage reduction while stunned, because stuns are the real hazards as a sorc healer.
  17. Giliodor

    Haha xD

    Riiight I did miss that line. I didn't know what the utlities for bubble stun were called xD Well, I guess that bubble stun beats this new utility, and innervate on the move is simply a must have for PvP, but the fact that the devs thought it was a good idea to come up with such a new utility in the first place should speak volumes. Also, even if bubble stun got moved up one tier, I think I'll still try out a build with this new utility, as it seems quite promising still. Yeah quite right. But still, it's not as bad as phase walking sorcs.
  18. Giliodor

    Haha xD

    This is tier 2, not tier 3. Corrupted Barrier isn't all that useful. You'll just take this new utility + the Innervate on the move utility. I am quite sure that sorc phasewalk will be used quite differently, especially given this utility. As a healer, you can't just vanish and leave your teammates to die. I think Phasewalk will be used to get away from melees, and it will be the perfect skill to do so, coupled with this utility. There's no denying that that utility will be very powerful, and if you won't take it, that works for me, at least I'll have an easier time killing you.
  19. Giliodor

    Haha xD

    Yeah so... not only did Sorcs get Phase Walk... They also got leap/pull/interrupt immunity for 6s after using it. Well, I wonder how many people it'll take to kill a well played healing sorc now. Absolutely priceless.
  20. I consider myself to be above the norm (which isn't particularly high) when it comes to PvP (although I will admit I don't know a couple of classes, because I've never played them - haven't been playing the game for more than two months), but most of the time, there is absolutely nothing I can do about my team's loss. It's quite tiresome to hang in the 1200's, because for every match I win, I lose one, due to a sage not even using barrier, or something like that. And sure, I have things I could improve upon, but when I see the average level of skill that is displayed in solo ranked, I can do nothing but sigh and ponder as to why I even get queued up with those people. Then again, I play a marauder, so I should probably roll a healing sorc and lol as people try to kill me.
  21. There's a significant difference between zerging someone 4v1, and focusing someone 4v4+. You definitely can't penalise players for doing the latter. It's essential to PvP.
  22. Yeah, I know how it works. I also know Intimidating Roar has the same duration, but knights/warriors need that in the midst of combat, where it is likely to be broken, and not when capping a node. Even if they do try to use it for capping, they don't have a second CC skill of sufficient duration to follow it up, after the IR is broken. I do know how to guard a node, and that is not my concern. It's helplessly watching how teammates are being slaughtered because I am sapped in the back. This happens in arena as well.
  23. You know, what you said is actually true, even if you don't believe it. Earlier today, the enemy team I faced had two sorc healers and a merc healer (thank the gods they didn't have a tank, though), and we absolutely farmed them. Two Marauders and a sniper (I think) and we could burst through those heals like they were nothing. I do believe that the tank + healer combo is somewhat over the top, at least in regs, where the majority of the players are bads that clearly don't know who to attack in the first place. I think that reducing the "Guard" effect to absorb 30% damage would go a long way. This would also be a solution to the draws that often occur in group ranked because neither side can in fact kill the healer.
  24. Honestly, I've seen a lot worse in PvP. SWTOR has reasonable CC durations. Except the OOC daze that every stealth class seems to get. Why does it last so ridiculously long on players? I think 5s would be acceptable, but this is just silly. Apart from that, CC isn't so bad.
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