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Everything posted by Giliodor

  1. Well I play on an EU server (and EU servers usually have a more skilled PvP population overall, this is a trend I see across several different MMO's), and there are lots of backpedalling baddies. Knowing what to do isn't the same as doing it well under pressure. When you do 1.5k DPS in a WZ, you're underperforming. Yet, I see lots of people doing 1.5k-1.8k as average. That is a false statement. I have farmed groups with healers and tanks on dozens of occasions (granted, they were pubs, mostly), because most of the healers didn't know what LoS was. That is my point; most sorc healers don't know what to do under pressure, and thus they can be killed easily. In fact, I would go as far as saying that there are plenty of sorc healers that I can solo on several different classes. If the class was truly that OP, that would not have been possible. Again, are we talking about players of equal skill here? Because if so, I find it rather curious that people do in fact die in team ranked, where it's 2:2.75 (counting the tank as .75 for CC/healing debuff/DPS). 1. 8-man premade group? U wot? Well no wonder you win everything. 2. Were you talking about two tanks and two healers all along?
  2. If you click skills with your mouse: that's bad. Get used to hotkeying your skills (you can bind skills to q, w, e, r, etc, and make combinations with shift and alt), and turn with your mouse. If you don't, then you need to get gear and begin to learn the tricks of the class. I know that when I first set foot inside a WZ with my marauder I was doing alright damage, but because I didn't know what expertise was, I got demolished every time someone would target me. Now, I know when to use my defensive cool downs (dcd's), and that is one of the most important parts about pvp. Managing your dcd's well. Just practice.
  3. Sorcs are OP, I don't think he's trying to deny that. He's saying they're not as OP as most of you make them out to be, which is true. You're talking about a well played healer, and then comparing them to the majority of PvPers, who are bad. That doesn't make sense. A well played healer will easily outheal 4 bad DPS (granted there is LoS), but once you start comparing them to good DPS, it's more like 1:2, rather than 1:4. Yes... OP. Not immortal. You primarily play in a premade... facing solo's, right? Ever come across a decent premade yourself? How easy is it for you when you do? And don't get me wrong, I do believe that corruption sorc nerfs are warranted. Just not to the extent the majority of people here are proposing.
  4. I think that the most important bit in that article is where they say
  5. If your three DPS can't kill a guarded healer then the issue does not lie with the healing class; it lies with your ability to play your own class. If the DPS are any decent, a healer will most certainly begin to crumble beneath the pressure of three DPS classes.
  6. Aren't you also the guy crying about marauders being OP? Here's an idea for you: learn to play. (Oh, and I don't claim marauders are underpowered, but they are certainly not overpowered.) On topic: I've been into solo ranked arenas on healer where the enemy team would literally deal so much damage to a merc that there was no possible way for me to outheal it. The merc just died miserably. Merc survivability isn't horrible, but if there is a class that needs a passive -30% inc damage during stuns, it's merc.
  7. Thanks for the link. That looks a lot like what I am using right now.
  8. Greetings, Although I am no novice to the class, I'm having a pretty hard time deciding which utilities I should be using in PvP. It obviously also depends on the situation, but I would like to talk about the general scenario in solo ranked and in regular WZ's. I currently use: Empty Body (seems obvious) Sap Strength Dark Speed I am not sure if I should be using Sith Defiance (3% damage reduction is such a minor decrease), or Oppressing Force (10s cd reduction on stun). Suppression Emersion I want to be able to get rid of any roots on me, so Emersion seems like a must. I don't know if Electric Bindings, Suppression, or Dark Resilience, or maybe even Corrupted Flesh is the overall best choice. They all seem to come with major benefits, but Electric Bindings and Corrupted Flesh are very situational (only useful against melee and DoT classes respectively), while Suppression makes for a nice additional "O snap" button, and Dark Resilience increases one of your most potent (self) heals by 30%. Backlash Force Mobility Force Mobility is a must have. That leaves one more point to spend. Backlash is, again, only really useful against melee targets. I am tempted to say Shapeless Spirit would increase overall survivability more, but Haunted Dreams doesn't seem bad, either. Instant Whirldwind certainly has it benefits. Any help would be appreciated.
  9. I guess I'm going to play the devil's advocate here, but healing, especially sorc healing (then I don't mean sorc healing is mediocre, I mean it's the most exaggerated), isn't nearly as OP as you make it out to be. I've been into several dozens of solo ranked matches so far, on both healer and DPS, and I can say that, while I'm by no means the best sorc healer, nor the best marauder, sorc healers can definitely die. In fact, that is an understatement. They die quite easily if you just put the pressure on them. The point at which they become OP, is when you have a tank and another healer in your group in a regular WZ. Solo healers are fine, it's the combination of multiple factors that makes them OP.
  10. Could somebody explain to me why Sorcs have superior resource management to operatives? I can see the advantage they have over mercs, but operatives get Adrenaline Probe, which is a 1 min(?) cool down, but it is more than enough to sustain an operative's energy (unless you try to spam Kolto Injection). In addition to that, you can also just use Diagnostic Scan (Ikr? xD) and fill up your energy. If you get 3 crits (which is rather likely), that's a ~4k heal (and before you ask: no, of course I don't run around spamming DS, but if you need energy it's all right). Sorcs need to spend a GCD on their Force regen ability while not getting any heals at all. And don't get me wrong, I don't think sorcs are fine as they are, but it seems to me that "superior resource management" is a very silly argument.
  11. Well from what I've seen today, operative healer is absolutely great, especially when you have a tank. I haven't tried my marauder yet, but considering it hasn't been nerfed, I reckon it's the same as before, but better, relatively speaking. That means it's pretty good, too. In fact, I'm not sure what PT and Sniper burst looks like now, but I think Carnage/Fury marauder might be right up there, along with those two (although I think PT may still to better burst. Can't be repeated as often, though). So yeah, your two alternatives are great choices, in my opinion. Don't know about Sniper.
  12. Giliodor

    I quit.

    I would like to know why this is the second thread in which you announce that you are leaving. I think that anybody who does care got it the first time.
  13. This makes me wonder if you have even tried to play the class since KotFE. Marauders perform incredibly well in Reg WZ's, and from what I've seen in solo ranked so far, it's quite good as well.
  14. My opener is this: Twin Saber Throw > Leap > Zealous Strike > Force Exhaustion > Concentrated Slice > Focused Burst. This way you make optimal use of your procs. I don't know why you'd want to use CS before FB, that seems like a waste of 15% crit magnitude on your second hardest hitting skill in your opener.
  15. If you think balance in this game is bad, you really need to get a clue.
  16. Nobody takes these utilities, because there are better utilities that you should pick. If you pick the ones you mentioned, you're not going to have OP Predation, or you're not going to have 6 second Undying Rage. 1vs1? Is balanced based off 1vs1? That's a really poor means of measuring balance. So ~27k damage (assuming you have your insta crit VT) is really good? Then why are Mercs not OP? Or Snipers? That's just wrong. They're not useful when they're bads, only when you have good marauders in your group. That, however, is completely irrelevant, because any good player is an asset to the team, at any class.
  17. I literally got no pops, ever, on TRE. That is why I transferred my main to ToFN. Ranked pops quite frequently there, starting around 3-4 pm GMT.
  18. Could somebody please explain to me why anyone would want to nerf marauders? They seem to be one of the most balanced class around right now. I usually see bads very low on the scoreboard in terms of damage. At the same time, good ones can top the scoreboards quite frequently, if not 90% of the time. Yes, Predation gives some nice mobility... Which is exactly what it's supposed to do, marauders are a melee class. They need this skill. Juggernauts have Enrage which does, kind of, the same thing, although it doesn't apply to the entire group, but marauders don't have an AoE and a single target taunt. They do not have "so much immunity", it's 6 seconds every 30 seconds, and 6 seconds once every 2 minutes. That is not a lot, and it's only in Fury. If you want to take the 6 seconds on Saber Ward in Carnage, you're not taking one of the more essential utilities, which would be a pretty big sacrifice. So yeah, while I certainly do feel OP sometimes, that's mostly because I'm fighting poor players in regs. In (pre-season) ranked, I think we're pretty much on par with most other classes, but we're still outdone by PT's, good sorcs, good sins. Unless I hear some very compelling arguments, I remain unconvinced that marauders need any kind of nerfs right now.
  19. The game has its flaws, but it's by far not as bad as some people would have you believe. Tanks are definitely not part of that flaw, there's nothing wrong the way tanks function as they do now. Those 11k crits are with Recklessness charges, and that skill has a long-ish cool down.
  20. Correction: it means you're bad. It doesn't need to be fixed, there is nothing to fix.
  21. To be frank, I've always found it easier to sustain damage in Fury than in Carnage. I really haven't played Carnage since I got fully geared, though, so I should try it.
  22. Do you believe Carnage is better for DPS than Fury? I'm not sure yet, haven't been playing Carnage a lot.
  23. While I agree it's not entirely bad... Mad Dash with Gore? xD
  24. Could it be that it's the only stun in the game that is not force/tech? It's a ranged attack, after all. Right?
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