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Everything posted by panzersoldatten

  1. 28 years Army (retired) 1981-2009 operation desert shield/ storm, Panama, OIF and other places, HOOAH!
  2. I did a smuggler and it did the legacy unlock for me, at least for the smuggler tab
  3. that stinks, I just started SW:ToR in June and have been enjoying the story on my trooper (lvl 56) that is currently on Correlia ... they should've left the space bar option for the veterans.. I still haven't done all the FP's nor started any of the OP's yet, hmmm disappointing.
  4. you must have patience you aren't the only person to have a problem and if they are having an issue in a certain area and the tickets stack up? Let the CSR's dotheir jobs and help "everyone", your turn will come.
  5. as do I OP, I had a choice way back when between WoW & SWToR and I did choose unwisely. I am here now and love it. do like the new expansion as well; like the graphic changes over the past couple of months not liking the stat squish as much, they did that in WoW with mixed results, I do hope they don't tread that path.
  6. This expansion has the definite wow factor going...was fun devouring the story and cinematics, the scenery, the new beasts and the new ship/base...just would like to have 5 more levels with the next 5 chapters to make me fell like my toon is growing in to the story more. That would make more players go for the immersion more often, if only they could see the Forrest for the trees and enjoy this as for what it is.
  7. With the introduction of chapter 10 will they do a new level cap? Since at the end on chapter 9 your toon hits 65, wouldn't be a wise way to keep people going on the story?
  8. can't agree more, heavens' to Betsy if you have to use your grey matter for more than a head space tool
  9. this and these spoiled twits would complain if hung from a new rope
  10. sounds like when WoD hit and you did a level 90 boost, same thing happened you had some basic abilities and you received more as you progressed through the story or events. very frustrating when you know the class and how to play them and get hamstringed...I will say this expansion is a lot smoother than WoD's roll out and better
  11. Rolled my free 60 as a gunslinger and enjoying it a lot kinda plays like an assault trooper and I am using a modified form of my tactics/rotation and am cleaning house...don't have any other toons at the desired level yet to do the story with. I started SWToR about July and have only 3 toons so far.
  12. So far I have chapter 1 done and barely scratched the surface of chapter 2 and I will say am amazed with the flow of the storyline, much better than WoD when it came out and the story itself was more entertaining. I myself like some of the other players chased the rabbits on the sidelines to see if there were extras...oh well, still like the the flow of it all. To charge through this in 6 hours, holy Hanna, that is like going to your favorite restaurant, ordering your most favorite meal and devouring it in under 2 minutes...where's the enjoyment in that, but to each his own. I am never the less surprised at the expansion thus far and no problems...knock on wood lest I jinx myself.
  13. I'M loving it so far, and this update release is far better than other games; smooth and liking the new graphics, still learning the new class I chose for my level 60, but it's fun and exciting. Good job BW don't let these negative Nancey's get to you
  14. Hey folks! I am seeing a few posts around the forums where people feel they are missing Early Access, one of the sub rewards, etc. First, I want to remind everyone of the criteria to earn rewards and Early Access, which can be found here. If after reviewing that you still feel you are missing something, please contact Customer Support. They will be the next step in checking into your account, and correcting any issues that may be present. that is from Eric M.
  15. Trooper- um, no, she's quite the loyalist and looks for the tough fight JK-not hardly,he'll try to negotiate his surrender and since diplomacy isn't his forte' he'll let his lightsaber do the talking
  16. UR is not a word, it's the sound stupid people make when they try to spell "You are". Actually it is a word and it is the name of an ancient city where Abraham was born and lived. it is 20 miles outside of the city of Al Najaf in Iraq btw and YES I am excited about the launch of 4.0
  17. Thanks for the coding tip...have to fix my kids puters so they can get back on SWToR, tried what was in the linked forum post and wasn't getting the satisfaction...this seems more the direct route
  18. looks like the wreck for the trooper storyline
  19. http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/2yef1i PAX http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/2yef1h cantina http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/2yef1g SD
  20. BTW I'm only 45 so I'm not that old really. I retired because of an accident I had, broke my back and damaged my neck a few years back, But it's all good now. That's why I'm getting into swtor now. I feel for you have had those injuries as well, i have come over from another MMo world of warships....lovin' it so far and it is more fun than WoW, I started gaming at around your age and find it relaxing...and a great way to get over aches and pains...the only learning curve set backs I've had are the GTN and mining the datacrons, the crafting part is a little difficult to master for now, but I'll get the hang of it, err, I hope, LoL.
  21. that stinks they cancelled the Seattle tour...
  22. 52 years young...but have high mileage
  23. http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/2yef1g give that a try just got it
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